朝日新聞総合住宅展示場 ハウジングプラザ三鷹<第1会場>

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 朝日新聞総合住宅展示場 ハウジングプラザ三鷹<第1会場>

住所 :

Osawa, Mitaka, 〒181-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.housing-messe.com/exhibition/asahi-mitaka1/
街 : Tokyo

Osawa, Mitaka, 〒181-0015 Tokyo,Japan
にゃあにゃん on Google

色々なメーカーさんが入っている住宅展示場です。各メーカーのスタッフの方々は…やはりプロと言う感じで❗説明も分かりやすかったです。 各社、特色もありました? 他の会社を悪く言う事もなく…しっかりと比較出来る説明をしていただけました。 じゃあ、なぜ三ツ星かと言いますと… 展示場全体の方のスタッフさん?らしき人。が何とも? 男女トイレの入り口の所で連れを待っていたら… 「なに?」って言われて? なに?って❗どう言うこと? 黒いジャンパーに「staff」て書いてあるから。 スタッフさんなんでしょうね?? 帰りに展示場の出口辺りにいたら… 殺虫剤の残りを出しきっているのか? ずっと…後ろで「プシュー」って? ちょっとじゃなくて…3~4本分❗ずーと? 「まだ、お客さんがいますよ~」 ハイハイ❗早く帰りますよ? はあ~? 住宅メーカーさんも高いお金を払って展示しているのでしょうね❗ スタッフの皆さんが頑張っても… そこの設営?スタッフさんが…あれでは?
It is a housing exhibition hall with various manufacturers. The staff of each manufacturer ... I felt like a professional ❗ The explanation was easy to understand. Each company also had its own characteristics ? Without saying bad things about other companies ... He gave me an explanation that can be compared firmly. Then why is it three stars ... The staff of the entire exhibition hall? A person who seems to be. Is ? If you were waiting for your companion at the entrance of the men's and women's toilets ... "What?" ? What? What do you mean by ❗? Because "staff" is written on the black jumper. I guess it's the staff ?? If you are near the exit of the exhibition hall on your way home ... Are you running out of the rest of the pesticide? Forever ... "Push" behind me ? Not a little ... 3-4 bottles ❗ Zutto ? "There are still customers ~" Hi Hi ❗ I'll be back soon ? Hah ~ ? I think the house maker also pays a lot of money to exhibit it. ❗ Even if the staff do their best ... Setting up there? The staff ... That's ?
じぇるはな on Google

There are 2 venues, and the correspondence from any company is very good. The correspondence of the staff of the event company is also very good.
_ S on Google

It was fun to have various exhibition halls. I went on weekdays but it wasn't crowded. The explanation of each house is long
きゅうきゅう on Google

It is a large housing exhibition hall. Along the Higashihachi Road, it is on the left side toward the city center.
Yoshi Oka on Google

We often conduct character show events. When parking lots are crowded, use the parking lot at the second venue. There is also a free patrol bus between the first venue and the second venue, although it is a short walk away.
土居武夫 on Google

You can consider from various house makers.
d yoneda on Google

いろいろなハウスメーカーを一度に見ることができます。 日曜日はイベントしてることが有ります。
You can see various house makers at once. There may be an event on Sunday.
大山俊介 on Google

色々な家が見れます 中の方々もご丁寧な方が多いので 家族で都会に住む方が色々なお話が聞けて良いと思います。
You can see various houses Many of the people inside are also polite I think it would be better for families living in the city to hear various stories.

Write some of your reviews for the company 朝日新聞総合住宅展示場 ハウジングプラザ三鷹<第1会場>


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