
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 吉田のイチョウ

住所 :

Yoshida, 〒381-0043 Nagano,Japan

Webサイト : http://bunkazai-nagano.jp/modules/dbsearch/page1086.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Nagano

Yoshida, 〒381-0043 Nagano,Japan
U taka on Google

素敵なイチョウの木でした! 秋にまたよってみたいです!
It was a wonderful ginkgo tree! I would like to see you again in the fall!
吉田てお on Google

It is a magnificent ginkgo tree about 900 years old.
池田喜之 on Google

吉田イチョウは雄押す(♂)の木であれだけ大木は他にはないかと… イチョウの雌(♀)の大木は他にも沢山見ました 吉田イチョウの木の下に行くと何か力を貰った様な気がします。
Yoshida Ginkgo is a male-pushing tree, and there should be no other large trees. A large tree of a ginkgo female (♀) saw many other things When I go under the tree of Yoshida Ginkgo, I feel like I have some kind of power.
関善一 on Google

It is a large tree that is said to be a natural monument of Nagano city over 900 years old.
Kousaku Harayama on Google

街中に大昔から、人々が街を創る前からそびえ立つ大銀杏! 今は地域の中に馴染みながらも、人々のなりわいを見守るように、、、 どの季節に訪れても絶景ですが、特に紅葉の時期は素晴らしくて、眩しいばかりの絶景です!
A large ginkgo tree that has risen in the city since ancient times, even before people created the city! Now that I'm familiar with the area, I want to keep an eye on people's behavior ... It's a spectacular view no matter what season you visit, but especially during the fall foliage season, it's a spectacular view that's just dazzling!
shady 0354 on Google

I want to come to the season of autumn leaves of ginkgo
西澤栄一 on Google

とても大きな銀杏の木です。 若い銀杏の木に比べると遅く紅葉してます。
It is a very large ginkgo tree. The leaves turn red later than the young ginkgo tree.
Yasuo Shibusawa on Google

相変わらずの凛々しい姿!葉が散る前にまた来ます(^^)190317 一夜にして葉が散り翌朝は雪と云う言い伝えがあります。毎年7月25日は祭事が催されるのですね!190725
A lonesome figure as usual! It will come again before the leaves are scattered (^^) 190317 The leaves are scattered overnight and there is a legend that the next morning is snow. Every year July 25 is a festival! 190725

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