zenjuji temple - Chita

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact zenjuji temple

住所 :

Arakomae-60-1 Yawata, Chita, Aichi 478-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 478-0001
Webサイト : https://zenjuji.com/

Arakomae-60-1 Yawata, Chita, Aichi 478-0001, Japan
坂西忠義 on Google

黒田一政 on Google

ji fu on Google

We are currently rebuilding a new building.
山本輝夫 on Google

Large cars cannot enter because the road is narrow ?
佐々木博行 on Google

知多市北部のお寺が沢山集まっている地域にある「真宗大谷派」のお寺です。 3度目に伺った時に住職さんとお話する機会を持つことができました。お若い方でしたが、優しく接していただき、さらに、しっかりとした内容の話をしていただきました。 近々本堂の建て替えをされるようです。
It is a temple of “Shinshu Otani School” in an area where many temples in the northern part of Chita gather. When I visited for the third time, I had the opportunity to talk with the priest. He was a young person, but he was kind enough to talk to me about the content. It seems that the main hall will be rebuilt soon.

ひょんなことから誘われて行ってきました。 本堂とその他の施設も2020年5月に新しくなったらしく、めちゃ綺麗です。 こんな田舎にこんな立派なお寺!!って感じでギャップ萌え。(一応、褒めてます) 中に入ると本堂も広く、法要の部屋も寛げるスペースになっているので、落ち着いてゆったりした時間で過ごすことができました。 新しくてちょっとお寺っぽくない感じもするけど、 住職さんはじめ、気配り心配りができる優しい雰囲気があるお寺です。
I was invited by some chance. The main hall and other facilities seem to be renewed in May 2020, and they are very beautiful. Such a magnificent temple in such a countryside! !! It feels like a gap moe. (I praise you for the time being) Once inside, the main hall is large and the memorial room is a relaxing space, so I was able to spend a calm and relaxing time. It's new and it doesn't look like a temple, It is a temple with a gentle atmosphere where you can be attentive and worried, including the chief priest.
小林昌美 on Google

住職さんは若くて、親切でしっかりしていて説明も丁寧でとても安心できるお寺でした。 長い付き合いを考えたら住職の代が変わらないことがありがたいです。 お寺もまだまだ建て替え途中で、行く度にきれいになっていき、行くことが楽しみになります。 お布施なども恥ずかしながら率直に相談したら、色々教えていただけて困るようなことはありません。
The chief priest was young, kind, solid, and the explanation was polite, so it was a very reassuring temple. Considering a long relationship, I am grateful that the priest's priesthood will not change. The temple is still in the process of being rebuilt, and every time I go, it gets cleaner and I'm looking forward to going there. If you are embarrassed to talk about the donations, you will not be in trouble if you can tell us various things.
榊原奈々子 on Google

It was rebuilt two years ago, and there are still some parts under construction, but it is very majestic, beautiful and splendid! Although he is still a young priest, the events are fun and the Buddhist priest's sutras echo in the hall, and the overtones are amazing. Each person may have different denominations, but I thought it was a wonderful temple that made me feel energetic and wanted to go to listen to the preaching again.

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