Yotsugiasunaro Orthopedic Clinic - Katsushika City

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yotsugiasunaro Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

都, あすなろ整骨院 4 Chome-34-11 Higashiyotsugi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 124-0014
Webサイト : https://asunaro-seikotsu.com/

都, あすなろ整骨院 4 Chome-34-11 Higashiyotsugi, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0014, Japan
Yoshiko Takekawa on Google

首、肩、腰のこりが酷く、続けて通える家から近い整骨院を探していたところ、四つ木あすなろ整骨院を見つけました。 こりが改善し、スッキリして助かりました。 普段気をつけた方が良いことや、整えた体をキープするポイントも教えて頂けて良かったです。 こりをほぐしながらダイエットもしていきたいと考えているので、一人一人に合ったトレーニングができるところも良いなぁ〜と思ったので通ってみることにしました。
When I was looking for an osteopathic clinic near my house where I could continue to go because my neck, shoulders and hips were very stiff, I found Yotsugiasunaro Osteopathic Institute. The stiffness improved and I was refreshed and saved. I'm glad that you could tell me what you should be careful about and the points to keep your body in good condition. I'd like to go on a diet while loosening the dust, so I thought it would be nice to be able to train for each person, so I decided to go there.
伊藤みどり on Google

産後の骨盤矯正でお世話になってます。 施術は初めてですが痛みもなく、子供も一緒に通えるのが良いです。ぐずってもスタッフの方も優しくあやしてくれたりして安心です。
I am indebted to the postpartum pelvic correction. This is my first time to perform the procedure, but it is painless and it is good for children to go with me. I am relieved that the staff will kindly heal me even if I mess up.
a m on Google

姿勢の悪さ・猫背に並んでおり、葛飾区内で整体を探していたところ、四つ木あすなろ整骨院を見つけて来店しました。 姿勢矯正の施術をしていただき、一回の施術でも目に見える効果があり驚きました!継続して行うことが大事だと思うので、しばらくの間通う予定です。
I had a bad posture and lined up on the back of a cat, and when I was looking for a manipulative treatment in Katsushika Ward, I found Yotsugiasunaro Orthopedic Clinic and came to the store. I was surprised to see that even one treatment had a visible effect after the posture correction treatment! I think it's important to continue doing it, so I plan to go there for a while.
t.t on Google

身体を引き締めたくて葛飾区でトレーニングができる所を探していましたが、 「整体×パーソナルトレーニング」の文字を見て、長年姿勢の悪さや身体の歪みにも悩んでいた自分にはぴったりだとあすなろ整骨院さんに即決しました。 相談の結果、まずは身体の歪みをとるために姿勢矯正のメニューを受けることに。 毎回の施術だけでなく、自宅でできるストレッチや立ち方など沢山教えていただいた結果、自分ではどんなに意識しても直せなかった反り腰、巻肩が改善されました! ふと気が付くとひどかった顎関節症の症状までが無くなってきていて、身体が整ってきているんだ!と自覚でき、日々の変化が楽しいです。 仕事柄、肩や腰の疲れがどうしても出てしまうので毎回の施術は贅沢なマッサージ感覚でも通っています笑 スタッフの方も明るく、楽しい時間を過ごしています。 しっかり身体が変わってきたので、運動にもチャレンジしていきたいです。
I was looking for a place where I could train in Katsushika Ward because I wanted to tighten my body. Looking at the words "manipulative treatment x personal training", I immediately decided that it would be perfect for me, who had been suffering from poor posture and physical distortion for many years. As a result of the consultation, I decided to take a posture correction menu to remove the strain on my body. As a result of being taught not only each treatment but also stretching and how to stand at home, the warped waist and shoulders that I couldn't fix no matter how much I was conscious of it were improved! When I suddenly noticed, the symptoms of temporomandibular disorders that were terrible have disappeared, and my body is getting better! I can realize that, and the daily changes are fun. Because of my work, I get tired of my shoulders and lower back, so every treatment is like a luxurious massage lol The staff are also cheerful and have a good time. My body has changed steadily, so I would like to take on the challenge of exercising.
m t on Google

猫背と肩こり、腰痛が気になり、姿勢の分析、矯正やトレーニングなど幅広く行われてたので四ツ木あすなろ整骨院に通い始めました。 施術終わった後には痛みと姿勢の改善が実感できます! 自宅でできるストレッチも教えて貰ってるので、普段からの姿勢に気を付けつつ継続的に改善して行ければと思います。
I was worried about stooping and stiff shoulders and back pain, and since I was doing a wide range of posture analysis, correction and training, I started going to Yotsugi Asunaro Osteopathic Institute. After the treatment, you can feel the pain and the improvement of your posture! I am also taught how to stretch at home, so I would like to continue to improve while paying attention to my usual posture.
takaaki kurosawa on Google

肩凝り腰痛クビの張り、全体的に少し感じるかな~程度でしたからそこまで期待はしていませんでした。しかし受けてみると症状は軽くなり全体の血行も良くなった気がして、感想としては行って良かったに落ち着きました。 院内も清潔感があって気分よく整体を受ける事ができました。
I didn't expect that much because I felt a little stiff shoulders and low back pain. However, when I received it, I felt that my symptoms had eased and my overall blood circulation had improved, and my impression was that I was happy to go and calmed down. The hospital was clean and I was able to receive a manipulative treatment.
ミサイルン on Google

パーソナルトレーニングジムに通わせて頂いています。 1ヶ月がたち身体が締まってきているのが実感できます。 一人一人にあったメニューで、自分1人では乗り越えられないキツイトレーニングも楽しく行えます!!! 毎回通うのが楽しいです(^^)
I go to a personal training gym. You can feel that your body is getting tighter after a month. With a menu that suits each person, you can enjoy hard training that you can't overcome by yourself !!! It's fun to go every time (^^)
G縺偵 on Google

A good communicative, skillful and hospitable therapist took an enough time to reduce my physical problem. Additionally, the fascility is clean with a lots of medical devices. Since my posture estimation was miserable, I decided to visit here frequently. Thanks¡

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