新潟日産自動車株式会社上越店 - Joetsu

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新潟日産自動車株式会社上越店

住所 :

1 Chome-2-2 Shinkocho, Joetsu, Niigata 943-0804, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 943-0804
Webサイト : https://ni-niigata.nissan-dealer.jp/store/331/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6PM
Monday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–6:30PM

1 Chome-2-2 Shinkocho, Joetsu, Niigata 943-0804, Japan
sc mario on Google

展示車輌が多く、実際に見て選択することができます。 日産は宣伝がトヨタへたよりも下手なところがありますので、実車をみると使い勝手がよいことに気づいたりします。 エルグランドよりベルアルが売れているのは宣伝力の違いとしかおもえません。是非是非実車をみてください。
There are a lot of display vehicles, and you can actually see and select. There are places where Nissan is not as good as advertising to Toyota, so when you look at the actual vehicle, you may find it convenient. The sale of Belal from Elgrand is only a difference in advertising power. Please see the car by all means.
中島清介 on Google

I went to the inspection for one month, the service room was clean, and I got a free drink service, inspection contents, guidance for the next inspection, car wash, car cleaning, free service.
やまとも on Google

県外遠征中に、サイドミラーが破損したので 駆け込んだら、あった部品で応急措置してくれました! お陰様で、安心して石川県まで帰れました。 しかも、料金はとりませんでした! 助かりました、どうもありがとうございました。?
During the expedition outside the prefecture, the side mirror was damaged, so when I rushed in, I took emergency measures with the parts I had! Thanks to you, I was able to return to Ishikawa Prefecture with peace of mind. Moreover, I didn't pay for it! Thank you very much for your help. ?
野次馬(物見高き男) on Google

24時間の急速充電器があるのは上越市の日産ディーラーではここだけかな? 他の日産ディーラーは月曜日の休みなのですが、ここだけは火曜日なので急ぎだとここに転がり込みます、何年か前、シーズン早々に雪が降った時は助かりました。店内に客が自分で中古車を検索出来るPCがあったのですけど、この系列店の在庫しか載っていないようなので(推測)本気で探しているなら営業さんに相談した方が良いでしょう、 それにしても店内はキレイですね、整備さん達、グリスとか扱ってるのにどうしているのでしょうか?
It is the only Nissan dealer in Joetsu City that has a 24-hour quick charger? The other Nissan dealers are closed on Mondays, but since it is only Tuesday this is a hurry and it rolls in here, and it was saved a few years ago when it snowed early in the season. There was a PC in the shop where customers could search for used cars by themselves, but it would be better to consult a salesperson if you were really looking for it (as a guess) as it seems that only the stock of this affiliated shop is listed, Even so, the shop is beautiful, how are you dealing with maintenance people, grease and so on?
上岡絵里子 on Google

日産リーフの1日試乗で 新潟市内から上越妙高まで向かうときにバッテリーが不安だった為、こちらを利用しました。 店休業日でしたが、24時間使える充電スポットとのことで大変助かりました。 EV初心者のためコネクタが抜けない(外せない)事態に陥りました。 リーフを借りる時に説明を受けた充電機種とは違っていて手間取りましたが 困ったときの電話番号があって そちらに電話して解決し、無事に充電完了。 400キロほど走行できる そうですが往復 350キロの道のりです、帰り道もまた、こちらの日産に立ち寄り急速充電して30分の間、ぼーっとすごしておりました。 あって良かった24時間です。
One day test drive of Nissan LEAF I used this because I was worried about the battery when heading from Niigata city to Joetsu Myoko. It was a store holiday, but it was a great help because it was a charging spot that could be used 24 hours a day. Since I am a beginner of EV, I fell into a situation where the connector cannot be pulled out (cannot be removed). It took a lot of time because it was different from the charging model that I was told when renting the Leaf. I have a phone number when I'm in trouble I called there and solved it, and charging was completed safely. It seems that it can run about 400 km, but it is a round trip It's a 350km journey, and on the way back, I stopped by this Nissan to charge it quickly and spent 30 minutes vacantly. It was a nice 24 hours.
本を多く読んで高い英語力 on Google

I like this place because it has a clerk's dignity and feels one rank higher than other Nissans. You can come comfortably.
さとけい on Google

A store that has been with us for 10 years and always puts our customers first. All of them have great customer service and just want to stop by just by going nearby. You can enjoy the event and it is my favorite shop.
上越太郎 on Google

I put the new Leaf on the free monitor for 3 nights and 4 days. Normally not possible. it's the best.

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