麺饗 松韻 - Yurihonjo

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Contact 麺饗 松韻

住所 :

Yurihonjo, 〒015-0011 Akita,Japan

Postal code : 015-0011
Webサイト : http://menkyoushowin.blog.fc2.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5:45–7:30AM
Sunday 5:45–7:30AM
Monday 11AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–1:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–1:30PM
Friday 11AM–1:30PM
街 : Akita

Yurihonjo, 〒015-0011 Akita,Japan
浅川ひのきち on Google

土曜日開店と同時に伺いましたが、すぐに待ちのお客さんで込み合いました。 こちらは、無添加のお店だそうです。 煮干しの味がしっかりしていますが、煮干し独自の臭みはほとんど感じさせず美味しいスープでした。こってり味を注文したせいかかなりしっかりしたお味です。 麺は、中細麺の硬めでスープと絡んでとても美味しく頂くことができました。
I visited the store on Saturday when it opened, but it was immediately crowded with waiting customers. This is an additive-free shop. The taste of dried sardines is strong, but it was a delicious soup with almost no odor unique to dried sardines. The taste is quite solid probably because I ordered a rich taste. The noodles were medium-thin noodles that were hard and entwined with the soup, which made them very delicious.
yaki imoさん on Google

普段はこってり一択なのですが、限定麺がある時はこちらを選択。 今回は『鯛塩ラーメン』体と心に染みる優しい味でした。本当にいつも美味しいので、ついつい食べに行ってしまいます。
Usually, it's a heavy choice, but if you have limited noodles, choose this one. This time, it was a gentle taste that permeated the body and mind of "Taisho Ramen". It's always delicious, so I just go out to eat.
かづ on Google

About 30-40 minutes walk from Ugohonjo station. Visited at 6:50 on Sunday morning, purchased a meal ticket at an automatic ticket vending machine, and waited for 4 people in the store. I ordered a medium size Chinese noodles and topped it with garlic chives. The noodles are so-called "straight bangs", which are delicious and boiled, and when you drink the soup, you will feel healthy without feeling "rich". Noren was dropped at 7:20.
M -ck on Google

中華(こってり)をいただきました。 (こってり)となっていますが脂っこくはありません。煮干も濃い訳ではなく、今時の泥煮干系ではありません。 麺は硬めでした。
I received Chinese food. It is (thick) but not greasy. The sardines are not thick, and they are not the mud sardines of today. The noodles were hard.
くろ on Google

I ate Miso Ramen, which is not pork-like limited noodles ? Thick noodles. Buy a meal ticket at the entrance. Seats are only at the counter. The inside of the store is beautiful. Is there about 4 parking lots on the side of the store?
しなちく on Google

昼時何時も行列が出来ており、気になっていました。 偶々信号待ちしている最中駐車場空いたので初来店です。 駐車場は店舗横に3台、店舗前の歩道との間に1台って感じです。 他店でよくある入口券売機で買ってから着席するシステムです。 カウンターのみで、9席全て満席でした。 ご夫婦でやっているようで、ローテーションも早めで、広さ的には丁度かな?って感じです。 肝心のラーメンについて。 こってり中華大煮卵トッピングを注文。 スープは煮干粉が大量に使われているのに、魚臭くなく、又脂が層を作っている訳でも無く、最後迄非常に美味しかったです。 麺は中細丸麺ストレートで固めに茹でてあります。 好き嫌い分かれる感じです(自分は好きでは無いですね) 麺選べれば良いですが、難しいでしょうね。 隣に着席した方が、アサリラーメン?食べており、それも美味しそうでした。 次回は、限定麺に挑戦したいですね。
I was worried because there was always a line at noon. It was my first visit because the parking lot was vacant while I happened to be waiting for a traffic light. There are 3 parking lots next to the store and 1 parking lot between the sidewalk in front of the store. It is a system to sit down after buying at the entrance ticket vending machine that is common in other stores. Only at the counter, all 9 seats were full. It seems that the couple is doing it, the rotation is early, is it just the size? I feel like. About the essential ramen. I ordered a thick Chinese simmered egg topping. The soup used a large amount of dried sardines, but it didn't smell like fish, and the fat did not form a layer, so it was very delicious until the end. The noodles are medium-thin round noodles straight and boiled hard. I feel like I like it or not (I don't like it) It would be nice if you could choose noodles, but it would be difficult. Is it the Asari Ramen who is seated next to you? I was eating it and it looked delicious. Next time, I would like to try limited noodles.
加川良太 on Google

8月中旬の土曜日12時過ぎに初めて訪れました。 けっこう交通量の多い交差点の角にお店があり、秋田市方面から来たのでちょっと駐車場に入りづらいなぁと思いながらお店の駐車場に停めました。 駐車場はお店の前と横に停める感じで4〜5台くらい停めれそうでした。 お昼時でしたがその日は満席でしたが、外に並んではいない状態で、入店と同時に先客が出て来たので食券を買いすぐに座れました。 カウンター席だけのお店で、たぶん10席くらい。 店舗も新しい感じで清潔感のあるお店でした。 今回はこってり中華そば大盛りを注文。 スープは濃い煮干し系の中華そばで、麺はかなり硬めの麺でした。 たぶん濃いスープに合わせて硬めにしているんだと思うんですが、個人的には普通の硬さでも十分美味しいだろうなと思いました。 こってりな脂系スープを想像しましたが、魚粉の濃いスープというイメージで、しょっぱく感じました。 初めての訪問でしたのであっさりとこってりの違いが分かりませんでしたが、他の方のラーメンを見ると、あっさりの方が中華そばっぽくて、麺も黄色い柔らかそうな感じがしたので、次回はあっさり中華そばを注文しようと思います。
I visited for the first time after 12:00 on Saturday in mid-August. There is a shop at the corner of an intersection with a lot of traffic, and I stopped at the parking lot of the shop thinking that it would be a little difficult to enter the parking lot because I came from the direction of Akita City. The parking lot seemed to be parked in front of and next to the store, and it seemed that about 4 to 5 cars could be parked. It was lunchtime, but it was full on that day, but I wasn't lined up outside, and as soon as I entered the store, a customer came out, so I bought a meal ticket and could sit down immediately. It's a shop with only counter seats, probably about 10 seats. The store was also new and clean. This time I ordered a large serving of Chinese noodles. The soup was a thick sardine-based Chinese noodle, and the noodles were quite hard. I think it's made harder to match the thick soup, but I personally thought that normal hardness would be good enough. I imagined a thick fat-based soup, but I felt it was salty with the image of a thick fishmeal soup. Since this was my first visit, I couldn't tell the difference between the noodles and the noodles, but when I looked at the other ramen, the ramen was more like Chinese noodles and the noodles were yellow and tender, so next time. I'm going to order Chinese noodles easily.
Marcin Klosek on Google

Mind blowing ramen! One of the best i have eat so far.

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