Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Akaiwa Neopolis Center - Akaiwa

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Akaiwa Neopolis Center

927-1 Nuta, Akaiwa, Okayama 709-0812, Japan
青木恵子(keiko) on Google

テキパキとしていて、親切で丁寧❗️ しかもドライバーさんは、みんな素敵な対応してくれます? 皆さん、頑張って~✴️
It's fluffy, kind and polite ❗️ Moreover, all the drivers will respond nicely ? Good luck everyone ~ ✴️
ひろみ on Google

Since the customer service is generally unfriendly, I use a convenience store such as Yu-Packet unless it is necessary. Convenience stores are much better at responding.
神代メゴ on Google

残暑見舞い?にマスカットを発送するのに行きました。 マスカットの出来が良すぎて箱がきちんとしまらない状態だったのにも関わらず、とても丁寧に対応してくださいました。よきよき。
Is it a lingering summer heat? I went to ship Muscat to. Even though the muscat was so good that the box wasn't neat, he responded very politely. Good good.
津島悠馬 on Google

I became a Kuroneko Members, but I haven't used it until now. I brought in my luggage, entered the shipping information from my smartphone, and printed the invoice on the terminal at the store. Then, when I charged the Kuroneko Member's Card and paid for it, it was about 330 yen cheaper for 80 size.
日原智子 on Google

He kindly responded.
シュン on Google

Depending on the period and time of day, there is a lot of waiting time. Also, the final pick-up and delivery location will be Tsuyama! ️
あーさん on Google

いつも利用させてもらってます(^^) 配達の人は皆、丁寧で親切(^^) 基本的にはいつも受付してくれる女性スタッフの方々は感じの良い方ばかりですが‥この間はおじさんが受付してくれたけど‥少し混んでいて年配の方への対応が長くて、私の前の女の客が舌打ちして待ってました。 足も激しく貧乏ゆすりしてイライラしてたのはわかりました。自分の番になったら凄い偉そうに、おじさんに言ってたので、お年寄りにも優しく出来ん心の余裕ない人だな〜って思って見てて‥。私の番になったから、お願いします!って頼んだら、さっきの女の客の態度に腹が立っていたのか?愛想悪くて私にとても冷たくしてきました(˙˙ ) それって八つ当たりですよね??ひどーい。 全然私関係ないのに。おじいちゃんもおばあちゃんも好きだから待たされても何も思わなかったのに。 女の客もそうだけど、スタッフのおじさんも余裕無さ過ぎ。せっかく皆頑張ってるのに1人の感情でマイナスになる。
I always use it (^^) All the delivery people are polite and kind (^^) Basically, the female staff who always accept me are all nice people, but during this time my uncle accepted me, but it was a little crowded and the correspondence to the elderly was long, so in front of me The female customer was waiting with her tongue. I knew that my legs were also very poor and irritated. I told my uncle that it would be great when it was my turn, so I thought he was kind to the elderly and couldn't afford it. It's my turn, please! Did you get angry with the attitude of the female customer? It was unfriendly and made me very cold (˙˙) That's about eight, right? ?? It's terrible. It has nothing to do with me. I like grandpa and grandma, so I didn't think of anything when I was kept waiting. As with female customers, the uncle of the staff is too tight. Even though everyone is doing their best, one person's emotions are negative.
haruchi on Google

赤磐市役所から車で3分ほどの場所にあり、利便性が良いことから、よく利用させてもらっています。 最近は、送り先などの記入をタブレットで入力するようになっています。 タブレット入力が苦手な方は、昔からのやり方の紙で記入はできます。 携帯にクロネコのアプリを入れると、もっと簡単に手続きができるようです。 スタッフの方は、親切丁寧な方が多いかと思います。
It is about 3 minutes by car from Akaiwa City Hall, and it is convenient, so I often use it. Recently, it has become possible to enter information such as destinations on a tablet. If you are not good at tablet input, you can fill in with the old-fashioned paper. If you put the Kuroneko app on your mobile phone, it seems that the procedure will be easier. I think that many of the staff are kind and polite.

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