地中海酒場ココチーノ 南越谷店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 地中海酒場ココチーノ 南越谷店

住所 :

1 Chome, Minamikoshigaya, Koshigaya, 〒343-0845 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : https://cococino.co.jp/shop_chichukai-minami-koshigaya.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : Saitama

1 Chome, Minamikoshigaya, Koshigaya, 〒343-0845 Saitama,Japan
アメスピ on Google

行 き I went to lunch time. I am grateful that all the seats ? can smoke. Bread is free replacement. Two people ordered one dessert after the meal, but they did bring two vanilla spoons without asking. I'm glad to have a little consideration!
滝野晶 on Google

It's a delicious and fashionable shop.
鰐爪鹿呉 on Google

コンサート鑑賞のため久々の越谷に。 ランチで伺いました。 ピーク時間もあってか店内は満席…ですがほとんど食べ終わりのお話モードの方々ばかりの様子でした。 外の席があったのでそこでも大丈夫ですかと尋ねたところ快諾。 やはり満席ではあるものの食事が終わってるところが多いのか提供はスムーズでした。 パスタはどれも美味しく、特にトマトソースのパスタは本当に絶品でした。 パエリアはやや…? 魚介の出汁とかというのは感じられませんでした。が、混み合う店のランチのパエリアというところでは妥当なのでしょう(価格的にも) サイドメニューも美味しかったので、越谷に来る際は夜にまた伺いたいです。
In Koshigaya after a long time to appreciate the concert. I asked for lunch. There is a peak time, but the shop is full ... but it was only the appearance of people in the story mode who finished eating almost. There was a seat outside, so I asked if it was okay there. After all there were many places where the meal was over although the service was full, the offer was smooth. All pasta was delicious, especially tomato sauce pasta. The paella is somewhat ... ? I did not feel the seafood soup. But it would be reasonable (even in terms of price) where the paella of the crowded shop is The side menu was also delicious, so when I come to Koshigaya I would like to visit again at night.
高橋洋一 on Google

I couldn't refill because I didn't have time for delicious bread ↓
nobu taka on Google

オサレな感じのスペインバルです。 昼はランチやってます。ペスカトーレ 美味しかったです。サラダ、スープバー ドリンクバーが付いて1100円だったかな ほぼ、カップル何で、女性受けが良いのでしょう 次回は夜にお邪魔して見ようかと
It's a fashionable Spanish bar. I have lunch at noon. Pescatore It was delicious. Salad, soup bar I wonder if it was 1100 yen with a drink bar Almost, why are couples so good for women? Next time I'll visit you at night
ネコチャン on Google

It's pretty convenient that the order is now on a tablet! I like cheese risotto because it's very delicious (* ^^ *) Bread is also free, so I ask for several types of ajillo and compare them. If you ask for french fries, tomatoes and garlic instead of ketchup? I was impressed with the sauce. Thank you for the glass of wine-style grape juice.
うじまっちゃ on Google

平日13時頃ランチで利用しました。地中海料理店ということでとても楽しみにしておりました。 店に入った瞬間に、あれっ?ヤバって思いました。客を出迎える雰囲気がまるでなく、いらっしゃいませの一言もまた笑顔もなく、ドライな表情で好きなところにどうぞ、とだけ。店内はガラガラ状態で忙しくもないはずなのに、極力関わらないように無関心を装ってる(ような印象を受ける・・・本当は違うのでしょうが)。この店はコロナ対策を徹底するためなのかコロナ前からなのか、注文はタブレットで送信するシステム。日高屋じゃあるまいに。ドリンクバーやスープバーのみならず、最初のお冷もセルフサービス。初めての客にシステムの説明をすることもなく聞きたいことがあればタブレットで呼び出せって。店の雰囲気とタブレットが全く調和しておらず違和感満載。日高屋のような安価な中華料理店ならまだしも、こんなにも徹底して心の通わないお店は初めて。気を取り直して、人気らしいペスカトーレのAセットを注文。味は悪くなくむしろ美味しいはずなのだが、楽しい気分が吹き飛んでしまっていたので、もうなんか投げやり気味に押し込んだ。会計も、極力現金に手を触れないつもりなのか、キャッシュレスか現金自動清算機で行う。恐れ入りました。コロナ対策を徹底しているといえばそうなのでしょうが、明るく陽気なラテン系のお店を想像しただけにとても残念でした。慣れてる常連さんにはいいのかもしれません。日高屋さんごめんね。大好きです。
I used it for lunch around 13:00 on weekdays. I was very much looking forward to being a Mediterranean restaurant. The moment you enter the store, that? I thought it was dangerous. There is no atmosphere to welcome customers, no words of welcome, no smile, just a dry look and wherever you like. The inside of the store should be rattled and not busy, but I pretend to be indifferent so as not to get involved as much as possible (I get the impression that it is different ...). Whether this store is for thorough corona countermeasures or before corona, the system sends orders with a tablet. It's not Hidakaya. Not only the drink bar and soup bar, but also the first cold is self-service. If you want to ask a first-time customer without explaining the system, call it on your tablet. The atmosphere of the store and the tablet are not in harmony at all, and it is full of discomfort. It's the first time for a cheap Chinese restaurant like Hidakaya to be so thorough and uncomfortable. I regained my mind and ordered the popular Pescatore A set. The taste shouldn't be bad, but rather delicious, but the fun mood had blown away, so I pushed it into something. Accounting is also done with a cashless or automatic cash clearing machine, probably because you do not intend to touch cash as much as possible. Excuse me. It may be said that we are taking thorough measures against corona, but it was very disappointing because I imagined a bright and cheerful Latino shop. It may be good for regulars who are accustomed to it. I'm sorry Hidakaya. I love it.
ありんこあんこ on Google

おいしくいただきました。 タッチパネルの注文なので、助かります。ただ、テーブル席の配置がお隣と近いのであまり落ち着いて食べれなかったです。
It was delicious. It's a touch panel order, so it's helpful. However, the table seats are close to the neighbors, so I couldn't eat very calmly.

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