Wan Toyoda Kitaguchi - Hino

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wan Toyoda Kitaguchi

住所 :

アムーザビル 3F 1 Chome-2-2 Tamadaira, Hino, Tokyo 191-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 191-0062
Webサイト : https://wan-toyoda.gorp.jp/

アムーザビル 3F 1 Chome-2-2 Tamadaira, Hino, Tokyo 191-0062, Japan
岸尚之 on Google

とにかくコロナに負けず 従業員が頑張っている客の立場で 応援したくなる店
Anyway, I won't lose to Corona From the standpoint of customers whose employees are working hard Shops you want to support
市橋幸子 on Google

サラダお代わり無料が嬉しい? ドレッシングも数種類あり、最後まで食べていたい❗️今月は飲み放題1000円なので、予約して行きます‼️
I am happy that the salad is free instead of ? There are several kinds of dressing, and I want to eat until the end ❗️ This month's all-you-can-drink is 1000 yen, so I will make a reservation! ️
市川アキオ on Google

豊田北口から1分個室タイプで ゆっくり飲めますよ ? ツマミも手作り感 満載でマジに美味しい 最後の〆に出る味噌汁が懐かしい味で癒されま〰️す?️
You can drink slowly in the private room type for 1 minute from the north exit of Toyota. も The knobs are full of handmade feeling and are really delicious. The miso soup that comes out in the last 〆 is healed with a nostalgic taste.
K.K.C on Google

ご飯ものが丼、おにぎり、お茶漬けでした。チャーハンかのり巻きがあれば嬉しいです。 チーズメニューが結構あります。好きな方は嬉しいでしょうが、私は苦手なので残念でした。
The rice was rice bowl, rice ball, and ochazuke. I would be happy if there was a fried rice roll. There are quite a few cheese menus. If you like it, you'll be happy, but I'm not good at it, so I'm sorry.
野田豊美 on Google

お通しのサラダが大きめで嬉しい❗ ステーキとお刺身等を注文しました。ステーキのお肉柔らかくて旨し! お店の人の対応も丁寧でした。
I am glad that the salad is large. I ordered steak and sashimi. Steak meat tender and delicious! Correspondence of person of shop was polite, too.
安達澄昭 on Google

It opened from 16:00 and entered early. The clerk was alone, but it was nice to me. The drinks were provided quickly, and the food was provided at a problem-free pace, and it was a very good store. The sashimi was also polite and the fry was delicious.
kishi ryu on Google

料金的には2000円で1人まぁまぁ食えて飲めるくらい。 ゴートゥーイート対象です。 喫煙は個室の一室を改装みたいな感じです。 割と静かでいい感じ。
The price is 2000 yen and one person can eat and drink. It is a go-to-eat target. Smoking is like renovating a private room. It's relatively quiet and nice.
松浦美佳子 on Google

When I booked a seat, I felt that the cheese tsukune was free so I got it. It was a celebration of my son's high school graduation, but it was a private room so I was able to relax. Both food and sake are delicious and satisfying.

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