小さな結婚式 新潟店

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Contact 小さな結婚式 新潟店

住所 :

Yachiyo, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0909 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.petitwedding.com/shops/niigata/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–6PM
Sunday 11AM–6PM
Monday 11AM–6PM
Tuesday 11AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–6PM
Friday 11AM–6PM
街 : Niigata

Yachiyo, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0909 Niigata,Japan
N M on Google

おかげさまでとても良い式を挙げさせていただきました。 私たちの一生の思い出になりました! プランナーのMさんが私たちの心に寄り添ってくださり、とても安心して式を迎えることができました。 遠方の神父さんにzoom接続での式を実現してくれる、選んだ曲の絶妙なタイミングで流してくれる等、細かい要望にも柔軟に対応いただきとても満足しています。
Thanks to you, I gave you a very good ceremony. It became a memory of our lifetime! Mr. M, a planner, was close to our hearts and we were able to welcome the ceremony with great peace of mind. I am very satisfied with the flexibility of responding to detailed requests, such as allowing a distant priest to realize a formula with a zoom connection and playing the selected song at the perfect timing.
野瀬陽子 on Google

本当に親族だけの結婚式でほっこりしました。 色々な所に細かいサブライズがあり楽しかったです。ありがとうございました?
I really felt at home at a wedding ceremony only for relatives. It was fun because there were small subrises in various places. Thank you ?
ポーリンナタ on Google

There is a very kind staff and a pleasant photographer. As a small wedding, as a memorial shooting place, I will not regret it. There seem to be people who regret, but those people will regret anything ?
ももにゃん on Google

契約~撮影まで迅速で丁寧な対応でスムーズでした。衣装もたくさん着れて嬉しかったです。ヘアメイクさんも似合うように仕上げてくれて、カメラマンさんも笑顔になるように明るく話しかけてもらって、いい写真がたくさん撮れてました。一生分、褒めてもらえたと思います。(笑)家族にも旦那にも綺麗だねといってもらえ、撮影中もとても楽しくと幸せな時間でした。 本当にありがとうございました。一生に一度のフォトウエディングをここにしてよかったです。
From the contract to the shooting, the response was quick and polite, and it was smooth. I was happy to wear a lot of costumes. The hair make-up finished it to look good, and the cameraman talked brightly to make me smile, and I was able to take a lot of good pictures. I think I was praised for the rest of my life. (Laughs) My family and my husband told me that it was beautiful, and it was a very fun and happy time during the shooting. I'm really thankful to you. I'm glad I had a once-in-a-lifetime photo wedding here.
silent mode on Google

『これからここで結婚式をあげようとお考えのかたには是非とも他のところであげることを強くおすすめします。もう30万上乗せすればほかの会場でもっと立派で高クオリティの式をあげれます。どうかこれ以上被害者が増えないことを願っております』 当日は会場の係りの方が大変良くしていただきました。 また当日に祝電を頂いていたのに、1ヶ月後に「届いたけど気付かなかった」みたいな『手紙』が送られてきました。結婚式を生業にしているのに祝電の重みを全く理解してないようで、電話の一本もかかってきません。どういう関係のかたも理解せずに軽々しく手紙の一通だけ。 扱っているものの重さを全く理解してない。 ほかにも写真を十数万かけて撮ってもらったのですが、あれは参加してくださった人に見せるのも恥ずかしくなるぐらいのクオリティの写真でした。冗談抜きで高いカメラを使えば素人でも撮れます。私も一眼で写真を撮るので断言できます。 返金を求めるレベルです。
"For those who are thinking of having a wedding here, I highly recommend giving it elsewhere. If you add another 300,000, you can have a better and higher quality ceremony at other venues. I hope that the number of victims will not increase any more. " The person in charge at the venue was very good on the day. Also, I received a congratulatory telegram on the day, but a month later I received a "letter" like "I received it but didn't notice it." Even though I live in a wedding ceremony, I don't seem to understand the weight of the congratulatory telegram at all, and I don't even get a phone call. Only one letter lightly without understanding what kind of relationship it is. I don't understand the weight of what I'm dealing with. I also had hundreds of thousands of other photographs taken, but those were of such quality that it would be embarrassing to show them to the people who participated. Even an amateur can take pictures with a high-end camera without a joke. I also take pictures with a single lens, so I can assure you. This is the level for requesting a refund.
杉崎尚美 on Google

私が小さな結婚式新潟店様の見学を初めてしたのが昨年2020年9月でした。その時はまだ式を挙げるかどうかも決めていなくて、結婚式が未知の世界!?で式場がどのような場所なのか試しに見てみようと行ってみました。一般的な結婚式を、勝手に想像して大勢の前で派手な式は挙げたくない!と思っていました。そんな気持ちでいた私を180°変えたのが小さな結婚式新潟店でした。 チャペルに案内していただいて、入ってすぐに「なんて素敵‼︎」「私が求めていたのはこういう感じだ!」と思いました。チャペル全体に光が差し込み、シンプルな中に華やかさがあり、ゲストの笑顔が見られる距離で式を挙げられる!そんな風に思い、こちらで結婚式を挙げることに決めました。準備を進めていく中でも、スタッフの方は、私たちの不安に思うことに親身になって考えていただき、本当に安心して進めることができました。一生に一度の結婚式をこちらで挙げることができて、本当に良かったと思っています。
It was September 2020 last year that I first visited the small wedding Niigata store. At that time, I hadn't decided whether to hold a ceremony yet, and the wedding was an unknown world! ?? So I went to see what kind of place the ceremony hall is. I don't want to imagine a typical wedding ceremony and give a flashy ceremony in front of many people! I was thinking. It was the small wedding Niigata store that changed me by 180 degrees. When I was guided to the chapel, I immediately thought, "What a wonderful thing!" "This is what I was looking for!" Light shines through the entire chapel, the simple interior is gorgeous, and the ceremony can be held at a distance where guests can see their smiles! With that in mind, I decided to have a wedding here. As we proceeded with the preparations, the staff were kind enough to think about what we were worried about, and we were able to proceed with peace of mind. I'm really glad that I was able to have a once-in-a-lifetime wedding here.
祝真夢 on Google

親戚がついこの間コチラで式を挙げました。 コーディネーターの人が介添えやアナウンスなど色々してくれますがプロとは思えないレベル。ホテルとかの大きな結婚式と比べちゃいけないのかもしれませんが、もう少し社員教育を徹底してもらいたいと思います。
Relatives just gave a ceremony here. The coordinator will help you and make announcements, but it's a level that you can't think of as a professional. It may not be comparable to a big wedding ceremony at a hotel, but I would like you to thoroughly educate your employees.
Jarom Reid on Google

Ice Coffee was tasty, and the complimentary cookie package had a chocolate AND a coffee flavored cookie in it. Great experience. 5 stars.

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