YAMATO TRANSPORT CO., LTD. Mito-Jonan Center - Mito

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact YAMATO TRANSPORT CO., LTD. Mito-Jonan Center

住所 :

910-1 Sakadocho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0841, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 310-0841
Webサイト : http://www.e-map.ne.jp/p/yamato01/shop_dtl.htm%3Fp_f1%3D1%26kid%3D021190%26utm_source%3DYext%26utm_medium%3DYext%26utm_campaign%3DListings
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–8PM
Sunday 8AM–8PM
Monday 8AM–8PM
Tuesday 8AM–8PM
Wednesday 8AM–8PM
Thursday 8AM–8PM
Friday 8AM–8PM

910-1 Sakadocho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0841, Japan
鈴木三知男 on Google

It is convenient to have glasses, but there are times when the ballpoint pen is out of ink.
大内正則 on Google

同じ間違えを年に2回、今回はご配達をしようとしていました❗ 改善が出来ないのは何故のか?
I made the same mistake twice a year, this time trying to deliver ❗ Why can't it be improved?
Kazuha Kaede on Google

He kindly told me what I didn't understand when printing a slip on a tablet. However, elderly people may find it difficult to understand, so I want a function that can increase the size of letters.
大河原恵 on Google

対応最悪 何回問い合わせの電話しても ドライバーから連絡します。言われても どんだけ待っても連絡なし。 何回問い合わせ電話すりゃいいんだよ? 時間返せ マジで最悪 ふざけんな 毎回その対応 今日も
細谷三男 on Google

カウンターの方はいつも優しく案内してくれて 気持ちいいのいい受付をしてくれますみんな優しそうなおねえさん方です 商品の 届出時間などもお願いすると 自分の希望に沿ったものになるみたいですので一度カウンターに行ってみるとよろしいと思います
The counter will always guide you kindly and give you a pleasant reception. Everyone seems to be kind. If you ask for the product notification time etc., it seems that it will be in line with your wishes, so once at the counter I think you should go
D Wat on Google

ここ最近(2021年後半)窓口の受付の対応力がとても落ちていて残念です。端末がダウンしていても案内も対応もなく放置されていたり、複数口対応のオプションが人によって違ったり、受付を途中で別の人が引き継いだら受付手続きが伝わってなかったり… 配達担当の人たちの対応はとても丁寧なだけに本当に残念です。 以前のようなストレスのない受付が復活することを期待します。
It's a pity that the reception desk at the counter has been very weak recently (late 2021). Even if the terminal is down, it is left unattended without guidance or correspondence, the option for multiple mouths differs depending on the person, or if another person takes over the reception in the middle, the reception procedure is not transmitted ... It's really disappointing because the delivery staff are very polite. I hope that the stress-free reception as before will be restored.
ななごろー on Google

ここの方々は慣れていない方が多いのか、聞く人によって言ってることが違いました!それにより、伝票を作り直す羽目になりました。 最初に聞いた方は、宅急便コンパクトは、箱にいれないでも送れるとおっしゃってので、また伝票をネットで作り直したのに関わらず、違う人の対応になったら、やはり箱代がかかりました。箱代は、現金のみで車にとりにいくはめになりました。 待ってる間、既にお金を払って預けてる方の荷物のサイズがまちがっていると聞こえてきました。対応の見直しが必要じゃないでしょうか。
I wonder if many of the people here aren't used to it, and what they said was different depending on the listeners! As a result, I ended up recreating the slip. The first person to hear said that Takkyubin Compact can be sent even if it is not in the box, so even if the slip was remade online, it would cost a box fee if it was handled by a different person. As for the box fee, I had to go to the car only with cash. While I was waiting, I heard that the size of the baggage of the person who had already paid and deposited was wrong. Isn't it necessary to review the response?
まつへい on Google

The woman seemed to be busy working. I decided to send it to the manufacturer because the item I bought by mail order was defective, but it was not very expensive, so I told him that I would like to send it by cash on delivery as cheaply as possible, but I was charged a fee. .. I said it was as cheap as possible, so I seemed to have missed the cash on delivery, so I ended up writing it on the regular cash on delivery table and writing it again on the cash on delivery table. I wanted you to listen to the story until the end (laughs).

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