Vacca Rossa - Minato City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Vacca Rossa

住所 :

6 Chome-4-11 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 107-0052
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–9PM
Thursday 11:30AM–9PM
Friday 11:30AM–9PM

6 Chome-4-11 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
ゆっきーもーりー on Google

食べログランチコースで3000円くらいでリーズナブルにとっても満足いくお昼になりました^_^ メインが5種類くらいから選べて連れとハンバーグ2種類を食べ比べしました。 お店も白が基調で清潔感と爽やかさが溢れてます。 1人ランチの方も多く、ランチも1100円からあり1人でも入りやすいお店です。
It was a reasonably priced lunch for about 3000 yen at the Tabelog Lunch Course ^_^ I chose about 5 kinds of main and compared two kinds of hamburger and hamburger. The shop is also based on white and is full of cleanliness and freshness. There are many one-person lunches, and since the lunch starts from 1100 yen, it is a shop where even one person can easily enter.
西山寛 on Google

薪焼きの料理を探してこちらに辿り着きました✨ お一人様セットで、サラダとパン、薪焼きのビステッカ500g!!と、お肉に特化した「うちの肉を食べてくれ!!」と、言わんばかりの内容?(サラダとパンのレベルも高いですよ) この調理法に合った赤身のお肉(十勝清水町の若牛と教えてくださいました)なんだと思います! パッと見で肉汁が零れたりはしません。噛み締めてはじめて肉汁を感じる仕上がりになってます。 しっかりとした塩コショウで旨味がバッチリ引き出されてます。 食べ進める度にどんどん旨味が押し寄せてくるし、薪の良い香りも付いていて、500gじゃ全然、足りない! (つけあわせのトマトの水分を飛ばしたイタリア風のかんずりみたいのも素晴らしかった) このビステッカに合わせてブルネッロをいただきました! これがもの凄くマッチしてて、最高のマリアージュでした! 赤身のお肉なんで「溶ける~」とはなりませんし、それを期待していってないので? 流行りの脂身の多い柔らかいお肉だとこうはならないでしょう! この薪焼きのビステッカこそ、こちらのお店のアイデンティティなんだと感じました! お肉をガシガシ食べながら、しこたま美味しいワインをいただく…… そんな最高な時間を是非、また過ごしたいと思います!
I arrived here looking for a wood-fired dish ✨ A set of one person, salad and bread, and wood-grilled bistecca 500g! !! "Eat our meat !!", which specializes in meat, just said ? (The level of salad and bread is also high) I think it's lean meat that suits this recipe (tell me that it's a young beef in Tokachi Shimizu Town)! The gravy does not spill at a glance. Only after chewing it will you feel the gravy. The umami is brought out perfectly with solid salt and pepper. Every time I eat it, the taste is rushing in, and it has a nice aroma of firewood, so 500g is not enough! (It was also wonderful that it looked like an Italian-style Kanzuri with the water from the garnished tomatoes removed.) I got Brunello for this Bistecca! This was a great match and it was the best mariage! Because it's lean meat, it doesn't melt, and I don't expect it, so ? This wouldn't be the case with trendy, fatty, tender meats! I felt that this wood-fired bistecca was the identity of this restaurant! While eating meat, enjoy delicious wine ... I would love to spend such a great time again!
城ヶ崎まりあ on Google

I heard that it is a restaurant recommended by friends. From appetizers to main dishes, you can choose what you want to eat. On this day, I was able to mainly select Japanese black beef (multiparous beef) from Kochi prefecture that is not on the menu, so I chose that. Although the meat is voluminous, there is no unpleasant stomach pain after eating it, and although it is full of umami, it is light and flattened. It was very delicious because it was baked in consideration of the water content of thinned wood and firewood. For the first time in a long time, I came across a dish that impressed me in everything from appetizers to desserts. I will definitely visit you again.
ジャッキー社長 on Google

