Wada Fishing Port - Oi District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wada Fishing Port

住所 :

Wada, Takahama, Oi District, Fukui 919-2201, Japan

Postal code : 919-2201

Wada, Takahama, Oi District, Fukui 919-2201, Japan
greengumbyはにはに on Google

There are sandy beaches on the west side of the fishing port, tetrapods and rocky areas on the east side, and you can aim for many kinds of fish such as flatfish, kisses, root fish, sabiki in autumn, and small sea bream. The parking lot is free and there is a toilet, so I think it is a safe fishing spot.
morrison x on Google

The scaffolding is good, so it looks good for family fishing
武下直起 on Google

It is said that the nearby sandy beach is under maintenance, but it was a beautiful sea.
巌小谷 on Google

海開き直前に釣りに行って来ました。 コロナまんえん防止か?漁港近くの駐車場は閉鎖されてました。 近くの有料駐車場に停め釣り開始 朝方4時間程で キス20匹 タコ 二杯 サイズはまだ小さいですが楽しめました
I went fishing just before the opening of the sea. Is it corona prevention? The parking lot near the fishing port was closed. Stop fishing at a nearby toll parking lot 20 kisses, 2 octopuses in about 4 hours in the morning The size is still small but I enjoyed it
miki “みっこ” on Google

初夏キス釣りに?すこし暗いですが夜釣りも楽しめます。近くにトイレ有りで便利です(*^□︎^) イカ墨がたくさんありました✨ 釣りたてのイカでBBQしてはるグループも多く、美味しそうな匂いが充満してました? ガレージと釣り場が綺麗になってましたので☆4→☆5変更しました。
For early summer kissing ? It's a little dark, but you can also enjoy night fishing. It is convenient because there is a toilet nearby (*^□︎^) There was a lot of squid ink ✨ There were also many groups that had BBQ with freshly caught squid, and it was full of delicious smells ? The garage and fishing grounds have been cleaned up, so we changed ☆4 → ☆5.
Keizo Otsuka on Google

地元ですやん。 子供の頃にいろんな事をしましたが、変化もありますね。
I'm local. I did a lot of things when I was a kid, but there are also changes.
釣り鯛ぞう on Google

若狭和田 勝漁丸 釣らせ屋の凄腕船長です。 Amebaブログでも毎回の釣果を紹介してられます。
Wakasa Wada Katsuyomaru is a great captain of a fishing maker. The Ameba blog also introduces the fishing results every time.
kasabura akasa on Google

とても綺麗な海でした。毎日地元の方が砂浜の掃除をしてらっしゃいました。とても綺麗なのには訳があるんですね。 ポスターになるほど綺麗な海ですが、コロナであまり人はいませんでしたが、SUPのインストラクターの方に教えてもらう方もおられるみたいで楽しそうでした。 9/5に悲惨な事故が起こり、1人の尊い命が失われた事、お悔やみ申し上げます。 その日は朝からブイの回収に男の人が大人数居られました。
It was a very beautiful sea. The locals cleaned the beach every day. There is a reason why it is so beautiful. The sea is so beautiful that it becomes a poster, but there weren't many people in Corona, but it seemed to be fun because some SUP instructors taught me. We regret that a tragic accident occurred on 9/5 and the precious life of one person was lost. From the morning of that day, there were a large number of men collecting buoys.

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