Yakushido Station - Sendai

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakushido Station

住所 :

3-16 Shirahagimachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0048, Japan

Postal code : 984-0048
Webサイト : http://www.kotsu.city.sendai.jp/subway/station/yakushido.html

3-16 Shirahagimachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0048, Japan
安藤重雄 on Google

I went to the hospital that moved from Taiwa Town to Rokuchonome today. It's just two stations east of the Sendai Tozai Line, so there's no sense of distance in terms of time, but the subway fare is added to the medical expenses, but I think it's important to go to your hospital. And from August, the poster inside the subway train has changed. Three members of Nogizaka46, who are used in commercials for local banks, have also changed. However, the uncle does not know the name. (Lol)
尾形憲幸 on Google

動物の形の菩提樹が近くの公園にあり、静かな所です。 駅の中にアイスの自販機があります。
An animal-shaped linden tree is located in a nearby park and is a quiet place. There is an ice vending machine inside the station.
YU A on Google

Just behind Seiwa Gakuen, it is a minor station that is usually quiet.
スゥミィ on Google

It is convenient for tourists because the historical site of Kokubun Temple is near.
Genli Wu on Google

La stacidomo malfermiĝis fine de 2015 kun la malfermo de la Sendai Urba Linio Tozai. La nombro de ĉi tiu stacio estas T10. Ĝi estas oportune situanta proksime al vaka oficejo de wakabayashi kaj proksimaj privataj lernejoj kaj ruinoj Kokubunji. Kompreneble jaŝuŝido pri la stacia nomo ankaŭ estas tie. Rakuten Stadiono ankaŭ estas pli proksima al ĉi tie, se estas komerco sur la suda flanko.
The station opened in late 2015 with the opening of the Sendai City Tozai Line. The number of this station is T10. It is conveniently located close to wakabayashi vacant office and nearby private schools and Kokubunji ruins. Of course a Yashushite about the station name is also there. Rakuten Stadium is also closer to here if there is business on the south side.
りょういちはが on Google

Since St. Ursula Academy is right in front of this place, it is easy to get crowded in the morning and evening, there are few bus stops at the bus terminal, but it is still easy to go to private places in Wakabayashi Ward, and it takes about 15 minutes from home, but either way. It's an easy-to-go station.
菊地和男 on Google

I am grateful to Seiwa students. I'm not in a position to say to me who lives in the area adjacent to Shibuya City.
1967 Akr on Google

In front of the station there is a rotary and a bus stop. The surrounding area is a residential area. Short walk to Mutsu Kokubunji Yakushido. Also, you can walk to Rakuten Life's home, Rakuten Life Park in about 10 minutes. It is also listed on the official website as one of the nearest stations.

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