Yakiniku Kura Ichimaku - Edogawa City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakiniku Kura Ichimaku

住所 :

2 Chome-24-12 Hirai, Edogawa City, Tokyo 132-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 132-0035
Webサイト : http://www.kuraichimaku.com/

2 Chome-24-12 Hirai, Edogawa City, Tokyo 132-0035, Japan
ZX豆 on Google

ユッケジャン麺は細いうどん風を使用している。(少しコクが無いかな…) カルビは……
Yukgaejang noodles use a fine udon noodles. (I wonder if there is a little richness ...) Calvi is ...
梶原大貴 on Google

隠れた名店! 平井で飲食店というとあんまり美味しいところは少ないが、 ここは格別! 値段もそこまで高くなく、おいしい! お肉の種類も豊富! ランチもやっているので、最初はランチで味を確かめるのもあり! 兎に角行ってみればまた行きたくなるようなお店! 是非ご賞味あれ!!
A hidden store! There aren't many restaurants in Hirai that are delicious, This is exceptional! The price is not so high and it is delicious! A wide variety of meat! I also have lunch, so at first I sometimes check the taste at lunch! A shop that makes you want to go again if you go to the corner! Come and enjoy it! !!
一見ペイペイ on Google

味はまずまずエリアでは三番手。 価格と味は●、接客は▲。何かが足りない。
The taste is reasonably third in the area. Price and taste are ●, customer service is ▲. Something is missing.
Miyuki洸海波 on Google

カジュアルな感じの作りのお店で バイトの子の手際の悪さに 残念なお店になっちゃいました。お肉は、普通な感じ ちょっと足を運んでみたけど、やっぱり家のそばの焼き肉屋さんの方がと思ってしまった。
It's a casual shop, but I'm afraid it's unfortunate because of the clumsiness of my child bite. The meat is normal. I went there a little, but I thought that the yakiniku restaurant near my house was the one I thought.
力石裕睦 on Google

平井近くで仕事がありランチに伺いました。 平井の商店街にあるお店で駅からも徒歩5分以内。 店内は新しいお店ということもあってとても清潔感があり、網の上には排気ダクトもあり煙を気にせず食べられました。 仕事終わりに同僚とや宴会にも使い勝手がよさそうです。 牛タンカルビランチを注文。 一見タンだけに見えますが下にカルビが6枚入っており非常にお得感のあるランチセットです。 タンは肉厚でさっと両面焼いてレモン汁でいただきます。 しっかりとした噛み応えと脂が広がりレモンがアクセントになって最高です。 カルビはタレにつけてあり、ご飯との相性抜群。 ランチでの焼肉はディナーで食べる焼肉とまた違った贅沢感が味わえますね。
I had a job near Hirai and I went to lunch. Within a 5-minute walk from the station at a shop in Hirai's shopping district. The shop was a new shop and there was a very clean feeling, and there was an exhaust duct on the net and it was eaten without worrying about smoke. It looks good for colleagues and banquets after work. Order the Beef Tan Carbi Lunch. At first glance it looks like only a tongue, but it is a lunch set with a very good sense of feeling that contains six pieces of Calvi below. Tan is thick and baked on both sides quickly and served with lemon juice. Firm bite response and fat spread and lemon is the best accent. Calvi is attached to the sauce, it is excellent compatibility with rice. Yakiniku for lunch has a different sense of luxury from the one you eat at dinner.
野宮シンタロウ on Google

I think it's a good store. The photo shows B lunch for 1230 yen, and the amount of meat is large, so I am quite satisfied. A lunch is about 1000 yen and is a set of ribs and beef tongue, but this is also quite good. Detailed services such as meat pieces in the soup are also ◎. It's a little disappointing that the customer service is a little unfriendly.
H K on Google

表の看板にはない限定メニュー先着5名様1280円のランチを注文。 犬のナントカと言う単語があったと記憶してます。 注文したらメニュー持ってかれてしまったので写真に収められず。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 焼肉ライク以外、あまり焼肉屋さんに行かないので(自分の)焼き方がイマイチだったかも… 折角の良いお肉を少し焦がしてしまったかな? でも美味しく頂きました(๑・̑◡・̑๑) チョット怖いなーと思ったのは、重箱に生肉が入ってるのでキャベツの千切りやご飯、ナムルやキムチなどに細菌が飛んでないと良いなと神経質モードw 正直、別皿提供だと良いなとは思いました。 焼肉専用の掴む奴とハサミでチョキチョキして食べるスタイルです。 ご飯普通盛りだと少食派や女性の方なら足りそうですが、今回は大盛りにしました(写真参照) ランチは平日のみでなく、土日もやってるようなので、今度は土日に行こうと思います。 11時半から13時半の間がランチタイムだそうです。 店員さんも親切に対応してくれて良かったです。 支払い方法は、現金、クレカ、PayPay対応でした。
Limited menu not on the front sign We ordered lunch for the first 5 people for 1280 yen. I remember there was a word called dog Nantoka. When I ordered, the menu was taken away so I couldn't put it in the picture. ゚ (゚ ´Д ` ゚) ゚. I don't go to yakiniku restaurants so much except for yakiniku-like, so maybe my (own) way of roasting wasn't good ... Did you burn the good meat a little? But it was delicious (๑ ・ ̑◡ ・ ̑๑) I thought it was scary because there is raw meat in the heavy box, so it would be nice if bacteria did not fly to shredded cabbage, rice, namul, kimchi, etc. Nervous mode w To be honest, I thought it would be nice to provide a separate plate. It is a style of eating with scissors and a grabber dedicated to yakiniku. It seems that small meals and women will be enough if the rice is served normally, but this time it was served large (see photo). Lunch seems to be held not only on weekdays but also on Saturdays and Sundays, so I will go on Saturdays and Sundays this time. Lunch time is from 11:30 to 13:30. I'm glad that the clerk also kindly responded. Payment methods were cash, credit card, and PayPay.
Maria Judith Calpo on Google

Best beef in the area, reasonable choice is the wagyu kalbi. Accepts credit card, visa and master

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