Ugo Motor Driving School - Ogachi District

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ugo Motor Driving School

住所 :

Suginomiya, Ugo, Ogachi District, 〒012-1126 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 012-1126
Webサイト :
街 : Akita

Suginomiya, Ugo, Ogachi District, 〒012-1126 Akita,Japan
ヤクン on Google

It's not cheap, but I think it's a recommended driving school for people living nearby. I felt that many of the instructors were kind.
Rigu 0815 on Google

教官の教え方が優しくわかりやすく教えてくれる人と分かりずらく教える教官がいる 生徒にイライラしながら教えてくるから生徒側からしたらイラつく
Some instructors teach kindly and intuitively, while others teach incomprehensibly I'm frustrated from the student side because I teach the students frustrated
to sa on Google

バイクの免許を取得しようと入校して通いました。 自動車や二輪車など乗り物の免許全般ですが、人間には得意不得意あります。不得意な人でも学ぶ姿勢が大事!得意な人でも、お金を出しているのはこっちなのだからお客様という態度はいけませんよ(´ω`) 一生懸命な人には、教官も親身になって教えてくれる人ばかりです⤴
I went to school to get a motorcycle license. Although it is a general license for vehicles such as cars and motorcycles, humans are not good at it. It is important to learn even for those who are not good at it! Even those who are good at paying money are here, so don't be a customer ('ω`) For those who work hard, the instructors are also kind and will teach you.
Ромео Урувась on Google

受付の方で一番古株の雰囲気の女性(いわゆるご年配)がいますが、その方は人によって態度をコロっと変えるので不快です。 以前その方が入校手続きしていた方の身分証明書に「え〜、何この会社?こんな会社知らな〜い。これ、本物の会社?どこにあるの?(笑)」と大声で難癖つけていたのを見て心底ドン引きしました。
At the reception, there is a woman with the oldest atmosphere (so-called elderly), but that person is uncomfortable because the attitude changes depending on the person. The ID card of the person who had been enrolling in the school before said, "Well, what is this company? I don't know this company. This is a real company? Where is it? (Laughs)" When I saw it, I really pulled it.
No Name on Google

教官にクセがあります。 優しい教官は本当に優しいです。 しかし、嫌味っぽく遠回しに言ってきたり、心が折れそうになるくらい怒鳴ってくる教官もいます。 自分に合わない教官と当たった時は諦めてくださいとしか言えないです。
The instructor has a habit. A kind instructor is really kind. However, some instructors are sarcastic and sarcastic, and yell at me to the point of breaking my heart. If you hit an instructor who doesn't suit you, you can only say that you should give up.
匿名 on Google

良い教官より悪い教官の方が目立ちます。 嫌味に皮肉や人格否定などさまざまです。圧をかけてくる方もいました。教習を受けるとすぐに分かると思います。焦りやすい人には向いていないかもしれません。焦る→小言や嫌味→焦る→小言や嫌味の繰り返しになると思います。練習になりませんでした。私はそうでした。 話を聞くところ、路上教習中に生徒や他の車の運転手に対して毒を吐き続ける教官もいるようです。 もちろん優しく分かりやすく教えてくれる教官はいましたし、受付の方々の対応も親切でした。ただ、教官は指名制ではないようなので、教官の性格や自分と教官の人間関係が心配な方には卒業まで憂鬱な日々が続きます。 ただ、受付の方々と、少ないですが「良い教官」は確かにいます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Bad instructors stand out more than good instructors. There are various sarcasms such as irony and denial of personality. Some people put pressure on it. You will find out as soon as you take the lesson. It may not be suitable for people who are easily impatient. I think it will be a repetition of impatience → small words and sarcasm → impatient → small words and sarcasm. It wasn't a practice. I was. From what I hear, it seems that some instructors continue to poison students and other car drivers during road training. Of course, there was an instructor who taught me in a gentle and easy-to-understand manner, and the receptionists were kind. However, it seems that instructors are not nominated, so those who are worried about the instructor's personality and the relationship between themselves and the instructor will continue to be depressed until graduation. However, there are certainly some "good instructors" with the receptionists. I'm glad if you can use it as a reference.
SMK on Google

There is an instructor who tells me, I'm terribly discouraged. Every human being has a small mistake. However, there are also instructors who gently teach me what I made mistakes in the instructor's training and improve my driving skills while complimenting me. Children absorb faster when they drive happily
yaya on Google

いい教官もいますがカスみたいな教官が目立ちます。 言い返したら、あなたみたいな生徒は初めてだ等言われました。(佐善) (佐富) 判子の名前しかわなりませんが、個人的にはこの2人がかなりのクズでした。 S字カーブで急ブレーキ踏まれたり。態度悪そうにされたり。 もしカス教官に当たったらその時はグッと堪えて、後で電話などで事務の方に相談し、担当から外してもらいましょう。
There are good instructors, but instructors like Kas stand out. In other words, I was told that it was the first time for a student like you. (Sazen) (Satomi) I only know the name of the seal, but personally, these two were quite a waste. You can step on the brake suddenly on an S-shaped curve. The attitude seems to be bad. If you hit Kas instructor, please be patient at that time, and later consult with the office staff over the phone etc. and have them removed from the charge.

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