赤坂で若牛とチーズのオーブン焼きランチ 赤坂駅から徒歩3分、 イタリアンの百名店 「ヴァッカロッサ」を訪問。 平日の11時45分頃到着のところ待ち人無し。 すんなり入店できました。 Bランチ 1,500円を注文。 十勝若牛とアジアーゴチーズのオーブン焼き をお願いしました。 サラダ、パン、ドリンクのセットです。 10分くらいでグラタンのような盛り付けの 若牛のチーズ焼きが提供されました。 ふんだんに盛られたサイコロ状の牛肉は ジューシーで肉の旨味がしっかりあって 美味しいです。焦げ目のついたチーズの風味と コクが一体となって旨いです。 最後まで美味しく頂きました。
Oven-baked lunch of young beef and cheese in Akasaka 3 minutes walk from Akasaka station 100 famous Italian restaurants Visit "Vaccarossa". There is no waiting person when arriving at around 11:45 on weekdays. I was able to enter the store smoothly. I ordered B lunch 1,500 yen. Oven-baked Tokachi young beef and Asiago cheese I asked. A set of salad, bread and drink. Serve like gratin in about 10 minutes Young beef cheese grilled was offered. The abundant dice-shaped beef It ’s juicy and the meat tastes good. Is delicious. With the flavor of charred cheese The richness is delicious as one. It was delicious until the end.
霧島小五郎 on Google

土日祝日は予約しないと入れませんが、直前でも予約可能です。 高級感あふれるお店です♪ 前菜も絶品で食欲が出るような食材が出てきました。 コースは3種類で、パスタとメインディッシュは選択することができます。 僕はハンバーグを食べましたが、ハンバーグは味付けがさ!てるので、そのまま食べても美味しいですが、赤ワインで煮たソースをつけると味変できるので2度楽しめました。 駅から少し離れているので落ち着いた場所でまた行きたいと思いました♪
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays cannot be entered unless you make a reservation, but you can make a reservation even immediately before. It is a shop full of luxury ♪ The appetizers are also exquisite and the ingredients that give you an appetite have come out. There are 3 types of courses, and you can choose pasta and main dish. I ate hamburger steak, but the hamburger steak is seasoned! It's delicious to eat as it is, but I enjoyed it twice because I could change the taste by adding a sauce boiled in red wine. It's a little far from the station so I wanted to go again in a calm place ♪
n k on Google

いつ行っても予約で満席なので、予約した方が良いです。 ランチはランチセットが1,100円・1,500円、コースが3,000円。 お店の雰囲気も接客もとても良く、贅沢気分を味わえます。 お値段以上の満足感を得られるお店だと思います。
It is better to make a reservation as it is full with reservations whenever you go. For lunch, the lunch set is 1,100 yen and 1,500 yen, and the course is 3,000 yen. The atmosphere of the shop and the customer service are very good, and you can enjoy a luxurious feeling. I think it's a shop where you can get more satisfaction than the price.
Kurumi S on Google

平日の12時くらいにウォークインで訪問。ほぼ予約席で満席でしたが1席だけ空いており入店できました。予約した方がベター。 Bランチ 1500円 野菜サラダ、選べるメイン、カフェ メインは十勝若牛とモッツァレラチーズのオーブン焼きを選択。5分ほどでサラダから登場しました。サラダは良い意味で普通に美味しい。メインは20分ほどで登場。想像と全くビジュアルが違い驚きました。熱々のグラタンみたいになっておりシンプルにたっぷりなチーズと十勝若牛が。ぶつ切りにカットされたお肉がごろごろ入っており美味しかった。店内の雰囲気もサービスも良い。おすすめ。
Visited by walk-in around 12:00 on weekdays. Almost all reserved seats were full, but only one seat was available and I was able to enter the store. It is better to make a reservation. B lunch 1500 yen Vegetable salad, main course to choose from, cafe The main choice is tokachi young beef and mozzarella cheese baked in the oven. It appeared from the salad in about 5 minutes. Salads are usually delicious in a good way. The main appears in about 20 minutes. I was surprised that the visuals were completely different from what I imagined. It looks like a hot gratin and has a simple amount of cheese and Tokachi young beef. The meat was cut into pieces and it was delicious. The atmosphere and service inside the store are good. recommendation.
Koichiro Matsuda on Google

a bit expensive

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