Yayoiken - Satte

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yayoiken

住所 :

2 Chome-20-7 Higashi, Satte, Saitama 340-0114, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 340-0114
Webサイト : https://shop.yayoiken.com/store/1497

2 Chome-20-7 Higashi, Satte, Saitama 340-0114, Japan
マスクマンタカシ(MASKMAN) on Google

I am grateful to the clerk for taking care. Moreover, it was delicious.
紺碧薄紅 on Google

店員の対応良かったです。 なんとなく対応のグレード高めな印象でした。 おかわりしないでも大盛りしたらいっぱいになりました。水もおいしかった。 おかわり不可メニューあります。確認して注文しましょう。 チゲも人気ありました。どっちもオススメ。
The clerk's response was good. The impression was somehow higher than the corresponding grade. Even if I didn't change it, it was full when it was big. The water was also delicious. There is a menu that cannot be replaced. Check and place an order. Chige was also popular. Both are recommended.
グロリアY30 on Google

座席数を確保する為か、座る所が狭い (店内は広い) 二人で行くなら、カウンターがいいかも。 駐車場のアスファルトが、ボロボロ穴だらけ雨の日は行かない事を薦めます。 厨房の食器を扱う音がウルサイ。 何回もガチャン! ガシャガシャ! 食器を落とした?と思えるような音。 店内の雰囲気(作り)は、他店より良いのだけど、、
The place to sit is narrow, probably to secure the number of seats (The inside of the store is large) If you go with two people, the counter may be good. We recommend that you do not go on a rainy day when the asphalt in the parking lot is full of tattered holes. The sound of handling tableware in the kitchen is Ursai. Gachan many times! Gasha gasha! Did you drop the dishes? Sound that seems to be. The atmosphere inside the store is better than other stores, but ...
Masayuki Matsuura on Google

安価に済ますなら文句無し。ですが機械化し過ぎてサービス業としてはどうなのかと思われる方がいるかもわかりません。 受付時にいきなりメニュー選択の自販機があり、初めて来た人は少し時間が掛かってしまうはずです。あとから来た人達が時間の掛かる客の後ろでイライラするような場面もあるでしょう。今後の課題は受付と狭すぎるテーブルでしょうか。
No complaints if it is cheap. However, I don't know if there are people who are over-mechanized and wonder what the service industry is like. There is a vending machine for menu selection suddenly at the reception, so it should take some time for those who come for the first time. There may be times when people who come later get frustrated behind a time-consuming customer. Will the future issues be the reception and the table that is too narrow?
Mika Hattori on Google

シンプル料理を食べたい時によくお世話になってます。 塩サバと茄子味噌の定食がお気に入り♥ ダシ茶漬けも割と好きです。 アジフライも美味しい! でもみんな美味しそうでホントにいつもメニューに迷ってしまいます。
I am often taken care of when I want to eat simple food. I like the set meal of salted mackerel and eggplant miso ♥ I also like dashi chazuke. Aji fry is also delicious! But everyone looks delicious and I always get lost in the menu.
Yのりこ on Google

This is my first visit. I went there around 2 o'clock so there were no other customers. I will buy a meal ticket at the vending machine first. You can change to cabbage instead of white rice. Money will be added, but it will also be mochi barley rice. In any case, you can refill the rice for free. When you enter the app, you can eat something with a free coupon.
Junya on Google

土曜日の19時半過ぎに訪問! 券売機でクレジットカード、一部の簡易決済等が使えるのはいいポイントではありますが... セルフサービスの ・お茶 ・お冷 ・出汁のポット ・ご飯のおかわりの機械 周りがとても汚れており、清掃・管理が行き届いていないのが飲食店として考えると非常に残念。 そして、ご飯おかわりに行った際にエラーでご飯が出ない...(ご飯残量が無かったので、4分程度待たされた。) 出汁茶漬けにして、ご飯を最後少し食べようと思った際にダシのポットを確認したら、今度は出汁のポットが空っぽ... ピークの時間帯に空っぽが続出... 清掃・管理が行き届いていないのは非常に残念に感じました。
Visited after 19:30 on Saturday! It is a good point that you can use credit cards, some simple payments, etc. at the ticket vending machine ... Self-service ·tea ・ Cold ・ Dashi pot ・ Machine for refilling rice It is very disappointing as a restaurant that the surroundings are very dirty and not well cleaned and managed. And when I went to refill the rice, I couldn't get any rice due to an error ... (I had to wait about 4 minutes because there was no rice left.) I made soup stock and checked the pot of dashi when I thought about eating a little rice at the end, but this time the pot of soup stock is empty ... Empty one after another during peak hours ... I was very disappointed that the cleaning and management was not perfect.
ナツデカ盛り on Google

今更ながらのはつやよい軒 なんと言っても、米が立っており炊き立てで美味しいライスが食べ放題おかわり自由なのが、食いしん坊には大変ありがたいサービスで助かります。 メニュー数は極めて豊富で、1番人気は店名を冠した、複数種のおかずな小鉢が揃っているやよい膳なのだとか。 バリアフリー、カード払いやキャッシュレスまで対応な高機能券売機が2台設置されており、メニューも見やすくとても便利。 提供においても自動配膳ロボットが動き回るなど、ハイテクかつオペレーションの簡素化なよりコストカットにもつながり、価格帯の安さとも相関性がありそうです。 スタッフさんのサービス対応の良さも印象的。 老若男女を問わない利用者、またお身体の不自由な方の利用も目立ちました。 隅々まで手抜きのない企業姿勢に感服です。
Shiny eaves After all, the rice is standing and you can eat all-you-can-eat delicious rice with freshly cooked rice. The number of menus is extremely rich, and the most popular is the good set with multiple kinds of side dish small bowls bearing the store name. There are two high-performance ticket vending machines that are barrier-free, card payment and cashless, and the menu is easy to see and very convenient. In terms of provision, automatic serving robots move around, leading to cost cuts rather than high-tech and simplification of operations, and it seems to have a correlation with the low price range. The good service of the staff is also impressive. Users of all ages and genders, as well as people with disabilities, were also noticeable. I am impressed with the corporate stance that does not cut corners.

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