Yoshinoya - Tottori

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshinoya

779-2 Yoshinari, Tottori, 680-0864, Japan
Yoshihiro HARADA on Google

There is also a curse on those who seem to be newcomers, who can hear conversations between employees. Be careful with raw eggs. It's a disappointing store though it's fast and reasonably priced.
GEO RGIA on Google

鳥取市内唯一の吉野家。 だからか知らないがよく混んでました。 接客と味は至って普通。
The only Yoshinoya in Tottori city. So I don't know, but it was crowded. The service and taste are quite normal.
Tomoko “クマクマ9ma” on Google

麻辣鍋善辛くて‼️でも美味しい❗です? 赤から3辛食べられる人なら大丈夫だと思います?(笑)
Mapo hot pot spicy ️But it ’s delicious! If you can eat 3 spices from red, I think it ’s okay (laughs)
川口良基 on Google

ドライブスルーで注文したかったですが、並べる状況でなかったためテイクアウトを店内でしましたが注文から商品ができるまでかなりまたされました。帰ってみて商品をみたら量が少ない感じでした。某牛丼屋と比べると同じぐらいの金額でこんなにちがうんだって思いました。 もういくことはないでしょう。残念です。
I wanted to order by drive-through, but I did take out in the store because I was not in a situation to line up, but it took a long time from ordering to making the product. When I went home and looked at the products, I felt that the quantity was small. I thought it would be so different for the same amount of money as a certain beef bowl shop. I won't go anymore. I'm sorry.
ニラ・トマト on Google

夜間に3回ほど行ったが、3回とも上司が部下?アルバイト?に指導するのは良いけど怒ってるような口調で聞こえてあまり気分良くなかった。 料理は問題無し。
I went there about 3 times at night, but are my bosses subordinates all 3 times? part-time job? It's good to teach, but I didn't feel very good because I heard it in an angry tone. There is no problem with cooking.
TA O on Google

限りなく正確に書き込みします❗ 盛り付けが荒いのと、基本的につゆが少なすぎるので、気持ちつゆを多めに頼むのがいいかも? あと、店内に入るお客さんとクルマが入り交う、ドライブスルーがスゴく危険⚠️で怖い❗ 店から出るお客は遠慮なく横切るし、クルマも良く確認せずに入って来るし、こんなのよく許可したなぁと思います❗ 商品提供も致命的に遅いのに、注文は急かされるし、間違って訂正したら、明らかに嫌な感じの態度をされました❗ 店員さんの対応も態度も良くない(特に夕方以降)と思います❗ ドライブスルーで、周りや交通に迷惑をさせている時点で企業として問題がある気がします‼️
Write as accurately as possible ❗ The arrangement is rough and the soup is basically too little, so it may be better to ask for more soup ? Also, the drive-through is terrible and dangerous ⚠️ and scary ❗ where cars come and go with customers entering the store. Customers who leave the store do not hesitate to cross, and they come in without checking the car well, so I think that I allowed this well ❗ Even though the product offer was fatally slow, the order was rushed, and if I corrected it by mistake, I was obviously disgusted ❗ I think the clerk's response and attitude are not good (especially after the evening) ❗ I feel that there is a problem as a company at the time of driving through and causing trouble to the surroundings and traffic! ️
teria fortuna on Google

R3.8.20 PM6時頃確認。 店内スカスカの時間帯ですが、オーダーを聞きにくる姿勢ができてませんね。「すみませーん」の声に反応してくれないので、イライラ感を表現するために机を爪でトントンしたらようやく反応してくれました。 オーダーが通ったのが17:51、料理が出てきたのが17:59、時間かかりすぎですね。ファストフード店なら5分以内に提供しないと。ましてや繁忙時間帯じゃないんですから。 提供が遅くなったという認識があるのでしょうか、慌てたのか分かりませんがネギが盆に転がってます。見えるところなんだから取っとけばいいのに。 味の方については、店に言っても仕方ないので言及しないこととします。 店内に流れる「うまい、やすい、はやい、吉野家」という音声が虚しく響きます。
R3.8.20 Confirmed around 6:00 PM. It's the time of the store, but I'm not ready to ask for orders. It didn't respond to the voice of "Sumimen", so when I slammed the desk with my nails to express a feeling of frustration, it finally responded. The order went through at 17:51, the food came out at 17:59, and it took too long. Fast food restaurants have to serve it within 5 minutes. Not to mention it's not a busy hour. I don't know if there is a perception that the offer has been delayed or if I was in a hurry, but the green onions are rolling in the tray. I can see it, so I should take it. I won't mention the tasters because it can't be helped to tell the store. The voice of "good, easy, fast, Yoshinoya" flowing in the store echoes in vain.
natam3 on Google

The Yoshinoya needs a little, cooking to make a Gyudon. Therefore, the taste and texture are slightly different depending on the store. Considering them, this shop offers low-quality Gyudon. ・Beef is dry ・Beef is discolored ・ The soup is not infiltrated into beef I think they can't learn because there is only one store in Tottoricity.

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