リサイクルショップ 安信(安信中古店)

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リサイクルショップ 安信(安信中古店)

住所 :

1 Chome−10, Kamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Tokyo

1 Chome−10, Kamiikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒170-0012 Tokyo,Japan
Tingyu Jiang on Google

店里两个东北大妈是我来日本见过最恶心的奸商。没有之一。垃圾人卖垃圾货。 1.去店里选东西的时候一直喋喋不休,还对我的穿着打扮评头论足。店里东西也是价格虚高,跟新品价格相差无几。大妈还一直道德绑架,不停强调自己赚的是辛苦钱。是辛苦钱,也是黑心钱。 2.确定好搬家的时间要求付定金,45000日元的总价要求我付2000rmb的定金,而且不给收据不给任何类似于合同的东西,其实就是为了出现纠纷的时候让客户无可对证。且所有关于时间价格等问题都是打电话确认,根本不在微信上留下任何记录,一切以她们说的为准。 3.毫无诚信可言,态度极其恶劣。比约定时间迟到2个半小时,中途没有一次跟我主动联系,我打电话过去店家也一直推卸责任,毫无歉意,甚至咄咄逼人恶语相向,还恶意挂断电话,直到我在微信上说要报警才回电话,并且叫嚣着“你报啊你报啊你赶紧报,你看日本警察管不管得了我们”,简直跟地痞流氓没什么分别。 我从小被教育着要与人为善,所以一向对人和气有礼貌,但这只会增长两位大妈的嚣张气焰,让她们骑在头上作威作福。当然,因为这是我十多年以来第一次独立处理这种事情,有很多事情都不清楚,导致被黑心大妈们牵着鼻子走,而正因为我年纪小,才给了大妈们肆意欺负的可乘之机。 所以请各位留学生千万不要来这家店,花钱买气受给自己添麻烦。其他差评也不是空穴来风,想必都是亲身经历。 就像另一条评论里写的一样,你们在这里昧着良心靠欺负中国人赚的黑心钱以后都会变成你们子女给你们烧的纸钱。希望你们不要再毫无羞耻心地给中国人的形象抹黑了。 最后,祝两位大妈生意兴隆,长命百岁。
The two northeast aunts in the shop are the most disgusting profiteers I have ever seen in Japan. none of them. The garbage man sells garbage. 1. I kept chattering when I went to the store to choose things, and I still commented on my clothes. The prices of the items in the store are also inflated, and the prices of the new products are almost the same. The aunt has also been kidnapped morally, constantly emphasizing that she is making hard money. It's hard money, and it's also black-hearted money. 2. Determine the time to move and require a deposit. The total price of 45,000 yen requires me to pay a deposit of 2000rmb, and no receipt will not give anything similar to the contract. In fact, it is for the customer to have no proof in case of a dispute. . And all questions about time, price, etc. are confirmed by calling, and no record is left on WeChat at all, everything is subject to what they say. 3. There is no integrity at all, and the attitude is extremely bad. I was two and a half hours later than the agreed time. I never contacted me actively. I called the store and kept shirking responsibility. I was unapologetic, even aggressive, and even hung up the phone maliciously until I said on WeChat that I wanted to call the police. Then I answered the phone and yelled, "You report it, you report it, you report it quickly, you see the Japanese police do not care about us", it is no different from the ground ruffian. I was taught to be kind to people since I was a child, so I have always been polite and polite to people, but this will only increase the arrogance of the two aunts and make them ride on their heads and dominate. Of course, because this is the first time I have dealt with this kind of thing independently in more than ten years, many things are not clear, leading to being led by black-hearted aunts, and it is precisely because I am young that I was bullied by the aunts. The opportunity to take advantage of. So please don't come to this store for international students, spend money to buy gas and cause trouble for yourself. Other bad reviews are not groundless, they must be personal experiences. As written in another comment, the black-hearted money you made by bullying the Chinese without a conscience here will become paper money burned by your children. I hope you will stop discrediting the image of the Chinese without shame. Finally, I wish the two aunts a prosperous business and a long life.
ぬ っこ on Google

I bought a washing machine. Very cheap and recommended
LP on Google

专门骗人的黑店,千万不要来! 我朋友给我推荐的是安信隔壁的生活应援馆,第一次走不认识路走到安信家去了,安信还骗我说他跟隔壁是一家的,东西又旧又贵,那老女人态度还贼差,谁去谁上当! 絶対に来ないでください。 最初友達に勧められたのは隣の店だったが、間違えて安信に行ってしまい、同じ店ですかって聞いてみたら、女性のオーナーに騙されました。商品が古くて新品より高い、店員の態度もめちゃめちゃ悪かったです。 安くもないし信用もない、安信と名乗るな!
专门骗human black shop, 10 million unnecessary visits! I am a friend of mine, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, I am a member of the family, and I am a member of the family. Return difference, 谁 谁 谁 谁! Please never come. At first, my friend recommended me to the store next door, but I went to Anshin by mistake, and when I asked if it was the same store, I was deceived by the female owner. The product was old and more expensive than new, and the clerk's attitude was also very bad. Don't call yourself Anshin, neither cheap nor credible!
y z on Google

Good stuff, fair price, and timely delivery
B Tom on Google

評判が悪い、態度が悪い、ものも安くはない、騙されないように気をつけてください! 看到都是一星差评就放心了。希望大家不要被骗了。店主贼恶心了,谁买谁上当。不知道这种垃圾店存在的意义是什么。诈骗犯,恶心,垃圾
Don't be fooled, bad reputation, bad attitude, not cheap! The absent-mindedness of the star-studded city. No need for a landlord of hope. Shopkeeper Nausea, Nausea. Shiranichi This kind of store exists. Scammer, nausea, 垃圾
西成彰 on Google

I bought a lot of things when I came to Tokyo. It was helpful to introduce a sturdy item.
yuya abe on Google

A very kind clerk. It also gives you a discount. Come to your new life!
Adorado Mananquil on Google

The people inside the shop are accomodating.

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