Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Yokkaichi Fuji Center - Yokkaichi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Yokkaichi Fuji Center

24-10 Mochibukucho, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-8012, Japan
参参 on Google

コミュショーの私はpudoステーションがあって有難い。 しかし当日発送が15時まで。 コロナ禍の今、混んでる時はpudo使いたいなー。 pudoには屋根なしなので雨降りの時はオススメしません(;´д`)
At the community show, I appreciate the pudo station. However, the same day shipping will be until 15:00. Nowadays, I want to use pudo when it's crowded. Since pudo does not have a roof, it is not recommended when it rains (;´д`)
ke aji on Google

I have been using it with a certain flea market app, but if you have other Yamato, there is one female staff who is inflexible even though Takkyubin Compact passes. I understand the rules, but if you're well-served, you'll understand, but it's also unfriendly and most people will pass through, but that person will never. People who are using a certain flea market app will definitely recommend Yamato of Akatsuki who is not there! It's okay in Tomita's Yamato except for that person!
Porco Rosso on Google

こちらの営業所はいつも利用させてもらっています。 Googleでは富士センターと表示されますが、こちらの営業所は富士センターと富田センターが同居するニコイチの営業所です。
This office is always used. Although Google Center is displayed as Fuji Center, this sales office is a sales office in Nikoichi where Fuji Center and Tomita Center live together.
あかつき(あかつき) on Google

It is a disaster that is almost impossible for a major transportation industry, with no communication system at all. I think that someday you will get hurt if you go on the principle of nothing. I think it is the lowest level among Yamato's sales offices.
森敏行 on Google

家から近いので良く利用します❗ 持ち込むと安いよね
I often use it because it is close to my house ❗ It's cheap to bring in
前田亜規恵 on Google

父の依頼で2月末頃に行きました。 物流会社はこの時期は大変でしょうね。
I went there around the end of February at the request of my father. Logistics companies will have a hard time at this time.
toy “godaigo_e” on Google

荷物の引き取りで利用しています。 この営業所で勤務されているパートの女性の方は丁寧に対応していただいています。 しかし最近、四日市あかつきセンターの方から転勤した男性がいて、要領と態度がよろしくない。 以前はあかつきセンターを利用していたが、その男性ともう一人のおばさんの態度が最悪だったので、こっちにしたのに・・・ おばさんの方はまだあかつきセンターの方にいるので、もうヤマトは利用したくない。佐川急便をメインに使います。
I use it to pick up my luggage. The female part-time workers who work at this office are polite. However, recently, there is a man who has been transferred from the Yokkaichi Akatsuki Center, and the point and attitude are not good. I used to use the Akatsuki Center, but the attitude of the man and the other aunt was the worst, so I decided to go here ... My aunt is still at the Akatsuki Center, so I don't want to use Yamato anymore. I mainly use Sagawa Express.
chachukoちゃちゅこ on Google

ヤマトの怠慢なやり方に困っております。 クリスマス子供が楽しみに待っていたプレゼントをAmazonで注文してヤマトがポストに無理矢理投函していてカドが潰れていました。 すぐに電話して商品が潰れて破損していると言ったら「カドですよね?」と怒って言われました。 カドでもどこでも故意に潰したらこちらが怒るのが普通では... それをヤマトの責任者さんに話をしたら適当に対応されまた連絡しますと電話を切られクリスマス通り越して年も越しましたが連絡すらないです。 いつまで待ったらよろしいですか? 注文して商品が届くまで色んな気持ちで待ってる人がいます。 3歳の子供からプレゼントとクリスマスとサンタさんをとりあげて楽しいですか? 子供にサンタさんがコロナで来れないって言ったら 「そっかーならサンタさんにお手紙書いてあげるね」と言いながら届いてないペンを探してる姿を見て言葉がなかったです。 ありがとうございます。
I am troubled by Yamato's negligent way. I ordered a present from Amazon that my child was looking forward to for Christmas, and Yamato forcibly posted it to the mailbox, and Kado was crushed. When I called immediately and said that the product was crushed and damaged, I was angry and said, "Isn't it Kado?" It's normal for me to get angry if I deliberately crush it anywhere, even in Kado ... When I talked to the person in charge of Yamato about it, I was dealt with appropriately and when I contacted him again, I was hung up and passed Christmas, but I haven't contacted him. How long should I wait? There are people who order and wait with various feelings until the product arrives. Is it fun to pick up gifts, Christmas and Santa from a 3-year-old kid? When I told my child that Santa couldn't come in Corona, I couldn't say anything when I saw him looking for a pen that hadn't arrived while saying, "If so, I'll write to Santa." thank you.

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