Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Zama Hibarigaoka Center - Zama

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Zama Hibarigaoka Center

5 Chome-2-8 Hibarigaoka, Zama, Kanagawa 252-0003, Japan
Minami Maeda on Google

配達は入谷からですが、持ち込みでお願いする時はいつも こちらを利用させていただいてます。 当日発送は19時までです。 19時01分にとうちゃくして発送したら、当日発送にはまにあわなかったみたいです。 QRのやり方が、あまり上手に出来ないでいると、お店の方が優しく手伝って下さいました。 その方がお店としても早く処理が済みますよね(^-^ゞ とても助かっています。 ただ、駐車場(持ち込み客用)のスペースがとても狭いです。 間違って配達車両用のところへ停めたら怒られました。
Delivery is from Iriya, but whenever you ask by bringing in I will use this. Shipment on the day is until 19:00. After shipping at 19:01, it seems that it did not meet shipment on the day. If the method of QR can not be done very well, the shop helped me more gently. That person is processed as soon as a shop, too (^-^ ゞ I am very helpful. However, the space of the parking lot (for carry-on customers) is very small. I was angry when I stopped for delivery vehicle by mistake.
Ku Na on Google

It is a pity that there is not enough parking space. Be careful when returning from a passenger car, as the roadside trees are obstructive and the visibility is difficult. I wish I could move to a better property.
武内仁 on Google

I often use it for shipping Mercari, but it's convenient because there are many staff members who work very smoothly and comfortably.
ラブ君(ラブ君) on Google

親切丁寧な対応でした 営業所に保管と有ったので散歩がてら取りに行きました 消毒液と飛沫対策も対応してあり 次回も利用したいです
It was a kind and polite response. Since it was stored at the sales office, I went for a walk. It also supports disinfectant and splash countermeasures, so I would like to use it again next time.
N Ken on Google

今日は待たされる事なく対応していただきました。 ちょうど配達員さんが戻る時間帯だったので、駐車スペースに停める時に少し気になったのと、敷地も狭く前の道路の通行量が以外と多いので注意が必要です。 センターは少し奥まっていて、見落とすこともあり、街路樹もあるので注意してください。 隣の葬儀場を目印にするといいです。
I was able to respond without waiting today. It was just the time when the deliveryman returned, so I was a little worried when I parked in the parking space, and the site is small and the traffic on the road in front is heavy, so be careful. Please note that the center is a little deep, sometimes overlooked, and there are roadside trees. Use the funeral hall next door as a landmark.
shie k. on Google

うちのポストに別の方の荷物の不在通知が 何枚も入っていたり、置き配で違う宅の 荷物が勝手に置かれていたり センターの女性で受付も態度が悪くて 不愉快だし 持ち込みでいつも利用して いましたが、別のクロネコヤマトに 行こうと思った。最悪です
There is another person's baggage absence notice on my mailbox There are many sheets in it, or it's in a different house depending on the delivery Luggage is placed without permission The female at the center has a bad attitude at the reception It's unpleasant and I always bring it in and use it I was there, but to another Kuroneko Yamato I thought I'd go. It's the worst
あーこ。 on Google

持ち込みでたまに利用しますが、受け付けの女性たちはどの人も対応も感じも悪い。 こちらも不愉快なるので、近隣の入谷や深見に持っていくことも多々あります。 ただ、配達してくれるドライバーの人はいつも親切です。
I use it occasionally when I bring it in, but all the women at the reception are uncomfortable and uncomfortable. This is also unpleasant, so I often take it to nearby Iriya and Fukami. However, the driver who delivers it is always kind.
さてぃみさん on Google

当日配達をお願いしたくて始めて利用しました。 お伺いしたのが遅い時間で残念ながら当日配達受け付けには間に合いませんでしたが、朝8時半くらいまでに持っていけば、当日配達に間に合うそうで、次回は時間に気を付けてお願いしに行こうと思います。 スタッフさんが親切丁寧でわかりやすく、色々対応してくださり、とても助かりました。また是非利用させていただきたいと思います。 最寄り駅からは遠く、車で行くことをおすすめします。が、駐車場は一般客用のもの?は3台程度なので埋まってると路肩待機も難しい場所で大変かと思います。 少し難しいかもしれませんが、周辺道路やヤマトさんのご迷惑になら無いように、タイミングを見てお伺いするのがいいと思います。
I used it for the first time because I wanted to request same-day delivery. Unfortunately I was not able to accept the same day delivery because it was late, but if you bring it by about 8:30 in the morning, it will be in time for the same day delivery, so please be careful about the time next time. I will go to. The staff was kind, polite and easy to understand, and they responded in various ways, which was very helpful. I would like to use it again. It is recommended to go by car, far from the nearest station. But is the parking lot for general customers? There are about 3 cars, so if it is buried, it will be difficult to wait on the shoulder. It may be a little difficult, but I think it's a good idea to check the timing so as not to bother the surrounding roads and Yamato.

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