ライトオン 亀田アピタ店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ライトオン 亀田アピタ店

住所 :

Unoko, Konan Ward, 〒950-0157 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Webサイト : https://biz.right-on.co.jp/shop/detail.php%3Fr%3D10100217
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Niigata

Unoko, Konan Ward, 〒950-0157 Niigata,Japan
なないろ on Google

I was looking for black jeans. A women's clerk responded graciously and was able to shop pleasantly ?
K K. on Google

It seemed uncomfortable to have a clerk working on expensive items. By the way, I wore glasses, I did n’t buy it
くまモン!!大好き on Google

staffが優しく、笑顔で気さくなので話しやすい。? 平日は客が少なくて、ゆっくり見れるから◎ 期間セール品も豊富で?️
The staff is kind and smiling and friendly, so it's easy to talk. Moth There are few customers on weekdays, so I can see it slowly ◎ A variety of sale items are also available
エアー on Google

千円のTシャツが、半額で売っていたので、6枚買いました。 女性の店員さんの対応がとても良かったです。
I bought six T-shirts for a thousand yen, because they were sold at half price. The correspondence of the female clerk was very good.
ヂャー on Google

昔のRight-onに比べ センスが変わった気がします。 アメリカ屋より安いイメージでしたが今は同じ価格でやっている感じ。 アメリカ屋に客が流れても不思議じゃないと思います。 安くしてくれ!!
Compared to the old Right-on I feel that sense has changed. It was a cheaper image than an American store, but now I feel like I'm doing it at the same price. I think that it is no wonder that customers go to American shops. Please make it cheap! !
まろうま on Google

I bought my son's shirt, but my brother at the cash register recommended a T-shirt that wouldn't twist my neck even after washing 100 times, so I bought an additional one (^-^)
Hoo T on Google

The clerk guided me to the fitting room and changed the size carefully. Obviously, the clerk these days tends to get rid of it when he gets busy.
suzuken (すずけん) on Google

店内は広く見やすく陳列されています。 最近、雑多に置かれ通路幅が狭い服屋さんも多いので好感が持てます。
The inside of the store is wide and easy to see. Recently, there are many clothing stores that are miscellaneous and have narrow aisles, so I like it.

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