Yasue - Tokai

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yasue

住所 :

Hirako-1-1 Araomachi, Tokai, Aichi 476-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 476-0003

Hirako-1-1 Araomachi, Tokai, Aichi 476-0003, Japan
Rokuro Kuji on Google

コスパ最高でお腹いっぱいになりました。 周辺のうどん屋さんの中でも一番だと思います。
I was full with the best cost performance. I think it's the best udon restaurant in the area.
Yはちみつ on Google

平日のお昼に訪問。 商社の方に連れて行ってもらいました。 天丼(小そば付き)を注文。 ものすごくボリューミー。天丼。 揚げたてサクサク。超うまい。 タレも少し甘めで、箸がとまらない。 ご飯の上には、ぎっしりと天ぷら。大きなエビがふたつ。うれしー。 これに小さいそばがついて、950円かー。 凄いコスパだ。 また行きたい!
Visited at noon on weekdays. I had a trading company take me. I ordered a tendon bowl (with small soba noodles). Extremely volumey. Bowl of rice and fried fish. Freshly fried crispy. Super good. The sauce is a little sweet and the chopsticks don't stop. On top of the rice, there is a lot of tempura. Two big shrimp. glad. A small soba is attached to this, and it costs 950 yen. It's a great cospa. I want to go again!
nagoya spa on Google

東海市荒尾町にある手打ちうどんそばの お店が気になってランチで行ってきました。 店内は木漏れ日が差し込むくつろぎ空間。 アットホームな接客が気持ち良いですね。 早速、温かいうどんそばメニューを見ると 大好きなカレーそばがあったので注文。 ◆カレーそば(750円)
◆御飯(小鉢、香物付:150円) 出汁がしっかり効いて肉とネギがたっぷり 蕎麦も旨味があってカレー汁とよく絡んで とても美味しいです!! ご飯とも相性抜群でかなり満足できました。 やっぱりカレーうどんよりそばですね。 ごちそうさまでした。
Handmade udon soba in Araomachi, Tokai city I was curious about the shop and went for lunch. The inside of the store is a relaxing space where sunlight shines through. It feels good to serve customers at home. Immediately, when you look at the warm udon soba menu I ordered my favorite curry soba. ◆ Curry soba (750 yen) ◆ Rice (with small bowl and incense: 150 yen) The soup stock works well and there is plenty of meat and green onions Soba is also delicious and is often entwined with curry soup It is very tasty! !! It goes well with rice and I was quite satisfied. After all it is soba than curry udon. Thank you for the meal.
ももパパ on Google

味噌煮込うどん 小ライス 950円を食べました。 麺は硬め、スープはとろみとこくがあり、天かすで味わいを増す。ネギ、あげも多く、玉と鶏肉の親子でこの価格❗️ バランスはお好みで‼️
I ate miso stewed udon small rice for 950 yen. The noodles are hard, the soup is thick and rich, and the taste is enhanced with tenkasu. There are many green onions and chickens, and this price is for parents and children of balls and chicken ❗️ Balance is your choice! ️
light light on Google

It's always crowded, but I don't mind and go to eat several times a year. I love miso nikomi udon and curry udon, so I always order one with Tenju as a set. Tendon is also delicious, so you can be satisfied with the taste and quantity. It's one of my favorite shops.
Masanari Miwa on Google

出勤時6名で訪問。6名用座敷席に案内される。コロナ禍でもあり案内断り、2名+4名で着席。 天ころうどんを注文。天ぷらはカラッとしていて、海老も大きく、美味しかったがダシが生ぬるい。冷やころを注文したはず。我慢して完食したが、コロナ対策も不十分。もう二度と行かないです。注文したものをちゃんと作ってください。
Visited by 6 people when commuting. You will be guided to a tatami room for 6 people. Due to the corona sickness, we refused guidance and seated with 2 + 4 people. I ordered Tenkorodon. The tempura was crispy, the shrimp was big, and it was delicious, but the dashi stock was lukewarm. I should have ordered a cold one. I put up with it and ate it completely, but the measures against corona were not enough. I will never go again. Please make what you ordered.
田舎のばぁば on Google

I had Miso nikomi udon with Tenju and Zaru udon with Tenju ? It was delicious because I like the strong seasoning ? The tsukudani of shiitake mushrooms is also good ◎
ちーさっ on Google

Every menu is delicious. Miso nikomi udon is delicious even in the summer. Limited quantity of mixed rice. I also order Maitake mushroom tempura every time. Please note that the quantity is large if it is a single item.

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