YAMATO TRANSPORT CO., LTD. Tochigi-Yashu Center - Tochigi

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact YAMATO TRANSPORT CO., LTD. Tochigi-Yashu Center

住所 :

2 Chome-13-29 Imaizumimachi, Tochigi, 328-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 328-0027
Webサイト : http://www.e-map.ne.jp/p/yamato01/shop_dtl.htm%3Fp_f1%3D1%26kid%3D022430%26utm_source%3DYext%26utm_medium%3DYext%26utm_campaign%3DListings
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–9PM
Sunday 8AM–9PM
Monday 8AM–9PM
Tuesday 8AM–9PM
Wednesday 8AM–9PM
Thursday 8AM–9PM
Friday 8AM–9PM

2 Chome-13-29 Imaizumimachi, Tochigi, 328-0027, Japan

スタッフの皆さんが、本当に親切です! 大きさが微妙な時に一番手頃な送り方を一緒に考えてくださり、助かりました(’-’*)♪ よく利用するので、サイズが微妙の時はコンビニに行かずに少し遠くてもこちらを利用させていただいています♪ヽ(´▽`)/
The staff are really kind! It helped me to think about the most affordable way to send when the size is delicate ('-' *) ♪ I often use it, so when the size is delicate, I don't go to the convenience store and use it even if it's a little far away ♪ ヽ (´ ▽ `) /
まあちゃん on Google

You have the space you need to send your luggage. The clerk is also relieved with a polite response. It was convenient and profitable to make a shipping slip with the smartphone app.
豆大福 on Google

I have Takkyubin here almost every day, but the staff are very helpful! It feels good to say "Welcome" and "Thank you" whenever you enter or leave the store. You can trust it.
B A. on Google

ある受付の方の対応が極めて悪かったです。 こちらの説明不足もあるかもしれませんし、他の社員さんの方には申し訳ないのですが、今後は行きたいとは思いませんでした。
The response of one receptionist was extremely bad. There may be a lack of explanation here, and I'm sorry to other employees, but I didn't want to go in the future.
かぶに on Google

4回連続で時間指定着ませんでした。 次の日に電話して折り返しすぐ電話するって言われて待ちましたがそれも半日待ちました。 ネットでは持ち出してるのにも関わらず、次の日が配達日だ!と言い訳を言い出してました。 非常に残念です。 何のための時間指定なのか疑問を持ちました。 再配達の方をオススメします。
I didn't arrive at the designated time four times in a row. I called the next day and was told to call back soon, but I waited for half a day. Although I took it out online, the next day is the delivery date! I made an excuse. It is very disappointing. I was wondering what the time was for. We recommend redelivery.
柏崎行雄 on Google

Thank you for contacting the delivery person who filled out the absentee notice and they will redeliver it immediately.
桜巳栞菜 on Google

①受付の知識も乏しく、控えを渡す事すらあわよくば省略しようとするずさんな方々。 ②配送ドライバーの質が悪すぎる。 以前は1人だけ良い方が居ましたが、今はクズしかおらず、中でも酷いのが帽子を斜め45度位にして帽子のつばを上に向けて被った方。 そもそも前髪出しすぎてて見た目が気持ち悪い上に、態度も悪い。ドライバーに電話するとため息混じりの応対が当たり前。繁忙期だろうが客には関係のない話です。非常識で不愉快。
(1) Sloppy people who have little knowledge of receptionists and try to omit even handing over copies. ② The quality of the delivery driver is too bad. There used to be only one good person, but now there are only scraps, and the worst one is the one who wears the hat at an angle of about 45 degrees and the brim of the hat facing up. In the first place, the bangs are too much to look at, and the attitude is also bad. When you call the driver, it is natural to have a sigh. It may be a busy season, but it has nothing to do with customers. Insane and unpleasant.
Asif Waseem on Google

Yamato is a very papular and helpful Transport company. Which is busy around the clock to facilitate their customers on reasonable price. Yamato is Honest, Efficient, Energetic, and much cooperative staff

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