飛騨木曽川国定公園 孝子ヶ池 - Gero

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 飛騨木曽川国定公園 孝子ヶ池

住所 :

1-2 Seto, Gero, Gifu 509-2136, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 509-2136
Webサイト : https://www.pref.gifu.lg.jp/page/6045.html

1-2 Seto, Gero, Gifu 509-2136, Japan
森田正樹 on Google

For some reason when I pass through here, I feel like wanting to get closer. You can also eat meals and there is a pond below to feed the carps. It is recommended to take a break.
宮崎和彦 on Google

There are very few parking lots. The toilet was very clean. There is also a small restaurant.
光極堂 on Google

下呂からの帰り道に立ち寄った小さな喫茶店。店の奥では奥さん一人で切り盛りしていらっしゃいました。ここのカレーうどんがとても美味しかったですよ!単品で頼んだら、御飯と福神漬けと小鉢の煮物が付いてきてびっくり! ガッツリ食べれてしかもシメジ入りの黒カレーが味わい深かったです〜! 裏には沢山の鯉が泳ぐ池と、紅葉が鮮やかな公園もありました! 飛騨方面へ行く機会があったら、是非また立ち寄りたいなと思いました。(^∇^)
A small coffee shop that stopped on the way back from Gero. In the back of the store, my wife alone cut it up. The curry udon here was very delicious! If you ask for it separately, you will be surprised that it comes with rice, Fukujinzuke and a small bowl of simmered food! The black curry with shimeji was delicious and deep! Behind it was a pond with lots of carp swimming and a park with colorful autumn leaves! If I had the opportunity to go to Hida, I wanted to stop by again. (^ ∇ ^)
Tsutae Nishiguchi on Google

食事をする建物とトイレがあります。 駐車場は小さいですが、池の側まで行くと、いろんな鯉が沢山泳いでいました。 池の回りを歩くと鯉が一緒に付いて来るのが楽しかったです。
There is a building and a toilet for eating. The parking lot is small, but when I went to the pond, there were lots of carp swimming. When I walked around the pond, it was fun to come with the carp.
Happy PlusCorp. on Google

As explained on the signboard, it is said that the pond was created based on the story of a parent and child. After the death of his mother, a young man named Sakon lived in a cave in the nearby Baifu Rock and was offering a memorial service for his mother. Visit the village. At that time, I will drop a large stone from the rock and inform it, but please be assured that it will never hurt people. " It seems that many people visit.
本田武史 on Google

下原ダムと一緒に、歩道がある区間を歩こうと、この場所を選んだのですが、行く前は、池があるだけだろうと余り期待してなかったのですが、来てみて嬉しい驚きがありました? 確かに、これといって何もないと言われても仕方がない気もしますが、決して何もないわけじゃなく、丁寧に作られた、小さな庭園でした。特に驚いたのは、歩く場所に落ち葉があったのですが、その落ち葉は‼️ほとんどが紅葉の葉っぱでした。ただ、それだけなんだけど、そこが逆にいい感じでした。桜の木もあったから、四季を通して行ってみる、というより、どこかへ行く時に、寄り道したくなる場所です?こんな場所が日本中にまだまだいっぱいあるんだと思うと、仕事してる場合じゃないけど、働かないと、食べてはいけません?
I chose this place to walk along the sidewalk with Shimohara Dam, but before I went, I didn't expect that there would be only a pond, but I was surprised to come. There was ? Sure, it's safe to say that there is nothing, but it wasn't nothing, it was a carefully crafted small garden. I was particularly surprised that there were fallen leaves in the walking area, but the fallen leaves are! ️ Most of them were autumn leaves. But that's all, but on the contrary, it felt good. There was also a cherry tree, so it's a place where you'll want to take a detour when you go somewhere, rather than going through the four seasons ? I think there are still many places like this in Japan, but it's not the case when I'm working. If you don't work, don't eat ?
望月恵子 on Google

2021年11月13日 ここまで素晴らしい紅葉を間近で見たのは初めてでした。 とにかくその素晴らしさに見とれて、散策を楽しみました。 ただ湿気がすごいので、じめじめしていて、足場が悪いので気をつけて下さい。 また、大きなクモの巣などもあるので、散策するときに虫などが苦手な方は注意が必要です。
November 13, 2021 It was the first time I saw such wonderful autumn leaves up close. Anyway, I enjoyed the walk because I was fascinated by its wonderfulness. However, the humidity is so great that it is damp and the footing is poor, so please be careful. There are also large spider webs, so those who are not good at insects should be careful when walking.
Izhar Neumann on Google

A small pond just besides the road with a small park. Free parking. A place to relax and have a picnic. The pond is named after a sad story that you can here about in the shadow theatre in the Gasho mura in Gero.

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