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Contact うらしまパン工房

住所 :

Urashimacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0042 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday 8AM–6PM
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8AM–6PM
Friday 8AM–6PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Urashimacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0042 Kanagawa,Japan
菅勝彦 on Google

サクサクのパンが美味しかったです。 コヒーを飲みながらちょっといっぷく。
The crispy bread was delicious. A little while drinking coffee.
オロナイン軟膏 on Google

サクッと軽い系のパンが美味しいです。 ベタだけどチョココロネがお勧め
The crispy and light bread is delicious. It's solid, but chocolate cornet is recommended
みくに on Google

パンは普通かなと マシンのコーヒーなのに結構美味しかった 接客はイマイチというか嫌な感じ 鏡越しにジロっと見られ その後も素っ気ない態度
I wonder if bread is normal Even though it was machine coffee, it was quite delicious The customer service is not good or unpleasant Seen through the mirror Even after that, a casual attitude
石原修介 on Google

There is a bakery in this place. However, the popular bread was selling around noon. Your neighbors are coming. It's delicious when you try it. The mini-sized bread is delicious and incomplete. I like purple potato sesame bread because it's chewy, and the sweetness is modest.
kaze nekono on Google

I'm sorry. Correspondence is not so good. Do you want the bread to cool as well? There is no service. The taste falls when the baked bread also cools.
Hitomi Noguchi on Google

恋人の自宅近くのため、昼間に一人で何度も訪問。 価格は割と良心的だと感じる。 定番から季節商品まであるが、午後などは売り切れが目立つ。 ハード系は個人的に好きでないので、こちらのお店のようにソフト系は大好きだ。 持ち帰りのみの利用だが、紙のトレーは不便だ。 バッグやショッピング袋に入らない… 帰宅してからも、個包装の袋の上から持って食べたい自分としては(手で持ちたくない)、紙のトレーだとどうして良いのか分からず。 トレーのみが不便だ。
Since it is near my lover's home, I visited many times by myself in the daytime. I feel that the price is relatively reasonable. There are standard to seasonal products, but sold out in the afternoon. I personally don't like hardware, so I love software like this one. It's only for take-out, but paper trays are inconvenient. Doesn't fit in a bag or shopping bag ... Even after I got home, I don't know what to do with a paper tray as I want to carry it over an individually wrapped bag (I don't want to hold it by hand). Only the tray is inconvenient.
横浜ケント on Google

テイクアウトで利用。 イートインスペースもあります。 支払いは交通系ICカード❌です。 感染症対策○ コロネ(クリーム) 151円 カリカリカレーパン 151円 美味しく頂きました。
Used for takeout. There is also an eat-in space. Payment is a transportation IC card ❌. Infectious disease countermeasures ○ Cornet (cream) 151 yen Crispy curry bread 151 yen We had delicious.
kiyoshi hatano (ハタノキヨシ) on Google

第一京浜沿い、浦島町の交差点近くにあるお店です。 人気店らしく、11時過ぎに伺って既に品薄になりつつあるアイテムがちらほら。 ボードの季節限定メニューの他にも日替わりパンの種類が豊富らしく、毎日通っても飽きなさそう。 しばし迷いながらも【生姜焼きパン】と【明太フランスパン】をチョイス。こういう「男性目線」のラインナップはおじさんにとって有難いですね。 イートインスペースも設けられていて、買ったパンをオーブンで温めて食べられます。(ドリンク類の販売もあり) さて店内はどこを見渡しても小綺麗に手入れされていて、各テーブルにダスターが備えてあったり、広々としたトイレにはちょっとした装飾品が置かれていたり、お店の方の意識の高さ、趣味の良さが伺えますね。 こういうお店なら美味しいものしか提供していないに違いない、と確信しつついただくと、、、 はい、間違いありませんでした。 ご近所の方が羨ましい、ステキなお店です。
This shop is located near the intersection of Urashima-cho along Daiichi Keihin. It seems to be a popular store, and there are some items that are already running out after 11 o'clock. In addition to the seasonal menu on the board, there seems to be a wide variety of daily breads, so you won't get tired of going there every day. Although I was at a loss for a while, I chose [ginger-grilled bread] and [Menta French bread]. I'm grateful to my uncle for this kind of "male perspective" lineup. There is also an eat-in space where you can heat the bread you bought in the oven and eat it. (Drinks are also sold) By the way, the inside of the store is in good condition no matter where you look, and each table is equipped with a duster, and the spacious toilet has a little decoration, so the store is highly conscious. You can see how good the taste is. If you are convinced that such a store must offer only delicious food, ... Yes, there was no doubt. It's a nice shop that the neighbors envy.

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