Yamahira - Toride

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamahira

住所 :

1056-9 Takasu, Toride, Ibaraki 300-1522, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897888
Postal code : 300-1522
Webサイト : http://www.zenmisoba.com/tenpo/t2yamahira/t2yamahira.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–9PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9PM
Monday 11:30AM–9PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–9PM
Friday 11:30AM–9PM

1056-9 Takasu, Toride, Ibaraki 300-1522, Japan
Kuzu Tutsu on Google

JR常磐線藤代駅から車で10分ほど、こんな所にあるのか…というような蕎麦屋。カーナビかマップをこまめに確認しないと見落とす程度には細い交差点の先にあります。 おすすめは土日限定の試食セット1000円。4種類の蕎麦とうどんを食べ比べられます。食べ比べといってもそれぞれの分量もそれなりに多く、一通り食べ終えれば十分に満腹になる量でした。 それ以外には鴨せいろをオススメされました。どちらもとても美味しかったです。 唯一の難点は場所が分かりづらいことかな…
Soba restaurant like JR Joban Line Fujyoro Station about 10 minutes by car, is there such a place ...? It is ahead of a narrow intersection to the extent that you overlook if you do not check car navigation or map frequently. Recommended for Saturdays and Sundays limited tasting set 1000 yen. You can eat four kinds of soba noodles and noodles and compare it. Even though it is said to eat and compare it, each amount is as much as it was, and it was an amount that would be full enough if we finished eating all at once. Besides that, it was recommended duck sauce. Both were very delicious. The only difficulty is that the location is difficult to understand ...
名無しの健 on Google

I want to eat country soba again
K T on Google

本当は別の蕎麦屋に行ったのですが生憎休業日だったので急遽携帯で調べてこちらに行きました。わかりにくい場所でした。 ほのぼのした雰囲気の夫婦で営まれてます。家人は玉子とじ蕎麦、自分はかき揚げ蕎麦を注文。美味しかったです。一緒に添えられたお新香と茶碗蒸しも美味しかったです。
Actually, I went to another soba shop, but it was a bad holiday, so I checked it on my mobile phone and went here. It was a difficult place to understand. It is run by a couple with a warm atmosphere. The family ordered egg toji soba and myself ordered kakiage soba. It was delicious. The incense and chawanmushi served together were also delicious.
川添秋如 on Google

Buckwheat noodle shop, ~ It was delicious ? It was the first time in a year but it is delicious after all ~
庄司悟(Shakewo) on Google

田舎農家の食事処。田舎の時間の流れの遅さを味わうための店。仕事前にそばでも手繰っていくかなんて時には向かない。 注文取りに来て、隣の席のおっさんに話しかけられ話し込み、注文取って又話し込む。注文通してからにしろとか思ってはダメ。田舎の時間の流れを味わいましょう。 まぁいいかで片付けなくなって、雑多なものが転がってるのも、田舎の蕎麦屋って雰囲気を醸し出している。 蕎麦自体は守谷の方に美味い蕎麦屋が沢山あるのでそっち行った方がいい。
A restaurant for a rural farmer. A shop where you can enjoy the slow flow of time in the countryside. Sometimes it's not suitable to go by the side before work. Come to take an order, talk to the old man in the next seat, take an order and talk again. Don't think that you should do it after ordering. Let's enjoy the flow of time in the countryside. Well, I can't get rid of it, and the miscellaneous things are rolling around, which creates the atmosphere of a soba restaurant in the countryside. As for the soba itself, there are many delicious soba restaurants in Moriya, so you should go there.
かな on Google

昼過ぎに駆け込みで訪れました(電話したら残り10人前と言われたので…) だいたい、どこのお蕎麦屋さんも大晦日メニューになっていますが、こちらのお店もそうでした。 ただ、今年はコロナもあって?なのか、天ぷらとか他の料理はなく、もりかかけ、鴨南のみでした。 鴨南そばをいただきましたが、美味しかったです。 茶碗蒸しと白菜の漬物がついてきました。
I rushed in after noon (I was told that there were 10 people left when I called ...) Generally, every soba restaurant has a New Year's Eve menu, but so did this one. However, is there a corona this year? There was no tempura or other dishes, only Morikakake and Kaminami. I had Kamonan soba and it was delicious. Comes with chawanmushi and pickled Chinese cabbage.
Take Tanaka on Google

It was delicious soba. The new incense and chawanmushi of the set were also casually good.
Taku Price on Google

田んぼの中の蕎麦屋。老夫婦が経営しており店に入ると最初は一般家庭の雰囲気。奥の座敷は蕎麦屋って感じです。 土日限定の試食セットがオススメです。ちょっと書いてある事がわかりづらいので注文時に聞くと良いです。蕎麦にこだわりは感じますが、田舎の蕎麦屋の時間の流れを楽しみましょ。蕎麦は美味しいですよ。
A soba shop in a rice field. It is run by an elderly couple, and when you enter the store, it has the atmosphere of a general household. The tatami room in the back is like a soba restaurant. We recommend the weekend-only tasting set. It's a little difficult to understand what is written, so it's a good idea to ask when ordering. I feel that I am particular about soba, but let's enjoy the passage of time at a soba restaurant in the countryside. Soba is delicious.

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