株式会社日産サティオ湘南座間店 - Zama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社日産サティオ湘南座間店

住所 :

1 Chome-15-44 Sagamigaoka, Zama, Kanagawa 252-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 252-0001
Webサイト : https://ns-shonan.nissan-dealer.jp/store/BF0/index.html

1 Chome-15-44 Sagamigaoka, Zama, Kanagawa 252-0001, Japan
高木徹也 on Google

オクトパス on Google

Repair is polite
上村朗雄 on Google

A veteran car life adviser will politely recommend a plan that suits you!
茂木唯資 on Google

I asked to ride to the consultation of his old Nissan car. It is a dealer of relief.
Hideo Shibata on Google

There is a recall of Nissan the other day! Suddenly after work, I remember! The place I contacted Satio. Thank you for your immediate response. Work car too. It is old, but it has an attachment and it is very important for me to ride it. Very well explained to the clerk at the Zama store! I was convinced! Thank you very much
ピッピとあず on Google

車検書の住所変更の際店員が嘘をつきお金を取ろうとした。電話で店長にも相談したが謝罪もないし、その後行っても顔もださない。10年以上の付き合いがあったがもうここで買うのは辞めました。 値段も他で買う方が安くしてくれて店長も挨拶くるしここは最低ディーラー。 ここが代理店であった保険に入っていたが、いざ事故にあったら何もしないし、そちらでやって下さいと言われた。これでは代理店の意味もないので、勿論保険も他に変えました。
At the time of the address change of car inspection, the clerk tried to lie and take money. I consulted the store manager on the phone but I do not apologize, and I will not show my face after that. I had a relationship for more than 10 years, but I already stopped buying it here. The price is cheaper if you buy it elsewhere, and the manager also greets you and this is the lowest dealer. I was in the insurance where I was an agent, but if I had an accident I was told that I would do nothing and do it there. Of course there is no meaning of the agency, so of course I changed the insurance to others.
N T on Google

タイヤなら何やらのセールスの電話はよく掛けてきたけど、引っ越した途端点検のハガキ出してきてそれっきり。引っ越し前は都合つかなくてなかなか点検の予約とらずにいたら予約するまで電話かけてきたのに。 転居先の代理店の紹介もなく、売上に繋がらないものについてのフォローは一切無いようです。
I used to make sales calls for tires, but as soon as I moved, I sent out postcards for checking. Before moving, it was not convenient and I made a phone call until I made a reservation if I had not made a reservation for check. There is no introduction of the agency of the move destination, and there seems to be no follow-up about what does not lead to sales.
kazubonia on Google

It's before the Obon holidays, so I don't know why even a broken car can't be kept, but ... even so, the response is clerical ... It's hard to be driven back by the dealer who finally arrived at the car that was about to stop.

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