
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 横浜ロイヤルカイロプラクティック

住所 :

Tsuruyacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0835 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.yr-c.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsuruyacho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0835 Kanagawa,Japan
内藤典子 on Google

I have been there before pregnancy. I am indebted to the care of my postpartum body. Careful explanation and treatment for back pain, knee joint pain improvement, and pelvic correction made it much easier. This is a highly recommended clinic as well as the teacher's skill, because it is bright and easy to talk. I'll be fine every time!
ヒラワタユミコ on Google

体の歪みや冷え性が気になって、通い始めました。 しっかりした技術を持った、気さくで楽しい先生です。 施術中は、体だけでなくいろんな相談にも乗ってもらえるので 体も心も軽くなって帰ることができます。 着替えも用意されているので、服装や荷物を気にせず 通うことができます。
I was worried about the distortion and poor circulation of my body, so I started going. A friendly and fun teacher with solid skills. During the treatment, you can get various consultations as well as your body. Your body and mind will be lighter and you will be able to go home. Change of clothes is also available, so you don't have to worry about your clothes and luggage. You can go.
中澤弘子 on Google

I am taking care of my backache. He had his waist healed just the other day. After the treatment, the body will be so light that you will be surprised. He also gave me guidance on my daily posture and started to be careful. I didn't mind back pain and it was really good. I think that women's specialty can be relaxed and relaxed.
久保山裕 on Google

I looked for pelvic care and pelvic correction after childbirth. I brought the baby and it was really good that it was OK. The director is a woman who can be seen directly from beginning to end and feels very good and his arms are very good. He gave me a good explanation and was relieved. I'll do my best to return my broken body after birth. Already once, pants are loose. I look forward to working with you.
s y on Google

At the beginning of my visit, my purpose was postpartum pelvic care, but I am still indebted once a month for maintenance. Not only did I tend to get back pain from desk work, but I also had migraines from my optic nerve during my long hours of PC work, but since I went here, I have recovered to a state where I hardly notice. I would like to continue to take care of you!
sa my on Google

肩こりと指のしびれがひどく、駆け込み寺のように予約を入れさせていただいてから、ちょうど1年になります。 初めは毎週で毎回爆睡してしまうくらい気持ちがよかったです。半年目くらいでかなりよくなり、生理前後の頭痛も回数が大分減りました。 日常生活の中で気をつけた方がいいことなどを、詳しく教えてくださったり、とても親切で安心です。 なんといっても、女性専用、完全予約制の1人体制なので、落ち着くことができます。 施術後は、毎回お風呂上りのように気持ちがいいので、やめられません!
I have a lot of stiff shoulders and numbness in my fingers, and it's been exactly one year since I made a reservation like a rush temple. At first, I felt so good that I fell asleep every week. It improved considerably in about half a year, and the number of headaches before and after menstruation was greatly reduced. It is very kind and reassuring to tell me in detail what you should be careful about in your daily life. After all, it's a one-person system that is exclusively for women and requires a reservation, so you can calm down. After each treatment, it feels like taking a bath, so I can't stop!
まう on Google

I have been attending for over a year. We are very happy that you can change your clothes, which is exclusively for women, and that you can perform the treatment accurately one-on-one. The place where the problem is wrong is different every time, but please heal it properly. I would like to continue to attend.
M K on Google

How many years ago did you first take care of me? Suddenly my lower back hurt and I couldn't lift my legs, but I was impressed by the fact that it was cured with a single treatment. Since then, I've been attending regularly, and I'm really looking forward to hearing from you because the teacher is kind and nice, not to mention the comfort of my body!

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