Yokohama winding claw Center

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yokohama winding claw Center

住所 :

Hiyoshihoncho, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒223-0062 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hiyoshihoncho, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒223-0062 Kanagawa,Japan
徳永恵美 on Google

最初は色々な所で巻き爪治療を受け再発していたので心配でしかなかったのですが、ここの治療は早い、痛くない、処置し終わったところから効果が見受けられる、でした。 今も治療の途中ですが、最初とは比べ物にならないくらい効果が出ており、治療が終わるのを今は楽しみに待つことが出来ています。 店内もとても清潔綺麗で落ち着いた感じなので、初見の方も来やすいかと思います。 巻き爪で悩んでいる方は是非1度来院することをおすすめします。
I was worried at first because I had recurrence after receiving ingrown nail treatment in various places, but the treatment here was quick, painless, and the effect was seen from the end of the treatment. I am still in the middle of treatment, but it has been as effective as the first one, and I am now looking forward to the end of treatment. The inside of the store is very clean and calm, so it may be easier for first-time visitors. If you are worried about ingrown nails, we recommend that you visit us once.
Takako Nakayama on Google

爪が伸びると靴下を履くだけでも痛みが増して、駄目だと分かっていても巻いてる所を丸く当たらないように深く切ってしまっていました。とうとう痛みの限界と食い込んでた所が出血した為前々から調べて気になっていた巻き爪センターに行きました。院内は清潔でスタッフの皆さんも明るく対応してくれて初めての施術も安心して受けることが出来ました。また5ヶ月の赤ちゃんも預かってもらえてとても助かりました。施術中も特に痛みもなくあっという間に終わり、1回目の施術で巻が治って来ているのが分かるほどでした。また爪が伸びても痛みがないことに感動でした。3回目で既に爪は真っすぐになっています。もっと早く来ていたら良かったと思った程です。 A.T
Even if I knew that it wasn't good, I would cut it deeply so that I couldn't hit the rolled part in a round shape. At last I went to the incurvated nail center, which I was interested in because I had a bleeding at the limit of pain and where I was eating. The hospital was clean and all the staff members were cheerful, and I was able to receive the first treatment with confidence. Also, it was very helpful to have a baby of 5 months. During the operation, there was no particular pain and it ended in no time. I was also impressed that there was no pain even if my nails extended. The third time, the nails are already straightened. I wish I had come earlier. A.T
今泉智子 on Google

右足親指の巻き爪で毎日歩くたびズキズキ! 市販の巻き爪矯正テープを使用したりしていましたが、痛みが解消されず? ネットで調べていたところ、横浜巻き爪センターがある事を知り、内容を確認後電話で予約しました。 丁寧な説明をしていただき、安心して施術を受ける事にしました。 施術も又々丁寧で、痛みなど全く無く30分程で終わりました。 すぐに歩いてみましたが、痛みがうそのように無くなりめちゃ感動? 今は左足の親指も施術していただいています。 毎日快適に歩いていますよ? 月に1度の通院なので、時間の負担がないのもありがたいです。
Every time I walk with the ingrown toe of my right thumb, I get throbbing every day! I used to use commercially available incurvated nail correction tape, but the pain did not disappear ? When I looked it up online, I found out that there was the Yokohama Makizume Center, and after confirming the contents, I made a reservation by phone. I was kind enough to give me a detailed explanation, and I decided to undergo surgery with peace of mind. The treatment was also polite and it took about 30 minutes without any pain. I walked right away, but it was so painful that I was moved ? Right now, I also have my left thumb treated. I walk comfortably every day ? Since I go to the hospital once a month, I am grateful that there is no time burden.
まめしば on Google

