ガスト 瑞浪店(から好し取扱店) - Mizunami

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ガスト 瑞浪店(から好し取扱店)

住所 :

1 Chome-17 Honami, Mizunami, Gifu 509-6107, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 509-6107
Webサイト : https://www.skylark.co.jp/gusto/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–11:30PM
Sunday 7AM–11:30PM
Monday 8AM–11:30PM
Tuesday 8AM–11:30PM
Wednesday 8AM–11:30PM
Thursday 8AM–11:30PM
Friday 8AM–11:30PM

1 Chome-17 Honami, Mizunami, Gifu 509-6107, Japan
shinshin on Google

安定のガスト 特に不満はありません。ただ一点 先にドリンクバーを単品で注文し、その後ランチを追加で頼んでもドリンクバーの価格が変わらないのは残念です。これまではレジの方が変更してくれていたのに 何かこちらで処理方法があったのだろうか??
Stable gust I have no particular complaints. It's a pity that the price of the drink bar doesn't change even if you order the drink bar separately first and then order additional lunch. Until now, the cashier had changed it Was there any way to handle it here? ?
harry B on Google

It's nice to be able to eat fried chicken. Of course, you can also take out, and it seems that many people use it only for takeout. The clerk kindly taught me how to use the tablet, and it felt good. If I leave it uneaten, I'm self-serving, but I thought it would be a good sustainable initiative to be able to take it home for free.
渡邉耕治 on Google

スカイラークさん。 フロアスタッフ、増やしましょうよ(苦笑)あ、厨房スタッフもか(泣) 呼び出し音が鳴り続けるのは、良くあるとこだが、この店は鳴り過ぎ。 出てきた料理も、完成してからサービスする時間が長い為か、温い(泣)他のことは許せても料理自体に問題があれば、あまり気持ちのいいものではない。
Skylark. Let's increase the floor staff (bitter smile) Ah, the kitchen staff (cry) It's common for the ringer to ring continuously, but this store is too ringing. The dishes that come out are not very pleasant if they have a problem with the dishes themselves, although they may be allowed to warm (cry) and others because of the long service time after completion.
成瀬大輔 on Google

I used it to use the winning coupon at the SmartNews coupon festival. It wasn't fresh because I had used it before, but it was still delicious.
遠藤豊紀顧 on Google

子供が帰省中、家に帰りたいと機嫌が悪くて、注文した時も何もいらないと言ったので子供の分はキッズのドリンクバーだけ注文しました。 騒ぎはしなかったけど、食べているとき椅子にきちんと座らなくて、テーブルに頭をぶつけて大泣きしてしまったので帰りましたが、店員さんは快い対応して下さいました。 から好しの唐揚げ食べましたが、肉汁が弾けそうな位ジューシーで美味しかったです。チーズメンチカツも、美味しくて主人がめちゃめちゃ氣に入ったようです。
While my child was returning home, I was in a bad mood to go home and said that I didn't need anything when I ordered, so I ordered only the kids' drink bar for my child. I didn't make a fuss, but when I was eating, I couldn't sit properly in the chair, and I hit my head against the table and cried so much that I went home, but the clerk was happy to respond. I ate my favorite fried chicken, but it was so juicy and delicious that the gravy seemed to pop. The cheese minced meat cutlet was also delicious and it seems that my husband got into a mess.
Y Asai on Google

休日の13時頃お邪魔しました。 久しぶりの瑞浪店。 次の予定まで2時間近くあったので時間調整で入店しましたが、ファミレスはこういう時に便利ですよね。 コロナ禍だからか、13時というランチタイムど真ん中でも客入り3割程度。 席に座り、タッチパネルで最近ガストが全力で推している「から好し」の唐揚げと、山盛りポテトフライをオーダー。 から好しの唐揚げは多治見店でテイクアウトしたことがあるのですが、テイクアウトだと本当の実力がわからないので評価できないんですよね。 7分で山盛りポテトフライ、8分で唐揚げが提供。 山盛りポテトフライはさすがのクオリティ。 熱々ホクホクで、一個一個がしっかり芋の旨味を感じられるサイズ。 そんなポテトが名前通り山盛りで出てきます。 もう何十年もガストに来ていますが、変わらず定番で頼んでしまいますね。 唐揚げは、まぁ、思っているほど柔らかいわけではなく、かと言って固すぎるわけでもなく。 サイズが大きいわけでなく、小さいわけでもなく。 ガストらしいコスパの良さもないし… テイクアウトしたときの感想と変わらなかったですね。 あと一品欲しいなぁというときにはいいかなと思いますが、メインではないかな。 相変わらず山盛りポテトフライの優秀さを感じられた瑞浪店、お近くにお越しの際はぜひ。
I visited you around 13:00 on a holiday. Mizunami store after a long absence. It was almost 2 hours until the next schedule, so I entered the store by adjusting the time, but family restaurant is convenient at such times. Perhaps because of the corona sickness, about 30% of customers enter even in the middle of lunch time at 13:00. I sat down and ordered the fried chicken and heaped potato fries, which Gust has been pushing with all my might recently on the touch panel. I've taken out my favorite fried chicken at the Tajimi store, but I can't evaluate it because I don't know what it really is. Heaped potato fries in 7 minutes and fried chicken in 8 minutes. Heaping potato fries are truly quality. It's hot and fluffy, and each one has a size that allows you to feel the delicious taste of potatoes. As the name suggests, such potatoes come out in piles. I've been to Gust for decades, but I'm still asking for a standard. The fried chicken isn't as soft as you might think, but it's not too hard. It's not big or small. There is no good cost performance like Gusto ... It was the same as the impression I had when I took out. I think it's good when you want one more item, but I think it's the main one. If you come to the Mizunami store, where you can still feel the excellence of heaped potato fries, please do not miss it.
ayako okuxa on Google

唐揚げの弁当目的。 注文1時間後予約で、予定より10分弱前に店に着きました。 まだ出来上がっていないということで店内待機。 予想外に、待ちの間ドリンクバーのサ-ビスがありました。サ-ビスが行き届いているのかな?店員さんも丁寧でした。 味は文句無し。また利用したいです。
The purpose of fried chicken lunch. I made a reservation one hour after ordering and arrived at the store less than 10 minutes before the schedule. Waiting in the store because it has not been completed yet. Unexpectedly, there was a drink bar service while waiting. Is the service perfect? The clerk was also polite. The taste is perfect. I still want to use it.
//matsu on Google

2歳児とランチで利用しました。 広い席への案内と子供用の椅子の準備と、いろいろと良くしていただきました。 食事も子供用は少し冷めてから運んでくれたので、子供が直ぐに食べる事ができて助かりました。 テーブルと壁をアルコールで拭いたら、かなり汚れていたので清掃で少しマイナスですが店員さんの対応などは良かったです。
I used it for lunch with a 2-year-old child. The guide to the large seats and the preparation of chairs for children were all improved. The food for children was a little cold before they were brought in, so it was helpful for the children to be able to eat immediately. When I wiped the table and walls with alcohol, it was quite dirty, so cleaning was a little negative, but the clerk's response was good.

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