
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚登美

住所 :

Wakamiya, Nakano City, 〒165-0033 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Wakamiya, Nakano City, 〒165-0033 Tokyo,Japan
前田豪 on Google

RUI RICK on Google

店主のファンです^_^ ちょっと高いけど旬のお魚が新鮮に食べられます。いつまでも 頑張ってくださいね?
I ’m a fan of the shopkeeper ^ _ ^ It ’s a little expensive, but I can eat fresh seasonal fish. Please do your best forever ?
渡辺洋一 on Google

Uomi's sashimi that goes to the market every day is incomparable to the supermarket. It is a very valuable fishmonger.
fwhg4444 on Google

It is an old fish store in the city. Although the value stretches, the material is fresh. If you are rich, let's use it everyday. There is also a feeling of cleanliness.
森高新也 on Google

You can have sashimi of lively fish in front of you
かか on Google

色々なお魚屋さん、お寿司屋さんに行きましたが ◆東京で1番美味しいです♪ 道に迷い、優しく教えてくれ、その帰りお刺身を買って帰った事が、きっかけで通っています♪ 親切に対応していただいた事 お刺身を食べた感動は今でも忘れません。 ◆経験 心意気 新鮮な魚を選ぶ勘、全てが優れています。 あれから2年色々お話する中で知った事 店主は、80代である事 16歳から、この道に入った事 朝4時に豊洲まで仕入れに行っている事 奥様も気さくで話しやすい事 ◆お客様に美味しいお魚を食べてもらいたいという気持ちが伝わってきます。 それが、味に出ている。 ここのお魚を食べると、体も気持ちも元気になります。 値段も全然高くない。食べに行くと思えば、 私は安く感じます♪ 80代まで現役で仕事をしている姿 私も店主を見習い頑張ろうと思います。 いつも元気をいただき、ありがとうございます? 私は、このお店を全力で応援します(o^^o) 皆様、DHA・EPAなど栄養豊富で、新鮮なお魚を食べ健康になりましょう♪
I went to various fish and sushi restaurants ◆The most delicious in Tokyo♪ I lost my way, taught me kindly, and on the way back, I bought sashimi and went home as a chance ♪ Kindly responding I still remember the excitement of eating sashimi. ◆Experience and spirit All the intuition to choose fresh fish is excellent. What I learned from talking about various things for two years The owner is in his 80s I've been on this road since I was 16 years old Stocking to Toyosu at 4am Your wife is friendly and easy to talk to ◆ It conveys the desire to have customers eat delicious fish. That's what it tastes like. Eating fish here will make your body and feelings better. The price is not high at all. If you think you're going to eat, I feel cheap♪ Appearing to be active in his 80s I will try to imitate the owner as well. Thank you for your continued support ? I will do my best to support this shop (o^^o) Everyone, let's be healthy by eating fresh fish that is rich in nutrients such as DHA and EPA.
茂吉もきち on Google

老夫婦が営まれる、昔ながらの魚屋さん。 市場が豊洲に移っても、お変わりなく頑張られています。 値は張りますが、おいしい魚がいただけます。
An old-fashioned fish store run by an elderly couple. Even if the market moves to Toyosu, we are still doing our best. The price is high, but you can enjoy delicious fish.
塚本初江 on Google

My uncle and aunt are very friendly and kind. The fish are also carefully cooked and there are many fresh ones. The overnight drying is also excellent.

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