Yamada Store Kitano - Kakogawa

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamada Store Kitano

住所 :

Kitano-1154-17 Noguchicho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Postal code : 675-0011
Webサイト : http://www.yamada-store.com/

Kitano-1154-17 Noguchicho, Kakogawa, Hyogo 675-0011, Japan
やすやす on Google

商品は高品質な物がほとんどです。 他のスーパーでは扱っていないものがあるから、たまに来ると楽しめますよ?
Most of the products are of high quality. There are things that other supermarkets do not sell, so you can enjoy it once in a while ?
プリンプリン on Google

It's a little expensive, but ... it's full of delicious ingredients. There are a lot of things that are also suitable for preserved foods. I buy frozen shrimp dumplings on a regular basis. Frozen quiche and pickled olive oil are expensive, but they are perfect for a home Italian course.
Ken Naka on Google

値段はやや高めですが、その分、良くて、おいしい食材がそろっています。 ヤマダ独自のこだわりを感じられる品揃えです。 あれもこれもと欲しくなるので、入る前に本当に必要なもの、予算を整理してから入ります笑 また、魚や寿司、惣菜など豊富です。 広い駐車場があります。 駐車場には精米機もありました。 東加古川駅から北側はあまりスーパーがないので、重宝してます。
The price is a little high, but the good and delicious ingredients are available. It is an assortment of products that you can feel Yamada's unique commitment. I also want that, so I will enter after organizing what I really need and budget before entering lol In addition, there are plenty of fish, sushi, and side dishes. There is a large parking lot. There was also a rice mill in the parking lot. There aren't many supermarkets on the north side of Higashi-Kakogawa Station, so it's useful.
Masahiko S on Google

並んだ商品は良い物が多いが、たまたま伺った日に鍋物にしようと思っていたが、野菜類が見て回ったがいずれも多くて余るのは必至❗出来れば他店に有る様にセットでパッケージされていたら、此方で全て買ったのだが、仕方なく他店で揃えました❗ 又 最近はディスカウントストアーが車で10分も走れば、種々オープンしてるので価格が今のままだと先行きはどうだろう❓️。
Many of the products lined up are good, but I was thinking of making them into hot pots on the day I visited, but I looked around for vegetables, but it is inevitable that there will be a lot of them left over. If it was packaged in, I bought it all here, but I had no choice but to arrange it at another store ❗ Also, recently, if the discount store runs for 10 minutes by car, it will be open in various ways, so what about the future if the price remains the same? ❓️.
湯本秀昭 on Google

いつも買い物客が多い気がする。 なんでだろう?必ずしも安い訳ではない。 地産品が多いわけでもない。 でも比較的に良品や珍品が多い。 ここでしか買えない商品も多い。 店員の教育も店内の清潔さも悪くない。 やはり店長をはじめとする関係者の努力の賜物と言うべきか。
I always feel that there are many shoppers. Why? It's not always cheap. There are not many local products. However, there are relatively many good and rare items. Many products can only be bought here. The education of the clerk and the cleanliness of the store are not bad. Should it be said that it is the result of the efforts of the store manager and other related parties?
k naga on Google

