
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くつろぎダイニングゆるり

住所 :

1 Chome−13, Nishiogu, Arakawa City, 〒116-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : Tokyo

1 Chome−13, Nishiogu, Arakawa City, 〒116-0011 Tokyo,Japan
鎌田昭正 on Google

It is a store with a pleasant female general.
鈴木功一 on Google

Eikichi Yazawa Listen
盛田一郎 on Google

Every time, delicious food is best eaten ???
熱海へ行こう! on Google

2周年を迎えられてよかったと思います。 パーティはどうだったのかな…
I think it was good to have the second anniversary. How was the party ...
CazuhiroS CAZ-uhiro on Google

定番メニューはもちろん、おすすめメニューも季節物も美味しいです♪ 日本酒も月替わりで豊富。
The standard menu as well as the recommended menu and seasonal dishes are delicious ♪ Sake is also abundant every month.
さかいかえる on Google

とても、整理されてて清潔感があり 可愛く飾られた店内 鰹のお刺身も美味しかった?
Very organized and clean Cutely decorated interior The bonito sashimi was also delicious ?
shirley s on Google

混んでもないのに飲み物、料理の提供遅すぎる上に、味はまぁまぁなので1度しか行ったことありません。 何より客層が悪い!!店の前の狭い歩道の点字ブロックの上に常に自転車が置いてあります。店員さん、店の前もしっかり管理しましょう!
Even though it is not crowded, it's too late to offer drinks and food, and the taste is so good that I've only been there once. The customer base is worse than anything! ! There is always a bike on the narrow sidewalk braille block in front of the store. Clerk, let's manage well in front of the store!
ピーちゃん on Google

話すのが好きな人や、ゆったり飲めるお店を探してる方にはオススメ^_^ カウンターに座って気づいたらみんなと仲良くなってた笑 あ、ママが可愛いのはクラスのみんなには内緒だよ!! 2回目の来店だったのですが、キープのボトル入れてたので色々食べてお会計も2000円ぐらいだったかな?とってもリーズナブル! ママのおかげでスナックで楽しく美味しい料理とお酒を飲んでる、そんな気分になれる最高のお店ですよ〜 料理も値段の割にはとっても美味しい。 ママはお昼からお店で仕込みしてるのでそりゃ美味しいわけだ。
Recommended for those who like to talk and those who are looking for a restaurant where you can relax ^ _ ^ When I sat down at the counter and noticed, I became friends with everyone lol Oh, it's a secret to everyone in the class that mom is cute! !! It was my second visit to the store, but I had a bottle of keep, so I ate a lot and the bill was about 2000 yen. Very reasonable! Thanks to my mom, it's the best restaurant where you can enjoy delicious food and drink with snacks. The food is very delicious for the price. Mom is preparing at the store from noon, so it's delicious.

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