Wanikawa Shrine - Kita District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wanikawa Shrine

住所 :

1843-1 町下高岡 Miki, Kita District, Kagawa 761-0704, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887898
Postal code : 761-0704
Webサイト : https://kagawakenjinjacho.or.jp/shrine/%25E9%25B0%2590%25E6%25B2%25B3%25E7%25A5%259E%25E7%25A4%25BE/

1843-1 町下高岡 Miki, Kita District, Kagawa 761-0704, Japan
須和建一 on Google

You can usually attend.
川西基裕 on Google

It's solemn ✨

On October 5th, the children were talked about while drinking at the eve of the autumn festival.
Kaz on Google

I am always grateful to God
河合信幸 on Google

土地神様のおかげて、日々平穏無事にすごせております。目には、見えませんが、守って下さっていることを感じます。 感謝と合掌です。
Thanks to the land god, I am able to live in peace every day. I can't see it, but I feel that it protects me. Thank you and gassho.
豊田泰広 on Google

I went to New Year's Day and got a rice cake
100 caad on Google

You can't get the red stamp here unless you go to Hara Hachimangu. If you don't know, please contact us by phone before you pray.
宮本康弘 on Google

御祭神 豊玉姫命、応神天皇 元は郷社で下高岡、上高岡、西鹿庭、奥山の産土神で四条八幡宮または高岡八幡宮の名で知られています。延喜式讃岐ニ十四社の一つと云われています。 「その昔、海神の姫海の豊玉姫命が亀に乗り屋島潟元へ来て鵜芽葦不合尊を産みました。それでこの地名を浦生と云います。次いで鰐魚に乗り川を逆上り四条に着きましたので、ここに祠を建て神を祀りました。」これより鰐河とこの川を云いました。 また「応神寺記」によると聖武天皇の時、行基菩薩がこの地に来て泊まられ夢に神童が現れ「当地は神仏を祀るにふさわしい所であるから寺を建て薬師如来像を安置せよとお告げがあり応神寺と鰐河神社を建立した」とあります。 その後延喜七年(907年)宝蔵院明法師は一郷一八幡として高岡八幡宮を勧請したと云う。 応仁の乱後は社領を失い、神社は衰えしまった時代が長く続きます。天和三年(1683年)に禰宜が亡くなってからしばらくは応神寺によって祭礼がいた。 明治ニ年の廃仏毀釈の時、阿弥陀如来、懸仏などは願勝寺へ、薬師如来は真行寺へ送られた。 また応仁寺開基以来三十代の高岡覚勝は還俗して高岡繁と号し神宮職と成ったが、その後は岡本氏、神内氏と代わり今日に至る。 現在の本殿は昭和天皇即位の大典を記念して改築され、神橋は昭和七年にかけられた。 昔、当社に有った明徳の年号の入った梵鐘は現在、岡山県倉敷市児島の西輪寺にあります。
Goddess of God, Princess Toyoda, Emperor Ojin Originally a village shrine, it is a local god of Shimotakaoka, Kamitakaoka, Nishikaba, and Okuyama, and is known as Shijo Hachimangu or Takaoka Hachimangu. It is said to be one of the 14 Engi-style Sanuki companies. "A long time ago, the sea god Himekai's Toyoda Himemei came to Katamoto, a turtle, and gave birth to Ugayafukiaezu. That's why this place is called Urao. Since I arrived at Shijo, I built a shrine here and worshiped the god. " According to "Ojinjiki", when Emperor Shomu, Gyoki Bosatsu came to this place and stayed there, and a god child appeared in a dream. I was told that I built Ojinji Temple and Wanikawa Shrine. " After that, in the 7th year of Engi (907), Hozoin Meihoshi is said to have solicited Takaoka Hachimangu as Ichigo Ichihachiman. After the Onin War, the shrine lost its territory, and the shrine has been declining for a long time. For a while after the death of Sadayoshi in the 3rd year of Tenna (1683), there was a festival by Ojinji Temple. At the time of the abolition of Buddha in the 2nd year of the Meiji era, Amida Nyorai and Kakebotoke were sent to Gansho-ji Temple, and Yakushi Nyorai was sent to Shinko-ji Temple. In addition, since the opening of Oninji Temple, Kakukatsu Takaoka, who was in his thirties, returned to the profession and became a Jingu profession under the name of Shigeru Takaoka. The current main shrine was rebuilt in commemoration of the Emperor Showa's coronation, and Shinkyo was built in 1945. The Bonsho with the year of Meitoku, which we used to have, is now located at Nishiwaji Temple in Kojima, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture.

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