外観のロゴマークがオシャレで、何屋さん?インテリアショップ?って感じですが、手土産、ギフト用のお花や焼き菓子、厳選食材など、取り扱い豊富。 地産地消のスーパーです。 お菓子やパンの人気商品なども、ここに来れば置いてあるし、調味料類、素朴なお菓子、お煎餅や、辛い系あられ、 テンションあがったのは、アイスクリームが、普通にスーパーで売っているものも勿論ありますが、ネットでみたことあるパッケージのものが、個別売りしていて、つい色々試してみたくなります♡ はじめてお店を知ってから、美味しいもの開拓しに足しげくかよっています。 ネットショップでしか見かけない よろこびスパイスも売ってて、これを知ってから肉料理に欠かせません!! 手書き風の、POPが 購買意欲掻き立てられて、喫茶店のナポリタンソースやら、マヨネーズやら、きっと試したくなるはず! ヤマダストアがない地域の友達に、気にいった商品をおすすめしたり、普段使いできるものをちょっとしたお土産に探しにいったり、 店内の商品POPをみながら時間のある時にゆっくり買い回りするのが楽しいです。 お客さんの要望を聞いて、取り扱いが始まった商品、人気がある商品、陳列棚を見たらそれも見える化されているので、お店側だけじゃなく、ユーザーのおすすめ商品も分かるのが良い♪*゚ あと、お惣菜も、とても美味しいです? ただ、品質重視でやっぱり他より高めなので、毎日の食材、日用品等のお買い物には 利用しにくいです。 でも、時々いって、高くても買いたいと思う商品に出会えるお店なのでおすすめです。 追記~ 余談ですが、店内トイレのトイレットペーパーが白くなくて、自然素材な いい感じの色で、わぁ、これ自宅で使いたい!!と?思いました。 すぐさま店内で商品探して発見しましたが、高いなぁぁと。買わずで、超消耗品なのでもっと個数ふやして安くなったら買います! 要望です(笑)
The logo mark on the exterior is fashionable, and what kind of store is it? Interior shop? It feels like, but we have a wide variety of souvenirs, gift flowers and baked goods, and carefully selected ingredients. It is a supermarket for local production for local consumption. If you come here, you can find popular sweets and bread products, as well as seasonings, simple sweets, rice crackers, and spicy hail. Of course, there are some ice creams that are usually sold at supermarkets, but the ones that I have seen on the net are sold individually, and I want to try various things ♡ After getting to know the restaurant for the first time, I've been working hard to develop delicious food. Only found in online shops We also sell joyful spices, which are indispensable for meat cooking after knowing this !! The handwritten style of POP will inspire you to buy, and you will surely want to try the Neapolitan sauce and mayonnaise at the coffee shop! You can recommend the products you like to your friends in the area where there is no Yamada store, or go looking for something you can use everyday as a small souvenir. It's fun to buy around slowly when you have time while looking at the product POP in the store. If you listen to the customer's request and look at the products that have started to be handled, popular products, and display shelves, they are also visualized, so it is good to know not only the store side but also the user's recommended products ♪ * ゜ Also, the side dishes are very delicious ? However, it is difficult to use for daily shopping of ingredients, daily necessities, etc. because it is quality-oriented and higher than others. However, I recommend it because it is a shop where you can meet the products you want to buy even if it is expensive. Postscript ~ As an aside, the toilet paper in the in-store toilet is not white, and it has a nice color that is a natural material. Wow, I want to use this at home! !! ? I thought. I immediately searched for a product in the store and found it, but it was expensive. Don't buy it, it's a super consumable item, so I'll buy it when it gets cheaper! It's a request (laughs)
akiko on Google

「こんなお店があるよ」と教えてもらい行きました。駐車場は広いです。 生産者が分かるのはもちろん無添加でこだわりのある食品が沢山あり他のスーパーにはない物もあるので見るだけでも楽しいです。 お値段は少しお高目ですが産地や使われてる材料などを重視されてる方は納得いくと思います。 旬のお野菜やお魚、変わったお菓子や沢山買ってしまいそうな焼き立てパン(^O^) また行こうと思います。
I was told that there is such a shop. The parking lot is large. Of course, there are many foods that are additive-free and stick to the producers, and there are some that are not found in other supermarkets, so it's fun just to look at them. The price is a little high, but I think that those who place importance on the production area and the materials used will be satisfied. Seasonal vegetables and fish, unusual sweets and freshly baked bread that you might buy a lot (^ O ^) I will go again.
篠崎真侑 on Google

岡山から神戸に向かう途中に見たことのないスーパーを発見。中に入ってみると、全国から取り寄せられたお菓子などがたくさん。 お菓子の他にも野菜やお肉、パンなども種類が豊富で見るだけでも楽しい。 海外のお菓子もたくさんありました。 近ければ、また行きたい。
I found a supermarket I had never seen on the way from Okayama to Kobe. When you go inside, you will find a lot of sweets ordered from all over the country. In addition to sweets, there are a wide variety of vegetables, meat, bread, etc., and it's fun just to look at them. There were also many overseas sweets. If it's close, I want to go again.

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