Workman Kumagaya Kagohara - Kumagaya

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Workman Kumagaya Kagohara

住所 :

929-4 Niibori, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0841, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 360-0841
Webサイト :

929-4 Niibori, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0841, Japan
青木一弘 on Google

安全靴の種類が増えててオシャレなヤツもありました♪ ハイカットタイプもあるし、横幅も4Eなので痛くなさそうです! あとは耐久性次第でリピートします! お値段も2000円から4000円位なのでお財布にも優しいです(笑)
The variety of safety shoes has increased and some are fashionable ♪ There is also a high-cut type, and the width is 4E, so it doesn't seem to hurt! The rest will repeat depending on the durability! The price is around 2000 to 4000 yen, so it's easy on your wallet (laughs)
川島明 on Google

Anyway, it's cluttered. I went around Workman for a while, but there is nothing else. It seems that you are shopping in the warehouse. Instead, there are some popular out-of-stock items buried in other stores.
r L on Google

嫌な気分になりたくないのならここでは買わない方がいいと感じた 既に持っている他のワークマンで購入した物を使う時にも思い出されるから ワークマンは公式の苦情受付けも設置してないようだしこういう店舗がある意味小ブームになってるムードを落とすのだろうなと
I felt that I shouldn't buy it here if I don't want to feel unpleasant. It seems that Workman hasn't set up an official complaint reception because it reminds me when I use something I bought with another Workman I already have. I wonder if this kind of store will drop the mood that is becoming a small boom in a sense.
MrD4351 on Google

ジャケットのLサイズの在庫が無いのか聞いたのにLLサイズじゃだめなのかと言ってきた。こっちはLサイズが欲しいから聞いてるんです。 あと、床にダンボールが散らかっていて歩きにくい。常連?と喋っていないで陳列と整理整頓に務めた方がいいんじゃないですか?
I asked if the L size jacket was out of stock, but he said that the LL size wouldn't work. I'm listening because I want L size. Also, cardboard is scattered on the floor, making it difficult to walk. Regular? Isn't it better to work on display and tidying up without saying?
鈴木実 on Google

常連には位相が良い様ですが、一般客には対応がおうへいです。 店内でタバコを吸っているので商品がヤニ臭いのでご注意を!
もるもるブンタ on Google

最悪です。おじさんの態度が悪すぎます。レジの最中に2度ため息をつかれました。何か悪いことしました?他の方が試着していれば納得いかない顔。サービス業辞めた方がいいと思います。 店内は段ボール散乱してるし、まるで倉庫の中で買い物してるような感じです。本部の方はチェックしにこないのでしょうか。ワークマン行くなら他の店舗にします。籠原店には2度と行きません。
It's the worst. My uncle's attitude is too bad. I was sighed twice during the checkout. Did you do something wrong? A face that wouldn't be convincing if someone else tried it on. I think you should quit the service industry. The inside of the store is littered with cardboard, and it feels like shopping in a warehouse. Isn't the headquarters coming to check it? If you go to Workman, go to another store. I will never go to the Kagohara store.
ジェームス“モンド”もんど on Google

I bought work shoes. For less than 2000 yen, there were shoes that were durable, light, and reasonably casual. Sizes up to 28 cm, several shapes and colors, payment by card or cash. If your shoes are for everyday use and can get dirty, we recommend them from shoe mass retailers.
チャン on Google

ジャンバーが欲しいと思い、  メーカーを記録してお店へいき定員さんに聞くとそのメーカーは沢山あるので、それだけではわからないと言われたので、自分で探そうと思い、商品のある所は何処ですか?と聞くと案内もしてくれず、あのへんがそうだと口で説明されました。 皆さんが言っているように、商売をする気があるのかな?と思う態度でした、またおじさんの定員さんはお客と馴れ馴れしく話をしていました。 こんな不親切なお店は初めてです、いらっしゃいませも有りがとうございましたも無いお店でした、多分もう二度と行かないと思います。
I wanted a jumper, so I recorded the manufacturer and went to the store and asked the number of people, and I was told that there are many manufacturers, so I could not understand by that alone, so I decided to find it myself, where is the product? mosquito? He didn't give me any guidance, and he explained that it was the case. Are you willing to do business, as you say? The uncle's capacity was familiar with the customers and talked with them. This is the first time for me to have such an unfriendly shop. Thank you very much for visiting me. I don't think I'll ever go there again.

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