TSUTAYA Tokamachiten

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact TSUTAYA Tokamachiten

住所 :

Asahicho, Tokamachi, 〒948-0000 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://tsutaya.tsite.jp/store/detail/3152/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–8PM
Sunday 9:30AM–8PM
Monday 9:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–8PM
Thursday 9:30AM–8PM
Friday 9:30AM–8PM
街 : Niigata

Asahicho, Tokamachi, 〒948-0000 Niigata,Japan
樋口隆幸 on Google

There was a book I've always wanted. I think the customer service of the clerk was also very good.
阿明秀明 on Google

The clerk is very smart and the accounting is quick.
千恵子村越 on Google

The number of rental DVDs is plentiful, the CDs are plentiful, and the clerk is kind, but be careful as some rental DVDs have many scratches.
るなるな on Google

I thought that if I had a little more stationery supplies, I could buy them while I was shopping. It's a little disappointing because there are many children and there is a restaurant in the game center.
中村文人 on Google

TSUTAYA is TSUTAYA, but it's not big as a store because it's in Lion D'or!
旅人 on Google

あるアーティストの昔の8cmCDをネットだと送料等かかるのでどこかに売ってないかなと思っていたらたまたま立ち寄ったこちらのTSUTAYAに売っていて驚きました。 小さいTSUTAYAですが意外と痒いところに手の届くお店でした。
I was surprised to see that an artist's old 8cmCD was sold to TSUTAYA, who happened to stop by, because I thought it would be sold somewhere because it would cost shipping costs. Although it was a small TSUTAYA, it was a store that was surprisingly easy to reach.
柳千恵子 on Google

It's a fun shop with a lot of goods and the capacity is very kind! ????
匿名希望 on Google

レンタルDVDについてはアニメの種類が非常に豊富であり もちろん全てのアニメがあるわけではないのですが かなり品揃えは優秀です。 ないアニメ作品については取り寄せが可能で この前店員さんに質問したら1枚300円で取り寄せ可能だと教えてくれました。
There are a lot of anime types for rental DVDs Of course, not all animations are available The assortment is quite excellent. You can order non-anime works When I asked a previous clerk, he told me that it can be ordered for 300 yen per sheet.

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