芦刈デンタルクリニック - Nagoya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 芦刈デンタルクリニック

住所 :

VIA141 1階 2 Chome-23-14 Meieki, Nishi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 451-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 451-0045
Webサイト : https://ashikaridc.jp/

VIA141 1階 2 Chome-23-14 Meieki, Nishi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 451-0045, Japan
まささい on Google

5年くらい前に行きましたが、初診で全くなんの説明もなく、いきなり歯を削られました。 (当時30代前半でしたが、それまではを削ったり、詰め物をしたりしたことは一切なかったにもかかわらず、いきなり削られたのはなかなかショッキングでした。) 歯の治療のトレンドは、なるべく削らないようにする時代なはずです。 二度と行かず、他の歯医者にいって詰め物をしてもらいました。 評価が高いのが信じられません。
I went there about 5 years ago, but at the first visit, I suddenly had my teeth sharpened without any explanation. (I was in my early thirties at the time, but until then I had never scraped or stuffed it, but it was quite shocking to be scraped suddenly.) The trend of dental treatment should be an era of avoiding scraping as much as possible. I never went again and went to another dentist to stuff it. I can't believe it's highly rated.
増田晃子 on Google

なかなかいい歯医者に巡り会えずでしたが、やっと出会えました。名駅付近でオススメできる歯医者です。 定期的に通院することで歯の状態を良く保つことが出来るので安心できます。
I couldn't meet a good dentist, but I finally met. It is a dentist that can be recommended near Meieki. You can rest assured that you can keep your teeth in good condition by visiting the hospital regularly.
mw mk on Google

It's been a few years since I started going, but I go for oral care and maintenance. I thought the dentist would go for basic treatment, but now I need double maintenance of self-care and professional care. I am grateful for your careful explanation and guidance.
伊藤達哉 on Google

虫歯の無い人が行くところ。予防歯科として★2つ。色々お金とられます。 100均で買える程度のブラシ等を何倍もの価格で売られそうになります。 決して虫歯を治療しに行くところではないので注意! 院長の治療技術はヒドい、ヤバい、ド下手です。他院で再治療しました。
Where people without cavities go. ★ 2 as preventive dentistry. You can get a lot of money. Brushes, etc. that can be bought for 100 yen are likely to be sold at many times the price. Be careful as you are never going to treat cavities! The director's treatment technique is terrible, dangerous, and poor. I was re-treated at another hospital.
de zen arrow on Google

歯医者さんとは、歯が痛くなった時やかぶせ物が取れたときに行く所だと思ってましたが、ここは予防に力を入れています。残念ながら既に歯周病に罹っているので月1で通ってメンテナンスして頂いてます。診療の都度、進行のチェックや歯垢歯石の除去、歯磨き指導があり、すぐに歯磨きがおざなりになる自分にはちょうど良い頻度です。 おすすめの歯磨き粉や歯ブラシも紹介してくれますが、無理に購入を勧められたことはありません。詰め物が取れて会社帰りに飛び込んだ歯医者さんですが、歯の健康を意識するようになったし、通い始めて良かったと思ってます。
I thought that the dentist would go when I had a toothache or when the cover was removed, but I am focusing on prevention here. Unfortunately, I already have periodontal disease, so I have to go through it once a month for maintenance. Every time you have a medical examination, you will be asked to check the progress, remove plaque and tartar, and give instructions on how to brush your teeth. They will also introduce you to recommended toothpastes and toothbrushes, but I have never been forced to buy them. The dentist jumped in on his way home from work after removing the stuffing, but now that he is aware of his dental health, I'm glad I started going.
師玉恵里子 on Google

Since I was little, the image of the dentist was scary and painful, and I thought that the treatment was long, so I couldn't move my legs, but when I came to Ashikari Dental Clinic, that idea disappeared! It's clean and well equipped, and the treatment doesn't hurt, and it's fast! He taught me how to care carefully and now I go to monthly maintenance. I'm glad I met this dentist.
ピンクちゃん。 on Google

The dental hygienist in charge was kind and the environment was easy to consult. He was close to me and explained to me, which raised my awareness of my teeth. Also, he recommended a toothbrush that suits me, making it easier than before to brush my teeth. The other staff members smiled and talked to me, and it was a very warm and wonderful clinic. I look forward to working with you.
T M on Google

インフォームドコンセントが無い。訴訟したら勝てるだろう。 事前説明も、虫歯の進行具合の説明もなく、いきなり歯に穴を開けられた。その後、回転率を重視しており席を空けるため別室へ移動させられる。そして、どの詰め物を入れるか問われ、保険適応外の高い詰め物を勧められる。さらに、穴の空いた状態で一週間先の治療まで過ごさなければならない。こちらから求めなければ仮の詰め物は入れようとしない。 通常、虫歯の進行具合の説明があって、どの詰め物を入れるか選んだ上で虫歯治療に取り掛かるべきであるのにもかかわらず、いきなり穴を開けられ、どの詰め物がいいか迫られ、悪徳商法かと思った。物事の進め方としてそもそもおかしい。そのことを院長に言ってもポカンとしていたため、まったく理解できていない。おそらくこのやり方を続けていくと思われる。 また、虫歯治療のため通院したが、すぐに虫歯治療を行わず、2ヶ月間延々と口腔内の整備という名目で通わなければならない。その間、歯科医(院長)にみてもらうことはなく、歯科衛生士による、治療のみ。ひどい搾取が行われている。 こちらの歯科へ通われる前に、インフォームドコンセントをちゃんと実施しているか確認した上で通院されるのを強くおすすめします。
There is no informed consent. If you sue, you will win. There was no prior explanation or explanation of the progress of caries, and a hole was suddenly made in the tooth. After that, he emphasized the turnover rate and was moved to another room to vacate his seat. Then, when asked which stuffing to put in, high stuffing that is not covered by insurance is recommended. In addition, you have to spend a week ahead of treatment with holes. If you don't ask from here, I won't put in the temporary filling. Usually, there is an explanation of the progress of cavities, and although you should choose which stuffing to put in and then start treatment for cavities, you are suddenly punctured, you are pressed for which stuffing is good, and scam I thought. It's strange as a way of doing things. Even if I told the director about it, I couldn't understand it at all because I was afraid. Perhaps we will continue this approach. In addition, although he went to the hospital for dental caries treatment, he had to go to the hospital under the pretext of oral maintenance for two months without immediate dental caries treatment. During that time, the dentist (director) does not see it, only the treatment by the dental hygienist. There is terrible exploitation. Before going to this dentistry, we strongly recommend that you make sure that you have given informed consent before going to the hospital.

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