Zofuku-ji - Toyota

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zofuku-ji

住所 :

Teranoshita-18-19 Odocho, Toyota, Aichi 444-2846, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 444-2846
Webサイト : https://www.zofukuji-fuurindera.jp/

Teranoshita-18-19 Odocho, Toyota, Aichi 444-2846, Japan
kouranos on Google

毎年夏のシーズンに訪れる 「夢かけ風鈴」で町おこしをしているお寺。 矢作川の流れる豊田市小渡地区は風鈴をコミュニケーションツールとして活用して観光客が増えた 増幅寺は風通しも良いので吊られる風鈴の音がとても心地よい。本堂に上がるとお茶のサービスがあり誰でも自由に麦茶を飲むことが出来る。 いつも懐かしさを感じる雰囲気がとても良い
Visit every summer season A temple that revitalizes the town with “Dream wind chimes”. Toyota City's Odo district, where the Yahagi River flows, has increased the number of tourists using wind chimes as a communication tool Amplification temples are well ventilated, so the sound of wind chimes is very pleasant. If you go up to the main hall, there is a tea service and anyone can drink barley tea freely. The atmosphere that always feels nostalgic is very good
336 s3s3m on Google

香嵐渓の紅葉ではなく、風が奏でる風鈴の音を聞きに参拝しました。寺の背景の紅葉と風鈴の音がマッチして穏やかな気持ちになれます。 穴場なので参拝した日は他のお客さんもいなくて、落ち着いて境内、本堂を見ることが出来ました! ここは絵馬ではなく風鈴に短冊をつけて絵馬の代わりに奉納します。1個600円で持ち帰り用の 風鈴も販売(全て無人販売)しています。 本当は★5ですが御朱印帳の朱印が品切れ中でした(;´Д`) まあ、もう一度行くきっかけにするとします! 夏に行っても清流の流れる音とマッチして良いですよ٩(๑´3`๑)۶
I went to hear the sound of the wind chimes played by the wind, not the autumn leaves of Korankei. The autumn leaves in the background of the temple and the sound of the wind chimes match and you can feel calm. It was a little-known spot, so on the day I worshiped, there were no other guests, so I was able to calmly see the precincts and the main hall! Here, instead of a votive tablet, a strip of paper is attached to the wind chime and dedicated instead of the votive tablet. 600 yen per piece for take-out Wind chimes are also sold (all sold unattended). It's actually ★ 5, but the red stamp on the red stamp book was out of stock (; ´Д `) Well, let's say you want to go again! Even if you go in the summer, you can match the sound of the clear stream. ٩ (๑´3`๑) ۶
Taka Ando on Google

夏の時期は風鈴で地域おこしみたいなことをされていますが、年々規模が縮小しているようで寂しい気持ちになります。 国道からは少し離れた場所になりますが川沿いで風通しも良い土地柄で、記憶の中をダイレクトに駆け巡るような風鈴の重奏にノスタルジックな気分にさせられます。
In the summer, wind chimes are used to revitalize the area, but it seems that the scale is shrinking year by year, which makes me feel lonely. Although it is a little far from the national highway, it has a well-ventilated land along the river, and the wind chimes that run directly through your memory make you feel nostalgic.
ymk 883 on Google

It is a place where you can immerse yourself in the sound of wind chimes. I think the atmosphere is outstanding when you visit in the summer.
芝蔵 on Google

夏真っ盛り、少しでも涼を求めてやってきました。風がなかったので、音鳴らず。 しかし見た目で涼を感じることができました。
In the height of summer, I came in search of coolness. There was no wind, so there was no sound. However, I could feel the coolness by appearance.
serton funcompany on Google

There are many wind chimes ? in the city, and many wind chimes in the temple are too nice. I climbed the mountain from the temple and went to the ruins of the castle. The voices of insects and birds are wonderful, and there is a lot of nature. There is also a river nearby, so you can heal yourself with a lot of nature.
NA-GO channel on Google

8/24訪問。 毎年夏に夢かけ風鈴まつりが開催されています。 8/31まで・・・ 駐車場は風鈴寺(増福寺)から少し離れた『小渡夢かけ風鈴駅』バス停⁉️にあります。 途中、赤い橋を渡ると風鈴の音、流れる川の音、心地好い風が最高でした。 祭は各軒先に風鈴が吊らされており、沢山の種類の風鈴が道の両脇に並んでいます。 途中にある休憩所⁉️は見所です☺️ 風鈴寺には各地から参拝に訪れた方が奉納していった風鈴が7千個もあるそうです✨ 本堂の横にあるアーチ状の風鈴参道もオススメです。 本堂裏の弘法山の参道には88体の弘法像が祀られているそうです‼️ 来年もまた来たいと思います?️
Visited 8/24. The Yumekake Wind Chime Festival is held every summer. Until 8/31 ... The parking lot is located at the "Kowatari Yumekake Fusuzu Station" bus stop ⁉️, which is a little far from Fusuzuji (Masufukuji). When I crossed the red bridge on the way, the sound of wind chimes, the sound of flowing rivers, and the pleasant breeze were the best. At the festival, wind chimes are hung at each eaves, and many types of wind chimes are lined up on both sides of the road. The rest area ⁉️ on the way is a highlight ☺️ It seems that there are 7,000 wind chimes dedicated to worshipers from all over the temple. The arched wind chime approach next to the main hall is also recommended. It seems that 88 Kobo statues are enshrined on the approach to Koboyama behind the main hall! ️ I would like to come again next year ?️
Mickaël Demonchaux on Google

Temple dedicated to furin (wind bells) Great sound Must visit during summer time

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