
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すずや食堂

住所 :

Yanaizu, Kawanuma District, 〒969-7201 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Fukushima

Yanaizu, Kawanuma District, 〒969-7201 Fukushima,Japan

柳津町独特と言って良い卵焼き載せのソースかつ丼。 ソースは割とあっさり味でしつこさがありません。 美味しいです。
A sauce and bowl with omelet that can be said to be unique to Yanaizu Town. The sauce is relatively light and not persistent. Is delicious.
宮下温泉ふるさと荘 on Google

噂の特性ニンニクラーメンはパワーがみなぎる1杯です。 刻みニンニクとニンニクチップスが入っていてスープとよく合うし メニューには書いていませんが白飯あります。半飯もOK。 残ったスープを飯にかけて最後までいけます! 完食後はニンニク臭が自分でもわかるくらいです(笑) 麺は普通の喜多方麺。950円でした
The rumored characteristic garlic ramen is full of power. It contains chopped garlic and garlic chips and goes well with the soup. I don't write it on the menu, but there is white rice. Half-grained rice is also OK. You can sprinkle the remaining soup on rice and go to the end! After finishing the meal, I can understand the garlic odor myself (laughs) The noodles are ordinary Kitakata noodles. It was 950 yen
Y okata on Google

ラーメンとカツ丼のご飯抜きを、注文しました。ラーメンは麺が柔らかめなのを除いては完璧です。昔ながらの優しいスープに中太のちぢれ麺。油も少なめで昭和にタイムスリップした様な気分になりました。 こういうラーメン屋さん、もう栃木には無いですね…。また伺います!
I ordered ramen and katsudon without rice. Ramen is perfect except that the noodles are tender. Medium-thick small noodles in a traditional gentle soup. With less oil, I felt like I had traveled back in time to the Showa era. There is no such ramen shop in Tochigi anymore ... I will visit you again!
アルパカチキチキ on Google

I went there for the first time. Is it like a B-grade gourmet? It was said that the stewed sauce cutlet bowl, but the fried condition of the cutlet is also sticky, so it's better to put it in the beaten egg rather than stew it? It was a bit disappointing for the price.
S H on Google

A long-established restaurant in the center of Aizu Yanaizu Town, "Monzencho". Some locals drink beer while eating garlic ramen from daytime. If you want to enjoy the local atmosphere, please.
ran kokodo on Google

柳津に来た時ちょうどお昼ご飯時だったので調べてたどり着きました。 外見は普通の町中の食堂。 名物であるソースカツ丼を注文しました。 900円なので安くはありませんが、かつ丼の卵とじみたいな物。 ソースとカツが良い感じで、それに卵も合います。 カツは大きすぎず柔らかく、ご飯の量もほどほどなので最後まで美味しく食べれました。 劇的に美味しい訳ではないけど、もう一度食べても良いかなと思う美味しさです。 店員さんの感じもよく、アットホームな感じでした。 着席してセンスをパタパタしてたら直ぐにエアコンをつけてくれて、かつ「エアコン付けたのでこっちの席の方が涼しいですよ」とオススメが。 こーゆー所は他の飲食店にも参考にして欲しいおもてなしなど思いました。 小さい町の食堂でもちゃんと外に除菌ジェル置いて、客席間に仕切りを作るなどコロナ対策はをやってて大変だと思うので応援したいと思いました。
When I came to Yanagizu, it was just lunch time, so I looked it up and arrived. It looks like a normal dining room in the town. I ordered the famous sauce cutlet bowl. It's 900 yen, so it's not cheap, but it's like a bowl of egg. The sauce and cutlet feel good, and the eggs go well with it. The cutlet was not too big and soft, and the amount of rice was moderate, so I was able to eat it deliciously until the end. It's not dramatically delicious, but it's delicious that I think it's okay to eat it again. The clerk felt good and I felt at home. As soon as I was seated and fluttered my senses, he turned on the air conditioner, and I recommended that "this seat is cooler because I turned on the air conditioner." I thought that Koyusho would like other restaurants to refer to it as well. Even in a small town cafeteria, I think it is difficult to take measures against corona, such as placing a disinfectant gel outside and creating a partition between the audience seats, so I wanted to support it.
lalakut “ララクト” nanan on Google

13時頃お店に入ると ニンニク臭が かなり強烈。 おじさんたちがみんなでニンニクラーメンを食べていたようです。 きを取り直して、お目当てのソースかつ丼を注文。 こちらのソースかつ丼はカツの下に薄焼き卵その下に千切りキャベツ という布陣。 薄焼き卵が、ソースかつ丼にありがちな強めのソースを和らげてくれます。これがここのオリジナル(^^♪ いいんじゃないですかね~。 おススメです(^^)/
When you enter the shop around 13:00 The garlic odor is quite strong. It seems that the uncles were all eating garlic ramen. I regained my taste and ordered the sauce and bowl I was looking for. This sauce and bowl is a thinly roasted egg under the cutlet and shredded cabbage under it The lineup. Lightly roasted eggs soften the strong sauce that is often found in sauces and bowls. This is the original here (^^ ♪ Isn't it okay? Recommended (^^) /
Punyanut Lertaphiworakorn on Google

So gooood

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