Yamauchi Nojo - Chiyoda City

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamauchi Nojo

住所 :

Daini Hibiya Bld., 5階6階 1 Chome-6-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 100-0006
Webサイト : https://www.monteroza.co.jp/shop.html

Daini Hibiya Bld., 5階6階 1 Chome-6-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan
祐子YUKO-N on Google

びわ酒を頼んだら味が薄過ぎて水を飲んでるのと同じでした。期待してたのにハズレだった。値段が良かったので作り直して貰いたかったけど店員の人には言えず我慢しました。 ちゃんと、びわ酒の味をしたびわ酒、飲みたかった。嫌な思いをするのは本当にずっと残る事なのできちんと教育よろしくお願いしますね。
It was the same as I was drinking water because the taste was too thin when I ordered Liquor. I was expecting, but I was losing. I wanted to recreate it because the price was good, but I could not say it to a clerk's person and I endured it. I wanted to drink lively liquor, which tasted the taste of Liquor properly. It is truly a matter of staying disgusting, so please do educate neatly.
Akihisa Iwano on Google

分煙されていない。 注文はタブレットでできるので楽。 受付が6Fで、お客さんが多いと5Fにまわされる。階段のみなのか、エレベーターを使えるのかは不明。 座敷は掘りごたつ。 大きなテレビがあり、スポーツ観戦できる。 料理は普通。 飲み物も普通。
It has not been smoked. As ordering is possible with tablet, it is easy. If the reception is 6F and there are many customers, it will be sent to 5F. It is unknown whether it is only stairs or can use an elevator. The parlor is digging. There is a big TV and you can watch sports. The food is normal. Drinks are also normal.
ロベルトバッジョ on Google

There are many foreign employees and it is difficult to communicate. .
T kaede on Google

土曜日8時前の訪問。すぐに案内してもらえた。6階にエレベーターで上がり、5階とつながった形態の店内。7名で2つテーブルをつないだ余裕のある席に案内され、居心地も良かった。 二次会なので、軽いものを頼みながらボトルを入れ氷とお水も注文。鹿児島のものを中心とした九州的な店なので味の想像もつきやすかった。 会計はひとり3000円程度に収まった。 酔っぱらいなので忘れ物をし、駅からすぐに気付いて戻ったとき、スタッフさんがサッと貼り紙のしてあるものを見てくださり無事に友人の手に戻った。最後までにこやかに気持ち良く利用できたお店。 エレベーターが狭いのは、ビルの仕様だから仕方ないですね。
Visit before 8am on Saturday. I was guided immediately. The store is located on the 6th floor by elevator and connected to the 5th floor. 7 people were guided to the seats where they could afford two tables and were comfortable. Because it is a secondary party, I ordered bottles of ice and water while ordering light ones. Because it is a Kyushu-style store centered on Kagoshima, it was easy to imagine the taste. Accounting was settled at around 3000 yen per person. As I was drunk, I forgot something, and immediately noticed it from the station and returned to my friend's hand. A shop that was comfortable and comfortable to use by the end. The elevator is narrow because it is a building specification.
kouichi akiyama on Google

土曜日の夜は 賑やかシリーズ 残業でちょっと遅めの 21時半前 帰って食べるのもなんだし ふと見上げると 居酒屋さん見っけ! 白木屋 魚民 笑笑 などの店を全国展開してる モンテローザグループですね 鹿児島の味に とことんこだわるという 山内農場 同僚と同業の方と 3人 スムーズに テーブルに 着席 メンバー的に 時間ないけど 飲み放題? と思うも 反対をうけ 通常オーダーへ おとうしの キャベツ きゅうり 味噌つけていただくのは 鉄板ですな♪ 生ビールからの ハイボールへ 反省会も 順調でしたw ご馳走さまでした
Saturday night Lively series A little late for overtime 21:30 I'm gonna go home and eat When I look up suddenly Look at the tavern! Shirakiya Fish people LOL And other stores nationwide Monte Rosa group To taste of Kagoshima To be particular about it Yamauchi Farm With colleagues and colleagues 3 persons Smoothly On the table sit down As a member I don't have time open bar? I think Oppose To normal order Fairy tale cabbage Cucumber The miso It ’s an iron plate. From draft beer To highball Review meeting It was smooth It was a feast
ぽちゃんさん on Google

ハンバーガーのウェンディーズ(元ファーストキッチン)隣のビル6Fの、鶏メニュー豊富なお店。 飲み放題などお得そうだったが、この日はモツ鍋を食べに来たので飲み物は単品で注文。キュウリとキャベツと味噌ダレがお通しできた。さっぱりしておいしい。 最初の注文以外はお冷などの無料メニューもすべてタッチパネルで。カラオケみたいだなと思ったら、カラオケが出来るお部屋もあるらしい。 外でモツ鍋を食べることがあまり無いので、これが普通かもしれないが、お鍋が小さいのですぐに沸く。2人前からの注文なのもわかる。小さいあの鍋で1人前だけ炊いたらすごく残念な見かけになるはず。 具はこれ以上入らないくらいに入れてくれているがモツともやしはもっと欲しいので追加。追加分は別の皿で持ってきてくれるのでどのくらい追加したのかわかりやすい。入らないので、煮えたものを取り出して生ものを煮る。 ここで気づいたが、鍋に夢中で誰も写真を撮っていなかった…。 身の厚いプリプリのあぶらが甘いモツでした。 麺を2人前お願いしたら、そうめん1束くらいの九州の細いラーメンの乾麺が2つきた。値段が安いのに結構なボリューム。 満腹です。おいしかったなあー。 店員さんも親切で良かったです。 タバコ吸う人と席を分けてくれたら満点でした。
A restaurant with a rich chicken menu on the 6th floor of the building next to Wendy's (former First Kitchen), a hamburger. All-you-can-drink seemed to be a good deal, but I came to eat Motsu-nabe on that day, so I ordered the drink separately. I was able to pass cucumber, cabbage and miso sauce. It's refreshing and delicious. Except for the first order, all free menus such as cold are on the touch panel. If you think it's like karaoke, there seems to be a room where you can karaoke. This may be normal because I don't eat motsunabe outside very often, but the pot is so small that it boils quickly. You can also see that the order is from 2 servings. If you cook only one serving in that small pot, it will look very disappointing. The ingredients are put in so much that they can't fit any more, but I want more offal and bean sprouts, so I added them. The additional amount will be brought to you in a separate plate, so it's easy to see how much you added. It doesn't fit, so take out the boiled food and boil the raw food. I noticed here that no one was taking pictures because I was absorbed in the pot ... The thick offal was sweet offal. When I asked for two servings of noodles, I got two dried noodles of thin ramen from Kyushu, about one bundle of somen noodles. The price is cheap, but the volume is quite good. I'm full. It was delicious. The clerk was also kind and nice. It was a perfect score if you shared the seat with the person who smokes.
Adrian Tute on Google

Good chicken
H.カール on Google

Drinks are good but way too expensive for being an izakaya-chain. Extremely dirty, our wet towels and plates were dirty before we got them and lots of dust/dirt everywhere. Food was also really bad, and definitely skip the karaage!

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