ぷらす鍼灸整骨院 鶴ヶ峰院

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Contact ぷらす鍼灸整骨院 鶴ヶ峰院

住所 :

Tsurugamine, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0022 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://plusseikotsuin.com/shoplist/tsurugamine/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–1:30PM
Thursday 10AM–1:30PM
Friday 10AM–1:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsurugamine, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0022 Kanagawa,Japan
sae N on Google

親身に対応してくれる整骨院は初めてでした 今までは捻挫とかのイメージしかなかったけど定期的な自分のメンテナンスとして行こうと思います
It was the first time for me to have an osteopathic clinic that was kind to me. Until now, I only had the image of a sprain, but I'm going to do it as a regular maintenance.
耀茂木 on Google

働いてる皆さんの挨拶がしっかりしていて毎回気持ち良く通ってます。 院内は清潔感もありアットホームな雰囲気です。 痛みの確認を毎回してもらえるので、その痛みに合わせた治療を行なってもらえます。
The greetings of all the working people are solid and I feel comfortable every time. The hospital has a clean and cozy atmosphere. You will be asked to confirm the pain every time, so you will be treated according to the pain.
Y cocoa. on Google

いつもお世話になっております。 腱鞘炎の痛みが強く、どうにかならないものかと口コミも良いこちらを利用させて頂きました。 約1年前から整形外科を受診していましたがなかなか改善せず、痛み止めを飲まないと手を動かせない毎日でした。仕事上手を休ませる事が難しく、痛みで寝つけない事も多かったのですが、2ヶ月程前からこちらに通い始め、痛みが和らいでいきました。 症状なども詳しく丁寧に聞き取ってくださり、上半身矯正やマッサージ、電気治療を組み合わせて根本から改善される施術をして頂き、今では痛みがほぼなく、すっかり薬いらずです。重かった肩や腕回りも楽に動かせるようになり、嬉しいことに二の腕もスッキリしました(^^) 院内は広く清潔感もあり、検温や消毒などコロナ対策もされているので安心して過ごせます。 先生がいつも親切丁寧な対応で、とても優しく気さくに接してくださるのでお話もしやすく、何より施術の効果を実感しているので信頼してお任せできます。 受付の方や先生方、皆さんが明るく丁寧な対応で優しい方ばかりです。いつも和やかな雰囲気で通いやすいですし、体がとっても楽になるので今後も通わせて頂きます。いつもありがとうございます(^^)
Always we are indebted. I used this because the pain of tendonitis is strong and the word of mouth is good. I had been undergoing orthopedic surgery for about a year, but it didn't improve and I couldn't move my hands without taking painkillers every day. It was difficult for me to take a rest from my work, and I often couldn't sleep because of pain, but I started going to this place about two months ago and the pain was alleviated. He listened to the symptoms in detail and carefully, and he performed a treatment that would improve the condition from the ground up by combining upper body correction, massage, and electric treatment. Now, there is almost no pain and no medicine is needed. The heavy shoulders and arm circumferences can now be moved easily, and I'm happy to say that my upper arms are also refreshing (^^) The hospital is spacious and clean, and corona measures such as temperature measurement and disinfection are taken, so you can spend your time with peace of mind. The teacher is always kind and polite, and he treats me very kindly and kindly, so it is easy to talk, and above all, I feel the effect of the treatment, so I can trust it. The receptionists, teachers, and everyone are cheerful, polite, and kind. It's always easy to go in a peaceful atmosphere, and it makes my body very comfortable, so I will continue to go there in the future. Thank you always (^^)
胡椒ゆず on Google

肩に痛みがあり初めての来院でしたがとても皆さん気さくに話しかけてくださり緊張せずに受けることができました。 体の調子も良くなってきてとても嬉しいです。 ありがとうございます。
I had a pain in my shoulder and it was my first visit to the hospital, but everyone talked to me very kindly and I was able to receive it without being nervous. I am very happy that my physical condition is getting better. thank you.
trp ms on Google

こちらのざっくりとした症例から症状を汲み取って施術をしていただけるので、安心してお任せすることができます。 私は初診では肩を見ていただきましたが、矯正を受けたあとすぐに効果が実感できましたし、長期的にも改善を感じています。
You can take the symptoms from this rough case and perform the treatment, so you can leave it to us with confidence. I had my shoulders looked at at the first visit, but I realized the effect immediately after receiving the correction, and I feel that it has improved in the long run.
bis ket on Google

娘がべた褒めだったので紹介してもらい行ってみました。 すごく親切丁寧で、痛みや悩みに対して真摯に答えてくれ対応も教えてくれました。電気等はなく、マッサージでほぐしてからの施術となりますのでとてもすっきりします。もちろん痛みも軽減され動きも良くなります。いつも行っているところが物足りないなぁと感じている方は是非試しに行ってみてください。きっと満足されると思います。
My daughter was a solid compliment, so I asked her to introduce me. He was very kind and polite, answered sincerely to his pain and worries, and taught me how to deal with it. There is no electricity, and the treatment is done after loosening with a massage, so it is very refreshing. Of course, the pain is reduced and the movement is improved. If you feel that you are not satisfied with what you are doing all the time, please give it a try. I'm sure you will be satisfied.
光島哲郎 on Google

肩の痛みの為、1月から通院してますが店内も明るくて雰囲気もよく、丁寧で適切な施術で、身体も着実に改善してきていると実感してます。店内にいる方たちも 皆様明るくて親切です。駅からも近く立地もいいと思います。
I have been going to the hospital since January because of shoulder pain, but the inside of the store is bright and the atmosphere is good, and I feel that my body is steadily improving with careful and appropriate treatment. Even those who are in the store Everyone is cheerful and kind. I think the location is good near the station.
森下大喜 on Google

腰痛で2〜3ヶ月前より通っています。 初回は自分の症状を細かくヒアリングしていただきました。まだ完治しておりませんが、的確な対応とアドバイスにより症状が大幅に改善されました。またお世話になることがあればお願いしたいくらいおすすめいたします。
I have been suffering from back pain for 2 to 3 months. At the first time, I had you hear my symptoms in detail. Although it has not been completely cured yet, the symptoms have been greatly improved by appropriate response and advice. We also recommend that you take care of us.

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