足の形に合わない靴で巻爪になってしまい、小学生の頃からずっと悩んでいました。 どこでどの療法を受ければよいかわからずそのままになっていましたが、病院でご紹介いただいた横浜巻き爪センター様でお願いいたしました。 プレート装着は痛みはほぼ無く、先生と世間話をしている間に終わってしまいます。また半透明で目立たず取り扱いもとても楽なので快適に過ごせます。 現在装着2ヶ月目ですが巻爪が平らに近づき爪の両端が常時見えています。傷も痛みもない状態のありがたさを感じています…矯正完了がとても待ち遠しいです。 巻き爪でお悩みの方にお勧めします。 ※追伸:矯正完了から2年ほどになりますが、現在も全く問題ございません。ありがとうございます。
I've been worried since I was in elementary school because I ended up with ingrown nails with shoes that didn't fit the shape of my foot. I didn't know where and what therapy to take, but I asked the Yokohama winding claw center who introduced me at the hospital. The plate attachment is almost painless and ends during a small talk with the teacher. In addition, it is translucent, unobtrusive, and very easy to handle, so you can spend your time comfortably. It's been 2 months since I put it on, but the ingrown nails are getting closer to flat and both ends of the nails are always visible. I'm grateful that there are no scratches or pain ... I can't wait to complete the correction. Recommended for those who are worried about ingrown nails. * PS: It has been about two years since the correction was completed, but there is no problem even now. thank you.
糠田由美子 on Google

もう4年位通っているけど、完治に至らない?痛みは、テープを貼れば、すぐになくなるが、 テープの値段が、安くない。 このまま通い続けるか悩む。
I've been going for about 4 years now, but isn't it completely cured? The pain disappears immediately after applying the tape, The price of the tape is not cheap. I'm worried about whether to continue going as it is.
裕子 on Google

巻き爪の治療に抵抗があり10年近くセルフケアしていました。半年程前から爪の状態が悪くなり、ストッキングも履けない痛みに慌てて病院探しをしました。ネットでこちらのサロンを知り、口コミやメール相談の対応も早かったので診て頂きました。事前に画像も送りましたが、実際の爪の状態を見てから矯正法や治療期間、料金の案内があり目安が明確で安心しました。施術中は痛みもなく、爪切りや爪の手入れも丁寧にして下さるので恐怖心も払拭されました。初回の治療で靴を履いても痛みがなく帰宅でき嬉しかったです。爪に貼るプレートはおもってたほど目立たず、爪の変化が如実に分かります。永年悩まされた爪の痛みやケアする手間を考えれば もっと早く相談すればよかったです。爪の痛みや治療にお悩みの方は ご相談だけでもお勧めします。
I had a resistance to the treatment of ingrown nails and had been self-care for almost 10 years. About six months ago, my nails had deteriorated and I couldn't wear stockings, so I rushed to find a hospital. I knew this salon on the internet, and since I was quick to respond to word-of-mouth and e-mail consultation, I had a medical examination. I also sent the images in advance, but after seeing the actual condition of the nails, I was relieved that the guideline was clear as there was guidance on the correction method, treatment period, and fee. There was no pain during the procedure, and the care of the nail clippers and the nails were carefully treated, so my fear was wiped away. Even if I put on my shoes for the first treatment, I was happy to come home without any pain. The plate attached to the nail is not as noticeable as I expected, and the change in the nail can be seen clearly. Considering the pain of the nails that has been a problem for many years and the time and effort to care, I should have consulted as soon as possible. If you have trouble with nail pain or treatment, we recommend you to consult us.
あらかさ on Google

1〜2年前に行ったが時間の経過と共に戻ってしまう。 施術中は前回より巻き爪だいぶ良くなってますね、とか言われるが一過性にすぎない。 なんやかんやで金額はかなりかかるので、覚悟しておいたほうがいい。
I went there a year or two ago, but it returns over time. It is said that the incurvated nails are much better than last time during the treatment, but it is only temporary. It's a kettle and it costs a lot, so be prepared.
愛田緋那 on Google

昔からお世話になっている皮膚科さんからの紹介で、こちらの横浜巻き爪センターさんへ。 その頃私の爪は左親指爪が「つ」の字みたいに肉に爪が食い込んで化膿して痛い状態でした。 とても綺麗で明るいお部屋で、施術は全く痛くなく、痛みもすぐに無くなりました。 ネイルサロンに来てるかの様な丁寧で親切な施術です♪ とても良い巡り合わせに感謝してます。 お値段も良心的と思います!
Introduced by a dermatologist who has been indebted for a long time, to this Yokohama winding claw center. At that time, my left thumb nail was in a state of suppuration and pain as the left thumb nail bite into the flesh like a "tsu". It was a very clean and bright room, and the procedure didn't hurt at all, and the pain disappeared immediately. It is a polite and kind treatment as if you are coming to a nail salon ♪ Thank you for a very good meeting. I think the price is also reasonable!

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