Wakabayashi Tropical Park Pet Shop - Toyohashi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wakabayashi Tropical Park Pet Shop

住所 :

Kurumada-1-18 Oiwacho, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-3147, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 441-3147
Webサイト : http://pswa.moo.jp/

Kurumada-1-18 Oiwacho, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-3147, Japan
加藤明 on Google

It's a familiar shop that I go to all the time ? The manager kindly tells me, but it takes time to respond because there are few employees ?
Trimming&BeautySalon NANA on Google

Mr. Wakabayashi is a very fun and kind person, so I recommend this pet shop d = (^ o ^) = b
イージーゴーグル on Google

The clerk's response is good and the discount is the best!
岡尚一郎 on Google

犬と猫以外のペットが色々居て、見るだけでも楽しい。 爬虫類の餌が豊富で、とても助かります
There are various pets other than dogs and cats, and it's fun just to look at them. Rich food for reptiles is very helpful
eringius on Google

鳥用品、小動物用品の品揃えは良い方だと思います。 熱帯魚や海産魚、爬虫類もいますが、私は詳しくないので品揃えなどはわからないです。
I think the assortment of bird supplies and small animal supplies is good. There are tropical fish, marine fish, and reptiles, but I'm not familiar with them, so I don't know the product lineup.
SN SD on Google

こちらショップでオカメインコを購入しました。 ホームセンターや小鳥専門店など何軒も周りました。 駐車場は広くて初めはここであってる?と不安でしたが店内に入る前に羊orヤギさんがお出迎えしてくれました。 店内はいろんな小動物がいました。 グッズも豊富でした。 気に入ったオカメインコがいたのですがキープして他の店舗も行きましたが、やっぱりこちらで購入。 決め手は ⚫︎お値段が相場であったこと ⚫︎触らせて頂いたこと ⚫︎餌やりのやり方を見せてもらい教えて頂いたこと ⚫︎とても丁寧に飼育の仕方を教えて頂いたことです。 生後1か月のオカメインコの雛でしたので 温度管理や餌やりの仕方や、餌の種類、餌替えの時期を詳しく教えてもらいました。 購入前に体重を測って、今後の目安になる様に指導してくれました。 不安な事があればいつでも連れてきて下さいと声をかけてもらい安心して購入できました。 いろんなお店を周りましたがここのショップが1番丁寧で安心できました。 実際触らせてもらい、餌やりをも見せてもらってどの方も方もとても丁寧に説明してくれました。 こちらで購入してよかったです。
I bought a cockatiel at this shop. There were many home centers and small bird shops. The parking lot is large and is here at first? I was worried that sheep or goats welcomed me before I entered the store. There were various small animals in the store. There were many goods. I had a cockatiel that I liked, but I kept it and went to other stores, but I bought it here. The decisive factor is ⚫︎ The price was quoted ⚫︎ What I touched ⚫︎ What you taught me by showing me how to feed ⚫︎ He taught me how to breed very carefully. Since it was a cockatiel chick one month old, They taught me how to control the temperature and how to feed, the type of food, and the time to change food. We measured the weight before purchase and gave us guidance as a guide for the future. I was able to purchase with confidence because I was asked to bring me anytime if I had any concerns. I went around various shops, but I was relieved that the shop here was the most polite. I actually touched it and showed me how to feed it, and everyone explained it very carefully. I'm glad I bought it here.
じるしる on Google

The parking lot is large and easy to park. Tropical fish are in the back of the store, other animals are on the front side, and food and gauges are placed in front of the cash register. The inside of the store is large, but the aisle is about the size of one person.
石河貫治(かんちゃん) on Google

Our family buys crickets for feeding reptiles here, but we handle a wide range of tropical fish, insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds (including birds of prey), and small animals.

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