
4.6/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact ちちぶ朝市@上町

住所 :

1 Chome−5, Kamimachi, Chichibu, 〒368-0035 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977877
Webサイト : http://asaichi.site/
街 : Saitama

1 Chome−5, Kamimachi, Chichibu, 〒368-0035 Saitama,Japan
K0usuke Asaka on Google

I am involved in the preparation of this flea market as a local guide. Currently, after the test meeting, we are officially preparing for the event from 9:00 to 15:00 on the second half of July. It seems that the sponsor side will publicize widely through this Google map to everyone, and if you are interested, we are waiting for visitors to come and participate in the store. Thank you.
島嵜浩一(まめちゃん) on Google

It is held on the 3rd Sunday of every month.
宮崎光代 on Google

I'm looking forward to going to the morning market on Sunday morning. Homemade bread and sweets are popular. There are also drinks that are good for you. You can meet Potekuma-kun as a surprise. Please come to see.
for fun on Google

初めて秩父へ車で小旅行しました。荒川を渡り秩父駅へ向う途中、車窓から八尾百貨店を発見。その店頭になにやらテントが並んでいる!それはそれは気になりまして、予定にはなかった散策ルートに組み込みました。車を停めて歩いて向かうこと数分でしたし、結果行って良かった。 気になっていたテントは、スイーツやカレー、焼魚など地元の飲食店や雑貨などのブース。せっかく秩父に来たのだから記念に何か買おうと、お店を覗きました。どこも美味しそうな商品ばかりで目移りしちゃいましたが、スパイス好きな私が選んだのはカレー屋さんのタンドリーチキンとカーレーパン。 カレーパンはフィリングがたっぷりで、スパイスが香りなかなかの辛さ。実に美味しい!また食べたいな。 イベントでは和太鼓の披露もあり盛り上がっておりました。 来客に検温や、アルコールウェットティッシュ配布などコロナ対策もしていて好感がもてました。
I took a short trip to Chichibu by car for the first time. On the way to Chichibu Station across Arakawa, I found Yao Department Store from the train window. Some tents are lined up at the store! It bothered me and incorporated it into an unplanned walking route. It took me a few minutes to park my car and walk, and I'm glad I went. The tent I was interested in was a booth for local restaurants such as sweets, curry, and grilled fish, and miscellaneous goods. Since I came to Chichibu, I took a peek at the store to buy something to commemorate. Everything seemed to be delicious, so I was disappointed, but I chose the curry shop tandoori chicken and curry bread because I like spices. Curry bread has plenty of filling and spices are quite spicy. Really delicious! I want to eat again. At the event, there was a performance of Japanese drums and it was exciting. I was impressed by the corona measures such as temperature measurement and distribution of alcohol wet wipes to the visitors.
lani lani on Google

地元の特産品が楽しめる空間で、観光で訪れるには最適の場所だと思いました。 穴場です。 安納芋の干しいもと乾燥しいたけをお土産に購入しました。 時間があったらアーユルヴェーダのヘッドスパも体験してみたかったです。
It's a space where you can enjoy local specialties, and I thought it was the best place to visit for sightseeing. It's a little-known spot. I bought dried shiitake mushrooms as a souvenir. If I had time, I wanted to experience the Ayurvedic head spa.

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