Yakitori Daikichi - Kita City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakitori Daikichi

住所 :

1 Chome-27-9 Akabanenishi, Kita City, Tokyo 115-0055, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 115-0055
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ001172996/

1 Chome-27-9 Akabanenishi, Kita City, Tokyo 115-0055, Japan
kTクロヤツ on Google

I went with my children, but I was able to eat and drink calmly with the worry of the clerk. Yakitori was delicious and I ate it like kids competed. The food is delicious and the customer service is satisfactory and I want to use it again.
前村武雄 on Google

I was taking a break when I went. I was able to enter the last time I went.
Amane on Google

旦那と私と小学生の息子2人で行きました 焼き鳥が美味しくて、子供達もたくさん食べていました 旦那もお酒が呑めて大満足(^-^) 子連れでしたが居心地が良く、店員さんも話しやすかったです♫ 奥に4人席が2つあって、10人くらい入れそうでした 友達との集まりでも使えそうです(*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)♥︎ カウンター席もありました
My husband and I and two sons of elementary school children went Yakitori is delicious, and children ate a lot My husband also drinks very much and is very satisfied (^-^) It was a child, but it was comfortable and the clerk was also easy to talk to There are two seats in the back, and it seems to be about 10 people It seems that it can be used even in the gathering with friends (* ꆤ. ̫ꆤ *) ︎ There was also a counter seat
せきっちーグングン on Google

I like it since I was introduced by a friend and I come there about once a month. Anyway, the yakitori is delicious. My favorite is Tsukune, which is made by the owner himself. Occasionally, I sometimes sit at the counter seats, but the shopkeeper and regulars call out to me, so I think it's nice to have a Yakitori-ya counter. There are quite a few women who come alone, so I'm thinking of drinking one at Daikichi someday.
disk on Google

焼き立てはやっぱり美味しいですね! ただ具が小さめなのでコスパ的にはあまりよくないです。テイクアウトのおまかせ8種1000円が1番お得かもしれませんf^_^;
After all freshly baked is delicious! However, since the ingredients are small, it is not very good for cospa. Takeout entrusted 8 kinds 1000 yen may be the best deal f ^ _ ^;
YASU. T. on Google

焼いているところを目の前で見ながら、ゆったりと落ち着いてお酒を飲みつつ食べられました。 次はご飯モノを頼んでみたいと思います。
I was able to eat calmly while drinking while watching the place being baked in front of me. Next time I would like to ask for food.
xyz on Google

Yakitori shop reasonable and good customer service. It is recommended to connect rare parts! It was a nice shop that also deals with the topic PayPay and credit cards in the 10 billion yen campaign. Well! A
近江千賀子 on Google

他ではない焼き鳥が食べれます。美味しいですよ。お酒も私はビールのあとはスタコです。さっぱりしていて飲みやすいです。 店長さんがお話好きなので、お店の雰囲気が明るいです。
You can eat yakitori like no other. It is delicious. As for alcohol, I'm Staco after beer. It is refreshing and easy to drink. The store manager likes to talk, so the atmosphere of the store is bright.

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