焼肉 やいち(YAICHI)

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 やいち(YAICHI)

住所 :

Nishiasakusa, Taito City, 〒111-0035 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://retty.me/area/PRE13/ARE9/SUB902/100001255799/
街 : Tokyo

Nishiasakusa, Taito City, 〒111-0035 Tokyo,Japan
WestAsakusa Mary on Google

来过几次日本,必吃的是烤肉。在东京生活的朋友给我推荐了这家店。果然不出所料,这家真的好好吃? 最意外的是,当地人才知道的店也有中文菜单,而且不是那种机器随便翻译的,点菜超方便。
I have been to Japan several times, and I have to eat barbecue. A friend who lives in Tokyo recommended this store to me. As expected, this house is really delicious. The most unexpected thing is that the local people know the store also has a Chinese menu, and it is not the kind of machine that translates casually, and the order is super convenient.
ma ki on Google

I was in a hurry to stay near here and was looking for a place to eat, but when I was refused everything and had nowhere to go, I called and got me in.
m h on Google

とさやで修行されたかたのおみせと伺い訪問しました。 分厚いお肉で満足感はあるのではないかと思います。
I visited the show of the person who trained in Tosaya. I think that the thick meat will give you a sense of satisfaction.
Lê Huy on Google

I went to Yaichi in Asakusa. It was lunch time, so I ordered the red beef bowl, which is a lunch-only menu. It was very delicious
sかん on Google

浅草の酉の市に行った後利用させていただきました~! なんでも浅草の超有名店の本とさやさんで修行された兄弟が独立されたお店とのこと! やきしゃぶサーロインめちゃめちゃ美味しかったです! これは店員さんが焼いてくれて、生タマゴをかけてくれました❗ エンターテイメントみたいでとても良かったし、味も最高でした! 他にも、肉寿司や太田牛などおいしいものだらけでした?✨✨✨ 店内には芸能人のサインもいっぱいあって、人気店という感じがビシビシ伝わって来ました!! 浅草で焼肉が食べたくなったら、やいちさん絶対おすすめです??? 再訪 ランチ限定のあか牛丼 肉と魚介のダシの効いたチゲスープ付きで、後半ぶっかけて食べます? めっちゃ美味しい?✌️
y y on Google

夜の時間でしかお邪魔した事はなかったのですが お昼に近くを通ったので行ってきました!ランチ限定の赤牛丼を注文したのですが想像を絶する美味しさでリピート確定しました。
I've only been in the way at night time I went there because I passed by near noon! I ordered a lunch-only red beef bowl, but it was decided to repeat with unimaginable deliciousness.
Nij uaphadunglert on Google

Mike W on Google

On Friday evening at 7:48pm, my family & I ate at this restaurant. We ordered a 7-item beef combo to grill on our own. After we ate the 3rd dish, we asked one of the workers what happened to our 4th to 7th dish. He told us the one mushroom chopped into pieces, chopped & shredded onions were counted as part of the 7 items. The menu didn’t specify what the items were. Also, we saw other customers were given napkins but we weren’t. They didn’t bother to refill our glasses with water. Finally, when the worker gave us our change after we paid, he didn’t even say thank you. We heard thank you only when we walked out. We will definitely not going back to this restaurant.

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