ぷらす鍼灸整骨院 綱島院

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Contact ぷらす鍼灸整骨院 綱島院

住所 :

Tsunashimanishi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒223-0053 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877999
Webサイト : https://plusseikotsuin.com/shoplist/tsunashima/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5:30PM
Sunday 9AM–5:30PM
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsunashimanishi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒223-0053 Kanagawa,Japan
Yuki Sato on Google

肩と首の調子が悪く通い始めました。 全然動かなかった右の肩甲骨も矯正で動くようになりました。 その時の状態を見ながら施術してくださるので、毎回良い状態になって帰れます。今まで疲れがとれないような状態が続いていましたが、今はすっきりとしています。
My shoulders and neck weren't feeling well and I started going. The right shoulder blade, which did not move at all, can now be corrected. The treatment will be performed while observing the condition at that time, so you will be in good condition every time you return. I used to feel tired, but now it's refreshing.
中西舞 on Google

I had a terrible feeling of tension in my waist and back and went to the hospital. I had a massage and correction of the upper and lower body, which made it much easier. I still have a feeling of tension and my body is hard, so I will go to the hospital for treatment. The atmosphere of the hospital is also very good ☆
fuyuka hobo on Google

久しぶりにぎっくり腰をやってしまい、どこか治してくれないかと探した結果口コミがよくこの整骨院に来ました。 先生がみんな元気よく優しいです。 1日でもだいぶ良くなりこれから頑張って通いたいと思います。
As a result of searching for a cure after a long absence, I often came to this osteopathic clinic. All the teachers are energetic and kind. Even one day has improved a lot and I would like to do my best from now on.
a a on Google

偏頭痛もちで悩んでいましたが、職場の同僚に勧められて通院し始めました。 スタッフの皆さん明るく、たくさん声をかけてくださるので安心して通うことができます。 毎回終わった後はすぐにスッキリした感じになるので、今後も定期的に通っていきたいと思います。
I was suffering from migraines, but my colleague at work recommended me to go to the hospital. All the staff are cheerful and they talk to me a lot, so I can go there with peace of mind. After each session, I feel refreshed immediately, so I would like to continue to attend regularly.
yun yun on Google

When I was wondering where to do postpartum pelvic correction, I was happy that the staff said, "During treatment, the staff will hug you and heal you!", So I was able to come to the store with peace of mind. There were several groups with babies, which made me feel better. Many moms hesitate to go to the osteopathic clinic, saying I'm sorry if my baby cries. The staff are really kind to me, so I would like to recommend it to moms who want to correct their pelvis after giving birth.
Ken Imai on Google

慢性的な腰痛がありましたが、マッサージと矯正を週2回で3ヶ月程していただき、日常生活に支障ないまでに改善しました。 スタッフの方が皆さん明るく、いい雰囲気の中で治療していただいてます。 今後もメンテナンスで定期的に通わせていただきます。
I had chronic low back pain, but I had it massaged and corrected twice a week for about 3 months, and it improved to the extent that it did not interfere with my daily life. All the staff are cheerful and treat me in a nice atmosphere. We will continue to visit you regularly for maintenance.
mikako ohshio on Google

膝関節痛がしばらくあり、階段をのぼるのもつらかったのですが、ある日寝るときも痛くて曲げられず、急に歩けなくなったので、病院をさがしました。土日空いている病院がなかったので急いで予約をしてここにきました。 マッサージと下半身矯正をしていただき、その日から歩くのが少し楽になりました。今日で1ヶ月ほどかよっていますが、膝を曲げられるまでになりました。寝るときはもちろん痛くなくぐっすりねむれるようになりました。通院中に他の調子が悪いところも聞いてくれるので色々マッサージしていただき、良くなってます。 また、先生たちがみなさんとても明るく仲がいいので楽しく通っています。
I had knee joint pain for a while and it was difficult to climb the stairs, but one day when I went to bed, it hurt and I couldn't bend, so I couldn't walk suddenly, so I searched for a hospital. I didn't have a vacant hospital on Saturdays and Sundays, so I made a reservation in a hurry and came here. After having a massage and lower body correction, it became a little easier to walk from that day. It's been about a month today, but now I can bend my knees. Of course, when I went to bed, it didn't hurt and I could sleep soundly. While I'm going to the hospital, I'll hear about other things that aren't working well, so I'm getting better with various massages. Also, the teachers are all very cheerful and close, so I enjoy going there.
GeraldineKato Yabut on Google

I came at PLUS SEIKOTSUIN about a month ago for right leg pain and stiffness and it really helped me alot because the swolleness disappeared. Now i have little pain and stiffness so i will continue coming here because it really help me a lor and all the staff are so friendly and nice. Thanks to PLUS?

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