100円ショップ ワッツウィズ 舟入南ローソン店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 100円ショップ ワッツウィズ 舟入南ローソン店

住所 :

Funairiminami, Naka Ward, 〒730-0847 Hiroshima,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.watts-jp.com/shop_map/1596/
街 : Hiroshima

Funairiminami, Naka Ward, 〒730-0847 Hiroshima,Japan
ともランバ・ラル on Google

Probably the cash register is the same as Poplar / Lawson, so when the number of Poplar customers increases, the part-time job will be happy to serve the rice cooked in the Poplar.
下内敏江 on Google

はじめまして❗ 100円の商品が沢山有って良いです❗ スイーツ???✨が 思いのほか、乱雑に並べてあって美味しそうには見えなくて?⤵でした。ローソンなのに?
Nice to meet you ❗ It's okay to have a lot of 100 yen products ❗ Sweets ???✨ Unexpectedly, it was ?⤵ because it was arranged in a messy manner and did not look delicious. Even though it's Lawson ?
Inseparable 1991 on Google

It's inconvenient to come here by private car, but it may be convenient if you have passengers because the gas station is just across the traffic light. However, it is recommended to go by public transportation as there are tram stops and bus stops nearby. The store is large and has a wide selection of products. However, my personal impression is that it is a Lawson plus general store.
鯉団 on Google

It's easy to shop in the store, and you can buy things that don't look like convenience stores in the back, which may be useful in an emergency.
れおちゃんパパ on Google

ローソン商品好きなのに、100金と複合してるためか?レジの位置おかしない? からあげクン取って↩?使いにく-。
I like Lawson products, but is it because it is combined with 100 gold? Would you like to change the position of the cash register? Take fried chicken ↩? Difficult to use.
清水達也 on Google

某大手店に比べて圧倒的に品揃えが少ない。 商品の品質もいまいち。 近所の店はここしかないから100均で買い物をする時は多少遠出にはなりますが冒頭にあげた他店さんに行くようにしています。
The product lineup is overwhelmingly small compared to a major store. The quality of the product is not good. Since there is only one store in the neighborhood, when shopping at 100-yen, it will be a little out of the way, but I try to go to the other stores mentioned at the beginning.
三代目Monster on Google

深夜のシフトに入っているスタッフの接客態度がムスっとしていて気分が悪い。 いつも買う物があるから仕方なく行っている感じです。 自分も以前コンビニでバイトしてことがあったけどお客様に対してそういった態度をとったことは全くありません。 てかコンビニに限らず接客態度はとても 大事なことです。
The customer service attitude of the staff who are in the midnight shift is stuffy and I feel sick. I have something to buy all the time, so I feel like I have no choice but to go. I used to work part-time at a convenience store, but I have never taken such an attitude toward customers. Not limited to convenience stores, the customer service attitude is very It's important.
白猫 on Google

ローソン+ポプラ店内に併設されている100円ショップ。 100円ショップとしては店舗が狭く商品の種類数も少ないが、売れ筋商品はひと通り揃っているので何かと便利。 全ての商品を見て回ってもあまり時間がかからず、目当ての商品探しやざっと見の買い物にも良い。 色や形のバージョン違い品に拘りが無く、機能重視ならこのサイズの店舗でも十分役に立つ。コンビニ区画内にも同機能商品が多く売られているが、値段が全く違うので、コンビニ側の商品が売れるのか心配になる物も多い。 コンビニと兼用にしては駐車場が少なく、比較的車の出し入れもしにくい立地。 100円ショップ目当てで訪れるというよりはコンビニついでに寄る区画という印象。 レジもコンビニと兼用で混みやすいが、その分他の100円ショップよりも支払い手段が格段に多い。
A 100-yen shop located inside the Lawson + Poplar store. As a 100-yen shop, the store is small and the number of types of products is small, but it is convenient because there are all the best-selling products. It doesn't take much time to look around all the products, and it's good for finding the product you're looking for or shopping for a quick look. It doesn't matter if the version is different in color or shape, and if you focus on functionality, it will be useful even in a store of this size. Many products with the same function are sold in the convenience store area, but the prices are completely different, so there are many things that are worried about whether the products on the convenience store side will sell. There are few parking lots for a convenience store, and it is relatively difficult to get in and out of the car. Rather than visiting for a 100-yen shop, the impression is that it is a section where you can stop by at a convenience store. The cash register is also used as a convenience store and is easily crowded, but there are far more payment methods than other 100-yen shops.

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