Tsutsujigaoka Tennis Center - Wakayama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Tsutsujigaoka Tennis Center

住所 :

4 Chome-4 Tsutsujigaoka, Wakayama, 640-0115, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87887
Postal code : 640-0115
Webサイト : http://www.mizuno.co.jp/facility/wakayama/tsutsujigaoka.aspx

4 Chome-4 Tsutsujigaoka, Wakayama, 640-0115, Japan
正徳大野 on Google

I use it for practice. There is a dome and it is okay in the rain, but there are few toilets. The toilet beside the court is Japanese style.
美由紀矢野 on Google

ドームがあり、日射しがしのげてよかったです。 更衣室も男女で別フロアでシャワールームも前室が広めでよかったです。?
There was a dome and it was nice to get out of the sun. It was nice that the changing room was a man and woman, and the front room was wide on a separate floor. ?
北野武 on Google

綺麗なテニスコートで屋内も4コートありとても良い施設です。 駐車場もたくさんあります。
It is a very good facility with a beautiful tennis court and 4 indoor courts. There are also many parking lots.
内田茂 on Google

A beautiful tennis court run by the Mizuno Group
森森 on Google

テニスコートが屋外15面?屋内4面?あります。 登録していないと利用できません 受付で10分程度で登録できます アイスの自動販売機もあり夏でもおすすめです
15 tennis courts outdoors? 4 indoors? There is. It can not be used if you have not registered You can register in about 10 minutes at reception Ice vending machines are also recommended, even in summer
mina capo on Google

There is a long roof on the stand seats. I think this will alleviate the midsummer sunshine a little.
けーちゅん社長 on Google

室内もあって、コートは完璧です! 値段も安く使いやすいです。
There is also a room, and the coat is perfect! It is cheap and easy to use.
すだち on Google

テニス合宿で訪れました。 休暇村のホテルに前泊しバスで朝移動。 こんなに立派なインドアコートでプレーするのは初めてです! 都会のインドアは横は狭いわ、天井低いわでとてもプレーしずらいですがこちらのコートはかなり広々としたコートで天井も高いのでロブも気にせず打てます。 観覧席も広く椅子がたくさんあり、コートが見渡せやすいです。 駐車場も、たくさんありアウトドアオムニコートも綺麗でした。
I visited at a tennis camp. We stayed at a hotel in Kyukamura the night before and moved by bus in the morning. It's the first time I've played on such a fine indoor court! The indoors in the city are narrow on the side and the ceiling is low, so it is very difficult to play, but this court is quite spacious and the ceiling is high, so you can hit without worrying about Rob. The bleachers are large and there are many chairs, so it is easy to see the court. There were many parking lots and the outdoor omni court was beautiful.

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