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Contact 脳神経外科山田醫院

住所 :

2689−1, Wataricho, Mito, 〒310-0902 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Webサイト : http://www.yamadaiin.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Ibaraki

2689−1, Wataricho, Mito, 〒310-0902 Ibaraki,Japan
カズ on Google

受付 看護師 先生素晴らしいです。
The receptionist, the nurse, is wonderful.
さんけん on Google

院内がとても綺麗で先生も優しくていい病院見つけたな!って感じです。 混んでいますが二回目からはネット予約できるのでいいです。
I found a hospital where the hospital is very beautiful and the teachers are kind! I feel like. It's crowded, but it's nice because you can make online reservations from the second time.
Akihiko Shimura on Google

I arrived just before the end of the hospital, but I was happy that the director and staff kindly responded. You will be able to explain the test results immediately, and from tomorrow you will be able to live your normal life with peace of mind. Thank you very much.
。きつね on Google

皆さんが言ってる通り受付の対応最悪。 言い方が酷い。何故か怒られました。。更に体調不良悪化した為受診ぜず違う病院受診しました。
As you say, the receptionist's response is the worst. It's terrible to say. I was angry for some reason. .. Furthermore, I went to a different hospital without going to the hospital because I was feeling ill.
若林奈美子 on Google

I was taken care of by my daughter's influenza vaccination. The inside of the hospital was clean, and above all, the teacher's skill was good. I am grateful for the reward.
mha- H on Google

インフルエンザの予防接種予約で、初めて伺いました。受付の方2名は、とても親切で丁寧に対応してくださり、終始気持ちよかったです。病院の顔でもある受付ですから こういう病院が増えるといいですね。
I visited for the first time when I made an appointment for influenza vaccination. The two receptionists were very kind and polite, and I felt comfortable from beginning to end. It is a reception desk that is also the face of hospitals, so it would be nice if there were more hospitals like this.
ex Chocho on Google

The teacher is also kind and polite, and even if he talks about unnecessary things because of anxiety, he will listen seriously with a smile, and even if he ends up in a misery, he will not deny that "I hope the examination will reduce my anxiety." .. I'm glad that the nurses around me smiled and didn't have anything! He said. There is only one terrible person, and when I'm talking about the circumstances, I put it on, "What? What do you want to say? (Sic)" "Eh? I can't move my hands? Or my head is heavy? Which one is it? (Sic) "It was really because of this nurse. Without this, I think it would be the best clinic.
わいくん on Google

先日、目眩や吐き気等の症状からこちらを初めて受診しました。 待ち時間★★★☆☆ 駐車場★★★★★ 院内の雰囲気★★★★★ 受付の対応★★★★☆ 電話対応★★★★☆ 看護師の対応★★☆☆☆ 医師の対応★★★★☆ 総合評価★★★☆☆ こんな感じですかね?清潔感のある院内で、病院にしては珍しく基本的な対応が素晴らしいです。ただ、ex Chochoさんが仰っている方と恐らく同一人物(看護師?)の対応が微妙です。 僕は問診の時に、症状を話す際この女性(40歳くらいのサバサバした感じ)と病気の経緯を説明したのですが、僕は心療内科にも通院している為、既に持っている病気の話から説明したのですが、 「ちょっと話を遮らないでください。分かんなくなっちゃうから。」とか「で、結局今回はどこを見てもらいたいんですか?」のような高圧的な態度を取ります。 大体の病院だと、問診の際に症状を話すと、キーボードで患者の情報を打ち込みますよね?その方は、打ち込む際に話しかけると、イラついたり上記のような発言をするんです。 この方さえいなければ、間違いなく五つ星の病院だと思います。医師も優しく、不安な事は少し恥ずかしくてもちゃんと聞けば答えてくれますよ。とにかく、上記のサバサバした女性にだけは気をつけてください。 MRIも受けましたが、その時担当してくれた男性はサッパリした感じでしたが、嫌味ではありませんでした。ただ、場合によっては不安を煽る(MRIはパニックになる方もいます)ので、もう少し安心できるような、包容力のある感じだといいなと思いました。 長くなりましたが以上です。参考になれば。
The other day, I visited this place for the first time because of symptoms such as dizziness and nausea. Waiting time ★★★ ☆☆ Parking lot ★★★★★ Atmosphere in the hospital ★★★★★ Correspondence of reception ★★★★ ☆ Telephone support ★★★★ ☆ Correspondence of nurse ★★ ☆☆☆ Doctor's response ★★★★ ☆ Comprehensive evaluation ★★★ ☆☆ Is it like this? It's a clean hospital, and the basic response is wonderful, which is rare for a hospital. However, the correspondence of the same person (nurse?) As Mr. ex Chocho is probably subtle. At the time of the interview, when I talked about my symptoms, I explained the circumstances of the illness with this woman (a feeling of being dry about 40 years old), but since I also go to the psychosomatic medicine department, I already have an illness. As I explained from the story, Take a high-pressure attitude such as "Don't interrupt the story for a moment. I don't understand." Or "So, where do you want to see this time?" In most hospitals, when you talk about your symptoms during an interview, you type in the patient's information on the keyboard, right? That person gets frustrated and makes the above remarks when talking to them when they type. Without this person, I think it's definitely a five-star hospital. The doctor is also kind, and even if you are a little embarrassed about anxiety, if you ask properly, he will answer. Anyway, be careful only with the above-mentioned dry women. I also had an MRI, and the man in charge at that time felt refreshed, but I didn't dislike it. However, in some cases, it arouses anxiety (MRI may panic), so I thought it would be nice to have a more inclusive feeling that would give me a little more relief. It's been long, but that's it. FYI.

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